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Malala Yusufzai: Victim of Barbaric Terror and Dirty Politics

Oh really----how pathetic does that sound----has the nation reached the level of being totally disgusting where the conscience has completely died---.

Pak millitary needs to do what Gnaeus Pompey Magnus did to the spartans---. The nation is behind the millitary---take the al qaeda and taliban out and take anyone who gives them protection out.

Pak millitary made the mistake of listening to the public years ago and got into negotiations with the terrorists----and both paid a very heavy price---.

Malala don't need anyone's prayersd---Malala needss justice---the weak su'ck pakistani can neither provide justice nor do they have any character left in them to do the things their so called ancestors did---.

Where is Hajjaj Bin Yusuf---where is his Bin Qasim---.

Now thats called a 'jazbati' comment.
Exact opposite of what the OP is asking for

whoever did this; whoever bombs schools and wants to keep Jinnah's Pakistan backwards and in despair must be lined up and SHOT

And thats the problem...
The enemy hasnt been identified.
Ever heard if 'andhairay mein teer chalanaa'?
Thats what we been doing fir many years now.
We have to target specific individuals, not engage in indiscriminate slaughter of whole tribes.

No country would engage in wanton slaughter of its own citizens on such a massive scale. America doesn't mind killing so many Pakistani civilians by drones because these are not American citizens and they don't give a damn about collateral damage or blowback. Pakistan can not afford to be so callous about civilian deaths; otherwise the military operation will create more problems than it solves.

Once again, Imran Khan has the balanced solution: kill the hardcore fanatics, stop their recruitment/propaganda, and bring the rest back into civilized society.

Stalin of USSR done it.
When chechnia rebelled....he sent the soviet navy and army at night....picked up whole areas,crammed them on ships and sent them to seperate remote locations of USSR.
Its another thing that the proces caused much loss of life and financial loss to chechen people.
But wait a minute stalin was a tyrant..
Wasnt he?
I'm all for targeted military operation, we have had enough of these scums.

On another note, I find it pretty fascinating when Obama and Hilary condemn this attack going out of their ways. These are the people responsible for the killings of thousands, if not millions children all over the world. What deceitful world we live in..
Last month much of the Muslim world was outraged over an insane movie targeting Islam. Now it must rise again. Not in violence but certainly in anger and protest. This time to protest shooting of 14-year-old Malala Yousafzai in the picturesque Pakistan town of Swat by Taliban. She was shot last Tuesday by masked gunmen who stopped her school bus, called her out by name and fired at her. She received a bullet in her head and is now fighting for her life in a Pakistan military hospital in Rawalpindi. Her crime: she wanted to get an education.

There are many reasons why she should be a hero for the entire world. She fought for her own and other girls' right to go to school when their town was being ravaged by Pakistan. Such crusades are dangerous in best of places but in the face of ruthless Taliban fighters, it called for courage of another order. This (Profile of Malala Yousafzai Pakistani Girl Shot by the Taliban - Class Dismissed - YouTube) YouTube documentary gives a glimpse of her struggle and the odds she faced. Now she has paid the price. In so doing, however, she has shown the ugly and cowardly face of Taliban to the world. It is now the duty of the world- of all of us-to respond.

The responsibility is more of the Muslim world. Because no matter how badly that movie defamed Islam, the Taliban have done worse. They have blasphemed Islam in a manner few others can. Now the Muslims must show that Islam is far better than what Taliban make of it. Shooting at unarmed schoolgirls and can never have sanction of any religion. Such acts malign Islam far more than any movie or a book can. If a hateful movie could get hordes of protesters out on the street, this awful act done in the name of this very religion should prompt an even greater anger and disgust.

Outsiders condemning the act would not do much because it would be seen as routine prejudice against Islam. The voices condemning it and supporting Malala must come from within the community. They must come from Muslim social and political leaders, film stars, business leaders, and teachers. Silence now is not an option. Speaking out now would help dispel the notion that many Muslims remain closet Talibanis who really are not for true gender equality.

Actually, there should more than just public condemnation of shooting. And this applies to not just rank and file Muslims but everyone. The cause of Malala goes beyond her town or even Pakistan. It extends to the entire world, India being no exception. What girls are suffering in Swat is no different from what they suffer in Khap dominated villages of Haryana. Everywhere, their education and health concerns take a backseat.

So it is imperative that we protect Malalas in and around our home from local Taliban. Make no mistake, Taliban mentality is everywhere and so are Malalas. They may not be facing bullets but they do face discrimination and suppression in other ways. This Taliban mentality not only keeps girls out of the school but also makes them a target of rapes, abuse, and humiliation. It is the same mentality that has resulted in over five crore girls being eliminated in India alone through female foeticide and infanticide. Let Malala's case become a cause celebre that helps all of us get out of the dark and into light.

Silence over Malala is more lethal than Taliban bullet by Bug's Eye View : Alok Tiwari's blog-The Times Of India
Regardless of public opinion, heads are rolling in GHQ.

While I am not a supporter of knee jerk reactions, this seems to be the best opportunity for a operation in NW. Public support will be there (which has been sometimes lacking), and there would be no better time than this for an operation.

But the other side is how much does the Army have at it's disposal, is it very much stretched already that it does not have the capacity to launch another operation? Does it have enough monetary resources and other material to go ahead? All questions that should be answered first by relevant people before going ahead with the operation.

Another factor would be US support. US has been advocating a operation in NW for long, so it would definitely be in favor of it. So, they might be willing to cooperate with us and control their own side and stop cross border movement. Drones might stop for sometime, US-Pak relations might get better.

The flip side to not going with an operation would be that TTP and other groups will keep on strengthening themselves in the NW area, and this monster may just become too well dug in. They will have a well established base camp to launch further attacks.

Another question is, if not now, then when? Sacrifices will have to be given to root out this menace.
Stalin of USSR done it.
When chechnia rebelled....he sent the soviet navy and army at night....picked up whole areas,crammed them on ships and sent them to seperate remote locations of USSR.
Its another thing that the proces caused much loss of life and financial loss to chechen people.
But wait a minute stalin was a tyrant..
Wasnt he?

Chechens are not ethnic Russians. Stalin, like many Russians, considered them inferior to Russians, although he didn't mind killing ethnic Russians either.

Your post brings up a serious issue, warned by Imran Khan also, that any major offensive will be portrayed by opportunistic people as an ethnic conflict: a Punjabi army assault on Pakhtun civilians. We know 100% that certain groups, including foreign agents, will use it to inflame ethnic tensions. That's why it's a very tricky situation and needs to be handled carefully to minimize collateral damage. Luckily (I hate to use that word), Malala is also Pakhtun so avenging her attack gives a good opening.
Regardless of public opinion, heads are rolling in GHQ.

While I am not a supporter of knee jerk reactions, this seems to be the best opportunity for a operation in NW. Public support will be there (which has been sometimes lacking), and there would be no better time than this for an operation.

But the other side is how much does the Army have at it's disposal, is it very much stretched already that it does not have the capacity to launch another operation? Does it have enough monetary resources and other material to go ahead? All questions that should be answered first by relevant people before going ahead with the operation.

Another factor would be US support. US has been advocating a operation in NW for long, so it would definitely be in favor of it. So, they might be willing to cooperate with us and control their own side and stop cross border movement. Drones might stop for sometime, US-Pak relations might get better.

The flip side to not going with an operation would be that TTP and other groups will keep on strengthening themselves in the NW area, and this monster may just become too well dug in. They will have a well established base camp to launch further attacks.

Another question is, if not now, then when? Sacrifices will have to be given to root out this menace.

The most important point us ISAF agreeing to seal off their side if the border,,,or the militants will simply cross into afghanistan and come back after the operation is over.
And giving enough money and authority to PA to call in air strikes when needed..
We have seen PA losing men whike militants are sat on mountain tops shooting them like clay pigeons..
Under such situations an air strike can save many soldiers from being killed by militants who have the advantage of height...
The most important point us ISAF agreeing to seal off their side if the border,,,or the militants will simply cross into afghanistan and come back after the operation is over.
And giving enough money and authority to PA to call in air strikes when needed..
We have seen PA losing men whike militants are sat on mountain tops shooting them like clay pigeons..
Under such situations an air strike can save many soldiers from being **** dead.

I maybe wrong, but from what I gather, PA does have air-strikes, Cobras, and artillery support on call whenever required.
Every body likes to mention how succesful sawat operation was..But sawat saw the highest number of air strikes..to take out militants stationed on mountain tops.
Can the same arranged for waziristan.
Then is the issue if positively identifying the culprits..
Is there enough intelligence in this regard?
I maybe wrong, but from what I gather, PA does have air-strikes, Cobras, and artillery support on call whenever required.

Artillary support yes..
But thats not as efective as an air strike..
I'm all for targeted military operation, we have had enough of these scums.

On another note, I find it pretty fascinating when Obama and Hilary condemn this attack going out of their ways. These are the people responsible for the killings of thousands, if not millions children all over the world. What deceitful world we live in..

selective, short-term, self-serving memories they have - cant be any doubts on that
Although I naturally try to avoid topics unrelated to my country I can not help but support a limited precise operation targeting specific targets (Israel assassination style operations and training camps bombing comes to mind).

An operation of this sort will ensure a quick fast cribilling of combat capabilities of the enemy.

But the hard part of the operation is the political side of it with issuing of regulations and licenses to what is preached and not preached (Optimally nothing preached at all). And put tough civic regulations in the country. Now is the best time to do it with public opinion in its favor.

And Pakistan please.... Have NO mercy. Kill them all, those who refuse to modernize torture them and display their tortured bodies or what is left of it, teach them to either walk forward or get shot, and if they refuse, make an example of them. Leave none alive.
Amazing isn't it, the same PA that has started wars against a many times larger neighbor in the past is thinking 5000 times before asserting sovereignty over pakistan's own land. All the lame excuses and other propaganda is not sufficient to hide the reality anymore.

You already see propaganda machines telling people of pakistan how this incident should not lead to an operation in NW. Just like the drone strikes are to USA, this is a video game to PA. Except its Pakistanis who are suffering in both.
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