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Making the case for a global ban on privately-owned personal transport cars and two-wheelers

Then you don't have to worry too much about your 30 million cars, as even our 300 million cars are not a problem.

No, even those 30 million are a great problem. I have said in the other thread that India, China and USA are the biggest polluters in the world - directly, secondarily and tertiarily through the vehicle industry. Like I said, a few tens of thousands of taxis are much better than tens of millions of personal transport cars.

When I see pictures of North Korea with their almost-empty roads from personal transports I wonder how wonderful it will be to have such a disciplined, clean and calm environment in the now utterly chaotic, disharmonious, crime-ridden etc roads of India.

Talking about public transportation, then I have even more to be proud of, no matter it comes to HSR, metro, E-buses, shared e-bikes, everything you name it.

1. Buses and taxis cannot co-exist with personal transport cars and two-wheelers. It is like either there can be a society of cats or of dogs.

2. Metro rail, like India has built up in the last 10 to 15 years, is a complication upon the already chaotic transport system mainly made up of personal transports. Metros are unnecessary and should be replaced with buses and taxis, and please read what type of buses and taxis starting from the OP.

3. E-bikes are the same as petrol two-wheelers - a problem.

4. HSR - unnecessary and take lot of ugly infrastructure. Buses are good enough of the type I write in the OP. Or maybe have intercity aeroplanes.

PS, I said you reached 3 million annual car sales just recently.

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No, even those 30 million are a great problem. I have said in the other thread that India, China and USA are the biggest polluters in the world - directly, secondarily and tertiarily through the vehicle industry. Like I said, a few tens of thousands of taxis are much better than tens of millions of personal transport cars.

When I see pictures of North Korea with their almost-empty roads from personal transports I wonder how wonderful it will be to have such a disciplined, clean and calm environment in the now utterly chaotic, disharmonious, crime-ridden etc roads of India.

1. Buses and taxis cannot co-exist with personal transport cars and two-wheelers. It is like either there can be a society of cats or of dogs.

2. Metro trains, like India has built up in the last 10 to 15 years, is a complication upon the already chaotic transport system mainly made up of personal transports. Metros are unnecessary and should be replaced with buses and taxis, and please read what type of buses and taxis starting from the OP.

3. E-bikes are the same as petrol two-wheelers - a problem.

4. HSR - unnecessary and take lot of ugly infrastructure. Buses are good enough of the type I write in the OP. Or maybe have intercity aeroplanes.

If such kind of taxi/buses can work, it will naturally replace ground vehicle, again, we will also lead in this field, as we have the best drone tech and control system as well:
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If such kind of taxi/buses can work, it will naturally replace ground vehicle, again, we will also lead in this field, as we have the best drone tech and control system as well:

Yes, many ground vehicles will be replaced with rotor-based air vehicles but like I indicated in the OP these aircraft will be cyclorotors rather than quadcopters because not only it seems are cyclorotors better in handling cross winds but also they are safer because their rotors can be easily meshed and I also think they can be scaled up towards building a 30-passenger bus with toilet and a little kitchen.

After watching the two vids in the OP please watch this one too which describes how cyclorotors work.
Yes, many ground vehicles will be replaced with rotor-based air vehicles but like I indicated in the OP these aircraft will be cyclorotors rather than quadcopters because not only it seems are cyclorotors better in handling cross winds but also they are safer because their rotors can be easily meshed and I also think they can be scaled up towards building a 30-passenger bus with toilet and a little kitchen.

After watching the two vids in the OP please watch this one too which describes how cyclorotors work.
As I have said, if that is the solution, it will naturally replace the current mode of transportation, if it is not, then we don't have to worry about it either.
As I have said, if that is the solution, it will naturally replace the current mode of transportation, if it is not, then we don't have to worry about it either.

Why shouldn't we worry ? What then is the purpose of this thread ? I have already said that India, China and USA are the three biggest polluters in the world and much of that pollution comes from automobiles. In post# 132 I have posted an article about a huge glacier in Antarctica that is about to collapse. Why do you think that is happening ? Why do you think forest fires are more common now across the world ? Other than that, personal cars and two-wheelers bring a lot of accidents, crime, chaos and disharmony which are totally avoidable by simply banning these personal vehicles.
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Why shouldn't we worry ? What then is the purpose of this thread ? I have already said that India, China and USA are the three biggest polluters in the world and much of that pollution comes from automobiles. In post# 132 I have posted an article about a huge glacier in Antarctica that is about to collapse. Why do you think that is happening ? Why do you think forest fires are more common now across the world ? Other than that, personal cars and two-wheelers bring a lot of accidents, crime, chaos and disharmony which are totally avoidable by simply banning these personal vehicles.
For now, EV is the solution, with more and more electricity coming from renewable energy. Otherwise, you should just walk to wait for that skybus to become reality...
For now, EV is the solution, with more and more electricity coming from renewable energy. Otherwise, you should just walk to wait for that skybus to become reality...

1. 300 million personal EV cars replacing the petrol vehicles from the 300 million personal cars in China is not a solution. It will remain a problem. Think of the factories and mines needed to produce them. The multiple newer models that will come out every many months. The people who want to buy them employed in stupid Capitalist jobs. The unnecessary showrooms for these cars. And the chaos, crime, accidents and disharmony will not go away. The entire wrong ecosystem like of present.

2. The skybuses can be easily made many in number and efficient in frequency. The skytaxis for that special occasion for a party or to the airport or to a tea house with your friends or business meet or to the beach with your beloved with the skytaxi being automatically flown and landed or having a company-provided female driver for your psychological comfort.
1. 300 million personal EV cars replacing the petrol vehicles from the 300 million personal cars in China is not a solution. It will remain a problem. Think of the factories and mines needed to produce them. The multiple newer models that will come out every many months. The people who want to buy them employed in stupid Capitalist jobs. The unnecessary showrooms for these cars. And the chaos, crime, accidents and disharmony will not go away. The entire wrong ecosystem like of present.

2. The skybuses can be easily made many in number and efficient in frequency. The skytaxis for that special occasion for a party or to the airport or to a tea house with your friends or business meet or to the beach with your beloved with the skytaxi being automatically flown and landed or having a company-provided female driver for your psychological comfort.
It is unrealistic to send all ground traffic into the sky, in terms of costs, safety, communication, and control. If that is achievable, China will be the first country to realize it for sure considering our rapid deployment of 5G network and development of 6G network, and our drone technology. But still, imagine send all these traffic to the sky, you will see broken arms, legs, falling from sky like rain:
Therefore, ground traffic will still be the solution for the next few decades. HSR is one perfect solution for mass transportation, public transportation is fine, but private cars are here to stay, until true autonomous driving shared taxis become reality, that will still be decades away, and will first be on the ground.
I think your mentality is like a lot of indians, think big but can't do nothing, in the name of a 'socialist'. That is why india lags behind. True socialist is not like you. We solve problems, e.g., we exploring new materials for batteries, the next generation sodium battery will be as cheap and readily available as cabbage. HSR and everything using electricity is the right direction, in which our achievement is tremendous, instead of sitting in front of computer and dreaming about air taxis, I think that is the difference between you and us Chinese, and which makes the difference between two nations.
Pinochet was right about you people. And I might be using the word "people" very loosely!

Yes, Pinochet was a great humanitarian himself. :D

It is unrealistic to send all ground traffic into the sky, in terms of costs, safety, communication, and control. If that is achievable, China will be the first country to realize it for sure considering our rapid deployment of 5G network and development of 6G network, and our drone technology. But still, imagine send all these traffic to the sky, you will see broken arms, legs, falling from sky like rain:

1. Mr. Bald is a comrade. I too am an admirer of sexy bhabhis. :enjoy:

2. In 2019 India had 449,002 road accidents and 151,113 people killed in them, and that was mainly because of people driving personal two-wheelers and cars and not following rules and the total chaos of having tens of millions of cars and two-wheelers and the general non-scientific arrangement of roads and the buildings surrounding them. Add to that chaos the unscientific service vehicles. Look at the pipes-carrying pushcart in Bald's vid above. I have seen pipes being tied up to the top of autorickshaws and on bullock carts ( yes, they are still used in India ) and electrical and electronic goods like large TVs being carried on motorcycles. If all that public transportation for one can be removed from personal ownership and streamlined through 20-passenger skybuses and six-seater skytaxis then those hundreds of thousands of road accidents per year won't occur especially when the skybuses and skytaxis have inbuilt computer and sensor control and through 4G cell phone network are in communication with control centers. So there won't be a rain of broken arms and legs. How often do we see airliners which can hundreds of people each, coming down on our heads ? In fact cyclorotor-based skybuses and skytaxis will be simpler to operate, maintain and use than the airliners.

HSR is one perfect solution for mass transportation

Inter-city HSR needs ugly and unnecessary infrastructure. Instead, regular airplanes can be used. And where airports cannot be built there can be 30-passenger cyclorotor-based skybuses which come with a small kitchen and toilet. India has long had city-to-village government and private buses, though not with kitchen and toilet. And I have watched a YT vid of a Pakistani inter-city bus service which has a small kitchen and toilet.

I think your mentality is like a lot of indians, think big but can't do nothing, in the name of a 'socialist'. That is why india lags behind. True socialist is not like you.

Believe me, Socialist and Communist Indians like me are not regular Indians. If we were then India would have been advanced in city design, transportation design, human interaction with other animals ( like cats ) and the surrounding ecosystem; agriculture, industrialization, agriculture and space exploration.

We solve problems, e.g., we exploring new materials for batteries, the next generation sodium battery will be as cheap and readily available as cabbage.

Sodium battery is not different than lithium-ion batteries. As dangerous and other things. The next best adoption will be of zinc-ion batteries. Please read this thread of mine on that. But the American company NDB is working on a radiation-based self-generating battery that has a synthetic diamond structure enclosing reduced radioactive carbon-14 material sourced as waste from nuclear fission reactors. This battery directly converts radiation to electricity and the life of the battery is said by the company to range from nine years to 28,000 years depending on the application device which can range from a pacemaker to a household appliance to a computer to a data center to spacecraft etc. Your sodium battery would still need the electricity to come from somewhere and in China's case will mean a big power plant which will connect to cross-country high tension power lines that carry power to cities where there will be substations, underground or overground powerlines, neighborhood transformers and neighborhood powerlines. NDB's battery will be a decentralized power source. No need of the aforesaid infrastructure at all. This battery can be in a room or in the device itself and will work for years without external charge. The company is still developing it and maybe we will have it in the next three years. But before that we can produce zinc-ion batteries.

HSR and everything using electricity is the right direction, in which our achievement is tremendous, instead of sitting in front of computer and dreaming about air taxis, I think that is the difference between you and us Chinese, and which makes the difference between two nations.

Dreaming and ideating is what brings about change and produces new things including build societies. Strange that you, a Chinese, should scoff at that despite being from a country that was created through a revolution that came through ideation and the exchange of the ideas. But about current Chinese, well, China is a country that can produce things at big scale but cannot produce ideas including a different technology. China can mass-produce popular things but mostly cannot develop a different idea, which is why say in computing there is no Chinese microprocessor and operating system.
Yes, Pinochet was a great humanitarian himself. :D

1. Mr. Bald is a comrade. I too am an admirer of sexy bhabhis. :enjoy:

2. In 2019 India had 449,002 road accidents and 151,113 people killed in them, and that was mainly because of people driving personal two-wheelers and cars and not following rules and the total chaos of having tens of millions of cars and two-wheelers and the general non-scientific arrangement of roads and the buildings surrounding them. Add to that chaos the unscientific service vehicles. Look at the pipes-carrying pushcart in Bald's vid above. I have seen pipes being tied up to the top of autorickshaws and on bullock carts ( yes, they are still used in India ) and electrical and electronic goods like large TVs being carried on motorcycles. If all that public transportation for one can be removed from personal ownership and streamlined through 20-passenger skybuses and six-seater skytaxis then those hundreds of thousands of road accidents per year won't occur especially when the skybuses and skytaxis have inbuilt computer and sensor control and through 4G cell phone network are in communication with control centers. So there won't be a rain of broken arms and legs. How often do we see airliners which can hundreds of people each, coming down on our heads ? In fact cyclorotor-based skybuses and skytaxis will be simpler to operate, maintain and use than the airliners.

Inter-city HSR needs ugly and unnecessary infrastructure. Instead, regular airplanes can be used. And where airports cannot be built there can be 30-passenger cyclorotor-based skybuses which come with a small kitchen and toilet. India has long had city-to-village government and private buses, though not with kitchen and toilet. And I have watched a YT vid of a Pakistani inter-city bus service which has a small kitchen and toilet.

Believe me, Socialist and Communist Indians like me are not regular Indians. If we were then India would have been advanced in city design, transportation design, human interaction with other animals ( like cats ) and the surrounding ecosystem; agriculture, industrialization, agriculture and space exploration.

Sodium battery is not different than lithium-ion batteries. As dangerous and other things. The next best adoption will be of zinc-ion batteries. Please read this thread of mine on that. But the American company NDB is working on a radiation-based self-generating battery that has a synthetic diamond structure enclosing reduced radioactive carbon-14 material sourced as waste from nuclear fission reactors. This battery directly converts radiation to electricity and the life of the battery is said by the company to range from nine years to 28,000 years depending on the application device which can range from a pacemaker to a household appliance to a computer to a data center to spacecraft etc. Your sodium battery would still need the electricity to come from somewhere and in China's case will mean a big power plant which will connect to cross-country high tension power lines that carry power to cities where there will be substations, underground or overground powerlines, neighborhood transformers and neighborhood powerlines. NDB's battery will be a decentralized power source. No need of the aforesaid infrastructure at all. This battery can be in a room or in the device itself and will work for years without external charge. The company is still developing it and maybe we will have it in the next three years. But before that we can produce zinc-ion batteries.

Dreaming and ideating is what brings about change and produces new things including build societies. Strange that you, a Chinese, should scoff at that despite being from a country that was created through a revolution that came through ideation and the exchange of the ideas. But about current Chinese, well, China is a country that can produce things at big scale but cannot produce ideas including a different technology. China can mass-produce popular things but mostly cannot develop a different idea, which is why say in computing there is no Chinese microprocessor and operating system.
'ideating' is not empty imagination... You can't even control your simplest snail speed ground rail traffic without collision, yet you talk loud about a dozen of 'sky buses' to replace ground traffic...LMAO... Just be realistic and check how big is your volume of traffic to see how many 'sky buses' needed to be flying in the sky... I can only see human flesh falling from the sky...
Not to mention you have to stop everywhere to load-unload passengers, just get some common sense about airport traffic control...And this does even not consider the costs...
If you talk about the very distant future, everything is possible, electricity will not be a problem either, as we have the artificial sun to produce whatever amount of electricity needed. China will still be a leader in everything, just like our 5G network.
BTW, your comment China about computing, microprocessor and operating system shows you are still a typical indian... Have no creativity even in your posts... We are top in quantum computing, super computers, telecommunication, etc. etc., all kind of fields, operating system is not even a problem, while no country can make high performance microprocessor by its own, currently the processing technology is in China's Taiwan province, the best lithomachine is by Netherlander, China has top chip designed and made, like Huawei chips, second class level of processing tech (SMIC etc.) and processing equipment making, and all these field will have great breakthroughs in the near future because we are accomplishing things with our brain and our hands. While you have no right to comment on Chinese in this aspect, as you indians got None in any of these fields, or any field whatsoever, because you only have your empty silly imagination with your not so smart brain, and boastful month to talk big while do nothing...LMAO...
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'ideating' is not empty imagination

I think you are not a Communist since you say that.

You can't even control your simplest snail speed ground rail traffic without collision, yet you talk loud about a dozen of 'sky buses' to replace ground traffic...LMAO... Just be realistic and check how big is your volume of traffic to see how many 'sky buses' needed to be flying in the sky... I can only see human flesh falling from the sky...
Not to mention you have to stop everywhere to load-unload passengers, just get some common sense about airport traffic control...And this does even not consider the costs...

1. Before personal cars didn't people travel as per their means and available facilities ? Should people mindlessly travel just because there have the means ? Read my earlier posts about people in India traveling needlessly in two-wheelers and cars and creating chaos in society. There's no need for a thousand people to crowd a train, whether in India or indeed in China who are traveling to their hometown for some cultural festival. Why should the Chinese celebrate some unnecessary 2000-year-old festival and create chaos in the process especially given the revolutionary origin of modern China ? There has to be a rethink on travel. For example the true Islamic wedding is to be done with only five wedding attending, including the bride and groom, two witnesses and the local judge called the qazi. This should be done instead of having a wedding reception where there are 300 guests attending coming in from the same city or via train from another. In these times of phone, email and computer graphics surely a virtual wedding card can be produced and people can text-in best wishes to the bride and groom. There can be a Zoom broadcast of the five-person wedding ceremony at the court. Another example, there's no need for people in India to have a hundred religious festivals all year round for which they have to travel to their hometowns by crowding in trains, planes and buses. Cultural, employment and educational activities should be removed of irrationalities and be made harmonious and rational. When I say "employment" it shouldn't happen, like it does in India, that some government department in a city has put out an ad for employment in it for 20 positions and 10,000 socio-economically desperate people get into trains from everywhere to try their chance to get this "life settling" job. And when I say "employment" it shouldn't happen that 5000 students and their parents in India fill up trains from everywhere to go to a certain city's common college entrance examination halls and this happening because there is competition for few college seats in some "prestigious" colleges because there are few colleges in India when there should have been multiple high-quality free ones in every city.

2. So, continuing from above point about harmonizing the volume of traffic I speak for replacement of passenger trains with the travelers doing long distance travel either in planes or cyclorotor-based skybuses. And even now without cyclorotors the public can be made to travel in planes and buses - the buses having a small kitchen and toilet ( I watched a vid with a Pakistani bus service with such service ).

3. The intra-city skybuses can travel 10 feet off the ground and have sensor and computer control and vehicle-to-vehicle communication to fly safely. What's the problem in them stopping in stops within neighborhoods ( off the main paths ) the stops being 100-meter apart ? The skytaxis can fly a bit higher.

You have the think of doing a systemic rethink.

If you talk about the very distant future, everything is possible, electricity will not be a problem either, as we have the artificial sun to produce whatever amount of electricity needed.

Again, China can do things at large-scale but it only does things which are fashionable which in this case is nuclear fusion. Western governments have put in large resources into ITER so China - as is its way - must also follow suit in China. But people outside China are talking about generating energy from neutrinos because neutrinos are everywhere ( coming in from space and reaction in Earth's atmosphere ) and are never ending so once a neutrino power cell is put to work it works without any fuel - polluting or otherwise - until the cell degrades which possibly can take many many years. So China goes fusion because it is fashion but a few others go neutrino. Neutrino is the future of energy generation ( or rather conversion ), at least for electrical devices that require low power which really is what most devices today need. But you post here when China gets its fusion device to the size of a desktop computer box, but even there a set of neutrino cells may do the job.

China will still be a leader in everything, just like our 5G network.

Again, China is just doing the fashionable thing - 5G and 6G when some people are talking and doing about LiFi ( visible light communication ). Read here. So be radical instead of being traditional where one shouldn't be.

BTW, your comment China about computing, microprocessor and operating system shows you are still a typical indian... Have no creativity even in your posts... We are top in quantum computing, super computers, telecommunication, etc. etc., all kind of fields, operating system is not even a problem, while no country can make high performance microprocessor by its own, currently the processing technology is in China's Taiwan province, the best lithomachine is by Netherlander, China has top chip designed and made, like Huawei chips, second class level of processing tech (SMIC etc.) and processing equipment making, and all these field will have great breakthroughs in the near future because we are accomplishing things with our brain and our hands.

Why don't you just name a China-designed processor and OS ? :)

While you have no right to comment on Chinese in this aspect, as you indians got None in any of these fields, or any field whatsoever, because you only have your empty silly imagination with your not so smart brain, and boastful month to talk big while do nothing...LMAO...

I am a human, a thinking human, and so have the right to comment on anything that concerns human affairs.
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We have Rapid Bus Lanes in Lahore and Islamabad and maybe in Karachi also now. They are signal free and the buses have a separate lane with barrier from the rest of the road.
We have Rapid Bus Lanes in Lahore and Islamabad and maybe in Karachi also now. They are signal free and the buses have a separate lane with barrier from the rest of the road.

That is good but is incomplete. The Pakistan government should carry that momentum and should speak for complete replacement of personal cars, personal two-wheelers and also the autorickshaws with many more buses and taxis. Tens of thousands of buses and taxis are lot better than millions of personal cars and two-wheelers. It was @Zibago I think who spoke about the smog in Lahore. Where does it come from ?
That is good but is incomplete. The Pakistan government should carry that momentum and should speak for complete replacement of personal cars, personal two-wheelers and also the autorickshaws with many more buses and taxis. Tens of thousands of buses and taxis are lot better than millions of personal cars and two-wheelers. It was @Zibago I think who spoke about the smog in Lahore. Where does it come from ?
From Cars and also from rice stalks burnt by farmers of Pak and Indian Punjab.
What's the ulterior motive behind fake socialists advocating ban of private vehicles? Don't believe the excuses (although apparently valid excuses) fake socialists give. Criminals never admit their guilt unless cornered.

So what's the real reason?

If private vehicles are banned, women would be forced to travel in public transportation. This would give perverts more opportunities to ogle at women and to make inappropriate physical contact with them.

Now you know.
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