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Malala celebrated Nikkah ceremony at home

Congratulations to her. I don't understand the hate she gets. I think she is very courageous and has done a lot for spreading awareness of women's education and rights.
Why are you guys hating on a girl who got shot in her face? Give her a break

Because she is secular liberal scum, maligning Islam and Sharia not so subtly, basically a slave to her white master.

Taslema from Bangladesh an ex Muslim is butt hurt on Twitter why malala married a Pakistani muslim at the age of 24 and why not an English man for sake of her progressive ideals

Going by her statement about the concept of marriage, it is quite possible Malala herself is a ex muslim tbh
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From your own link:

Malala Yousafzai, the young sympathiser of the Marxist Tendency famous for her part in the struggle for the right to education for girls in Pakistan. She had taken part in the national Marxist Summer School in July of last year in Swat. She was tragically shot in the head in a barbaric attack by fundamentalists, and made headlines worldwide. She is now thankfully recovering in the UK.

This proper cringeworthy narrative that has been build around her and world is asked to look upon Pakistan through this narrative, I am sure you can appreciate make most of Pakistanis puke.

The West's masses are misinformed by their mainstream media that there is no hope for Pakistan's oppressed people including women but is it not nice when they get to know that Pakistanis like Malala propagate for Socialism or Communism as solution to Pakistan's socio-economic and political problems ( as for India too, as for anywhere too ) ? The West's masses have been kept misguided and misinformed by their own governments for a long time about their own internal issues and about who is right and who wrong in the world. I don't know what you are calling cringeworthy in the article because the article goes contrary to what narrative the Western governments want to build around Malala.

You have the worlds worst figures on homelessness and poverty. Running n to 400 hundred million, what’s 4 million compared to your mess

I don't deny that there many many homeless in India. In fact I have many a time mentioned the contradictoryness of Mukesh Ambani's obscene 27-storey "house" with storeys for his 168 cars and the building having its own private mandir where he and his family pray every day without guilt for the countless people who live not far from his house in slums and in pipes. I have often quoted Ambani's fellow billionaire Ratan Tata :
Public reception

Tata Group former chairman Ratan Tata said Antilia is an example of rich Indians' lack of empathy for the poor. Tata said, "The person who lives in there should be concerned about what he sees around him and asking can he make a difference. If he can not, then it's sad because this country needs people to allocate some of their enormous wealth to finding ways of mitigating the hardship that people have." "It makes me wonder why someone would do that. That's what revolutions are made of."
But what excuse do the Taliban have ? They make pretenses to be true Muslims yet they are more interested in flogging protesting women than in building high-quality neighborhoods for the four million homeless.
Whey didnt those girls and their families get active and speak out.
Its like everyone in Pakistan plays cricket why is there only the likes if baber Azam playing for Pakistan. Come one bhai. Criticise logically.
If the taliban had shot your mother or sister would you not speak out. What has she actually said against Pakistan? Please show me. I really want to be educated on this matter. Not what the molvis have said but whe she has actually said and everything she says is picked up by the media. So I await to be educated. Thanks. And if she is bad mouthing Pakistan I will be with you but here is all I can find
All I see I serious jealousy and molvis banning education for girls yet 1st lesson of Islam is Iqra ( now is Allah sexist? Absolutely not its the jahils molvis)
You conveniently ignored parts of my post to win an argument.
Babar Azam didn't malign his country ,he didn't portray pakistan in a negative way.
Those girls and their families didn't show up because they were not chosen by the western media as a face figure of a propaganda. Now please say there was no hybrid war imposed on pakistan during that time.
If there is someone we call a true daughter of pakistan ,that's arfa Karim and her types. Period..
You are funny. An Oxford university going "mature" girl , born and bread in Pakistan, do not know the Pakistani culture and importance of marriage in our society, acting all naïve and wondering why people need to get married and sign papers , where they can live together without all this. Propagating adultery basically.

There is no hate for her, she can live her life as she please, but she is no representative of Pakistan and its citizens. Its actually frustrating to see fellow Pakistani idiots who take her some sort of beacon of light when her only path to fam is being shot at!! She is the actually the negative publicity to Pakistan and that the sole purpose of her image creation. Agenda given to her is very obvious. World thinks that girls are not allowed to go to school in Pakistan and being shot at! Pakistan is some sort of prison for girls! Which is all absolute non sense. There are more students killed in American schools every year!!
That shows she is doing what her masters want her to do . It doesn't take a genius to know she is promoting some kind of agenda.
Congratulations to her - hope she has a peaceful life from now on.

She was a young lady who got shot in the face by illterate thugs and has to endure pain and trauma that none of us - and she got through - put her life together and then started again. That is strength in her.
Why are you so effected by her. There are also many hookers in Pakistan and the third gender. So what if she is a bestie with MK? Fact is this girl was shot for no reason and she has tried to do something for women. That's a lot more than you or I. Let her be

Says a secular nationalist... surely you should be proud of her stance. Why do u want her to be ultra religious.
And everyone wonders about marriage. Its not all roses

She is misrepersenting pakistan and islam in the west and she is misguiding muslims.
If this family was born in 1800s, they would have sided with british empire and would not have wanted then to leave.
what kind of Muslims do we have back home thinking it’s okay to kill a girl child by shooting her in the head.
The West's masses are misinformed by their mainstream media that there is no hope for Pakistan's oppressed people including women but is it not nice when they get to know that Pakistanis like Malala propagate for Socialism or Communism as solution to Pakistan's socio-economic and political problems ( as for India too, as for anywhere too ) ? The West's masses have been kept misguided and misinformed by their own governments for a long time about their own internal issues and about who is right and who wrong in the world. I don't know what you are calling cringeworthy in the article because the article goes contrary to what narrative the Western governments want to build around Malala.

West can misinform their masses all they like, thats not the issue, but when characters like Malala allow themselves to be used as vassal for this filthy propaganda, then it will receive opposition. What is stopping her to draw a line that her name will not be used to propagated this non sense about girls being prosecuted in Pakistan? I am an old guy, and even in my time, girls were beating boys , every single year , in every education board all across the landscape of Pakistan, by some margin. Girls education issues in Pakistan? My arse.

As for Malala propagating Marxism, socialism, communism or what not, goes to show how ignorant she is when the founding father of Pakistan clearly mentioned that only "Islamic socialism" is the way forward in Pakistan.
Because she is secular liberal scum, maligning Islam and Sharia not so subtly, basically a slave to her white master.

Going by her statement about the concept of marriage, it is quite possible Malala herself is a ex muslim tbh
that statement was to keep her funding going 😉
she is a clever woman. she knows when yo say what and where tp stay in lime light and milk it.
Because she is secular liberal scum, maligning Islam and Sharia not so subtly, basically a slave to her white master.

She got shot in her face while going to school, I don't blame her for turning her back. She is still being respectful and is now becoming her best self. Good for her.

You should do a better job of protecting your girls, letting Afghan men roam around in your country preying on our children, shame on you. She is safe here.

Keep f**king talking about white masters when your so called Muslim brothers from UAE are shipping out our girls to be their prostitutes. Or Afghan "brothers" brainwashing our children to become suicide bombers and shooting this girl in the face.

How many women have our "Muslim brothers" from other countries have raped over the centuries just because we are ethnically different? You have a master and you will do anything for him won't you.
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