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Making the case for a global ban on privately-owned personal transport cars and two-wheelers

How far will you extend the examples ? I am talking of a progressive solution. :) The recently concluded COP 26 climate change conference was a whitewash with the government representatives especially of India and China making no serious proposal. India essentially said that other countries should let India "develop itself" and then India will think about making a climate change redressal effort in 2070 I think. :lol:

Greta too mocked this conference and rightly so.

What I propose is a serious idea for all the different parameters I mentioned. And yes, social media like Facebook and Instagram should be banned too. It is ridiculous that some typical middle class software engineer or MBA in Bangalore, who makes wrong political and socio-economic choices, has the freedom to post his holiday pics or pics of his son's first birthday or of his wedding where instead these things should have been personal and never out for humanity to see. This is other than the direct misuse of FB and Insta for spreading, as you mentioned, chaos and disharmony. They should be banned too.

Greta is a useful idiot being used by the developed world against the developing world. If the First world countries were so concerned they would not have conducted so many open nukes tests. People cannot even agree on the definition of clean energy. French wants nuclear to be considered clean because they have the tech. Do you know even solar is not clean as the mining required to build the panels destroys environment? This entire thing is a big farce.
I have often made this topic in posts so I thought why not create a thread for this for discussion and readership.

Privately-owned personal transport vehicles ( cars and two-wheelers ) are I believe the biggest form of pollution in the world, directly through their usage and secondarily through their production. This is multiplied by the many manufacturers producing multiple models per year. The hundreds of millions of middle class people in the world, especially in relatively newly "liberalized" and Capitalist India and China, are exhorted through media campaigns and word-of-mouth to buy the latest vehicle model. To purchase these vehicles the middle class and others indulge in a lifestyle that is polluting and not in harmony with Nature and idealized society. Even the supposedly Nature-friendly electric vehicles like Tesla are no good. So these vehicles not only lead to pollution but also to needless accidents, crime ( including "anti-social behavior" ), chaos and general disharmony. Ask me, who comes from India where all these factors are in extreme.

The simple solution for intra-city travel would be therefore to ban all privately-owned personal transports and replace them with 40-passenger buses and six-passenger taxis ( with sufficient luggage space ) that have been more in number and efficiency. Though privately-owned service vehicles ( food and grocery delivery vans, construction trucks etc ) can be owned. This idea itself is a fine idea and it has precedent too. The planned city called NEOM in Saudia will have no private cars and the planned district of Shezhen city in China called Net City will also have no private cars.

So what could be the form of the intra-city buses and taxis ? There is a good new development in vehicles called Cyclorotors which are aircraft that in modern form have electric motors attached to four hubs at the sides and the hubs have movable blades and when the hubs are spun the blades I think create a force that lift the aircraft and move it forward. The below vid was made known to me credit @Hamartia Antidote. It is a test vehicle from the Austrian company CycloTech and of course I think in full form the hubs will be enclosed with a mesh for safety :

Such a vehicle could not only be used for buses and taxis but also for police vehicles, ambulances and food and groceries delivery vehicles. The fuel for these vehicles can remain petrol which can power the electric motors until the time that new longlife battery technologies like the NDB or research into how the electric eel produces up to 860 volts with a power to stun or even kill crocodiles, do not come about. At 05:21 mins in the below vid there is a visualization of a Russian project called CycloCar which can carry six people or 600 kgs of cargo and has a range of 500 kms with a top speed of 250 kmph :

I think ground vehicles for most things are passe and the future is of the Cyclorotor. And there's no point holding two-yearly climate change conferences if the biggest source of pollution - privately-owned personal transport - is not banned.


@fitpOsitive @Bilal9 @Indos @ps3linux others.

No to communism. By banning individual transport, you lock people in and make them hostage of the state
Greta is a useful idiot being used by the developed world against the developing world.

How ?

If the First world countries were so concerned they would not have conducted so many open nukes tests.

Well, open nuke testing no one does anymore, either on land or in low Earth orbit or in the sea. Also, on the connected issue of having nukes my opinion on that is that either none should have nukes ( global disarmament ) or all capable countries should be allowed to have.

People cannot even agree on the definition of clean energy. French wants nuclear to be considered clean because they have the tech.


Do you know even solar is not clean as the mining required to build the panels destroys environment?

You are right.

And this is related to your previous point about EVs. Neither nuclear power plants are clean nor are solar panels nor are billions of personal EVs on the roads. But you should look at the under-development battery called NDB ( Nano Diamond Battery ) being developed by the American company NDB which is depleting radioactive carbon-14 material safely enclosed within synthetic diamond and arranged so that it generate electricity by direct conversion of radiation to electricity. This battery does not need external charging ( so clean in actuality ) and supposedly has a longevity from nine years to 28,000 years depending on the application ( device ) it is used in. And the application is supposedly universal - from a heart pacemaker, to a lamp to a computer to a data center to a spacecraft. I am waiting eagerly for the prototype - the company had shut down its laboratory because of COVID. The carbon-14 material the company says will be sourced as waste material from nuclear power plants. I just hope the company doesn't get shut down or its people harmed by agents of big power corporations or governments who sell power plants or coal.

This entire thing is a big farce.

COP 26 or "Clean energy" ? But absolutely in either case.

No to communism. By banning individual transport, you lock people in and make them hostage of the state

1. How am I proposing locking people in ? I speak of increased buses and taxis which can take them anywhere. And if you desire to take your beloved on a long drive you can ask for a female company driver or perhaps can pay extra to drive the vehicle yourself. Fair ?

2. The "State" : I too don't desire a dictating entity called the State. I desire a system where the people directly rule themselves. The people as the governance. True and direct democracy and you as a Greek should know this. Please read this post of mine on Democracy.

3. Communism : Below is Google result for "Communism" :
Communism is a philosophical, social, political and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of a communist society, namely a socioeconomic order structured upon the ideas of common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money and the state. Wikipedia
What is your objection to such humane and wonderful set of thoughts ?
How ?

Well, open nuke testing no one does anymore, either on land or in low Earth orbit or in the sea. Also, on the connected issue of having nukes my opinion on that is that either none should have nukes ( global disarmament ) or all capable countries should be allowed to have.


You are right.

And this is related to your previous point about EVs. Neither nuclear power plants are clean nor are solar panels nor are billions of personal EVs on the roads. But you should look at the under-development battery called NDB ( Nano Diamond Battery ) being developed by the American company NDB which is depleting radioactive carbon-14 material safely enclosed within synthetic diamond and arranged so that it generate electricity by direct conversion of radiation to electricity. This battery does not need external charging ( so clean in actuality ) and supposedly has a longevity from nine years to 28,000 years depending on the application ( device ) it is used in. And the application is supposedly universal - from a heart pacemaker, to a lamp to a computer to a data center to a spacecraft. I am waiting eagerly for the prototype - the company had shut down its laboratory because of COVID. The carbon-14 material the company says will be sourced as waste material from nuclear power plants. I just hope the company doesn't get shut down or its people harmed by agents of big power corporations or governments who sell power plants or coal.

COP 26 or "Clean energy" ? But absolutely in either case.

1. How am I proposing locking people in ? I speak of increased buses and taxis which can take them anywhere. And if you desire to take your beloved on a long drive you can ask for a female company driver or perhaps can pay extra to drive the vehicle yourself. Fair ?

2. The "State" : I too don't desire a dictating entity called the State. I desire a system where the people directly rule themselves. The people as the governance. True and direct democracy and you as a Greek should know this. Please read this post of mine on Democracy.

3. Communism : Below is Google result for "Communism" :

What is your objection to such humane and wonderful set of thoughts ?

I can walk out and drive where i want and when i want. I need no one to carry me around. Thats freedom.

Communism always ends in Terror
I can walk out and drive where i want and when i want. I need no one to carry me around. Thats freedom.

I believe when Uber started it said that Americans need no longer take out their personal cars because they can use Uber's service. How is using Uber preventing you to have freedom ? Please read through the thread from the first page where others have asked similar questions.

Communism always ends in Terror

Please read through my linked writing on Democracy. There I quote the Libyan Jamahiriya system which was the realization of true democracy which Communism also desired and though the Libyans didn't call their system as Communism their political system essentially was Communism. And this system the Venezuelans adapted for their conditions.

If you think a certain society, like USSR or DPRK, was not being Communist then you can debate how they should have become Communist. But can you really fault the idea of Communism ?
I believe when Uber started it said that Americans need no longer take out their personal cars because they can use Uber's service. How is using Uber preventing you to have freedom ? Please read through the thread from the first page where others have asked similar questions.

Please read through my linked writing on Democracy. There I quote the Libyan Jamahiriya system which was the realization of true democracy which Communism also desired and though the Libyans didn't call their system as Communism their political system essentially was Communism. And this system the Venezuelans adapted for their conditions.

If you think a certain society, like USSR or DPRK, was not being Communist then you can debate how they should have become Communist. But can you really fault the idea of Communism ?

Seriously? Gaddafi was a pathetic dictator.

As for Uber, i want drive alone. Whenever i want, whereever i want.
Seriously? Gaddafi was a pathetic dictator.

If you read my quoted article you will see he wasn't a dictator. Even the otherwise hostile New York Times accepted that Libya was a democracy.

Please watch this speech of his in the UN General Assembly in 2009. You will see that he was quite a wise man who suggested solutions to quite a few problems in the world.

As for Uber, i want drive alone. Whenever i want, whereever i want.

You are simply being stubborn.
I believe when Uber started it said that Americans need no longer take out their personal cars because they can use Uber's service. How is using Uber preventing you to have freedom ? Please read through the thread from the first page where others have asked similar questions.
Your own wheels = freedom

Your own house = freedom

Cabs, public transport, rentals = only when it's convenient and helps beat rush hour to work, or while traveling or on vacation.

Impromptu getaway plans = fun

Planning a big motorcycle ride and heading out in the wilderness = fun.

Even fixing, tweaking your own car or bike = fun.

You've never known the feeling of when that package of performance filters and exhaust pipes come in and when it take it for a ride and feel that difference in pickup.. or new tyres and how they grip when you corner, have you ?

In conclusion, in the absense of any good, viable arguments and zero evidence....

your case stands dismissed


Ride on !

here's a nice song:

Your own house = freedom

Then demand a harmonious neighborhood from the government. A free house. Read down post# 43.

Cabs, public transport, rentals = only when it's convenient and helps beat rush hour to work, or while traveling or on vacation.

Impromptu getaway plans = fun
Planning a big motorcycle ride and heading out in the wilderness = fun.
You've never known the feeling of when that package of performance filters and exhaust pipes come in and when it take it for a ride and feel that difference in pickup.. or new tyres and how they grip when you corner, have you ?

Motorcycles are obsolete. Technology has moved at present to small personal quadcopters. Watch the vid in post# 65. You can actually buy one from the Swedish company. You can have your fun in it too. Again, you can gather your friends and in the appropriate socio-economic system be able to rent a bunch of these vehicles and be off on a short tour.

Even fixing, tweaking your own car or bike = fun.

Then start a small company which does that.
Then demand a harmonious neighborhood from the government. A free house. Read down post# 43.
screw your "post number 43"

and fek begging from the government

I'm in a harmonious neighborhood place, and you didn't have to pay for it.. isn't that fair ?

Motorcycles are obsolete. Technology has moved at present to small personal quadcopters. Watch the vid in post# 65. You can actually buy one from the Swedish company. You can have your fun in it too. Again, you can gather your friends and in the appropriate socio-economic system be able to rent a bunch of these vehicles and be off on a short tour.
BIkes are "obsolete" ? .. since when ? .. guess I missed that boat, whoops.. time for another ride

don't want your rental or bhikari crap, thanks.. people would much rather own their own transport and live free

LOL at your quadcopters nonsense.. give us some details about how much those Swedish quadcopters cost, including the import duties and what licenses I may need to obtain to actually fly it..

BC, yahan 1 kg ka drone udana mushkil hai, you're talking personal Jetsons cars ? when the technology isn't even here ?

are you really that dumb ?

personal flying cars are NOT going to be a thing anytime soon

also, did you just advocate for private ownership of one when you said "You can actually buy one from the Swedish company" ?

yeh dekh, what kind of man wouldn't want this ?

bit out of my range lol, sucks to not be rich.. but RE are so good too ; )
Then start a small company which does that.
have a small company, it does other things but, not into autos.
Then demand a harmonious neighborhood from the government. A free house. Read down post# 43.

Motorcycles are obsolete. Technology has moved at present to small personal quadcopters. Watch the vid in post# 65. You can actually buy one from the Swedish company. You can have your fun in it too. Again, you can gather your friends and in the appropriate socio-economic system be able to rent a bunch of these vehicles and be off on a short tour.

Then start a small company which does that.
Hopefully most people aren't this bad at deductive reasoning like many of the posters here are no offense but
@.virus. most Indians and Pakistanis don't have the purchasing power to buy a car. Cyling infastructure is cheaper and moves more people than cars. Both Dehli and Kolkata are T1 indian cities but Kolkata has 18% of its households owning cars as opposed to 37% in Delhi. Forget quadcopters, the goal should be for most people to walk, take the subway and metro, cycle or bus to work.
Antarctica's 'doomsday glacier' is facing threat of imminent collapse, scientists warn

David Knowles
David Knowles

·Senior Editor
Wed, December 15, 2021, 3:32 AM

An Antarctic glacier the size of Florida is on the verge of collapse, scientists with the American Geophysical Union warned Monday, a nightmare scenario made worse by climate change that could eventually result in several feet of global sea level rise.

The findings were based on new satellite imagery of the Thwaites Glacier, which has been nicknamed the “doomsday glacier,” showing a proliferation of cracks across its surface.

“The eastern ice shelf is likely to shatter into hundreds of icebergs,” Oregon State University glaciologist Erin Pettit said at a video news conference Monday. “Suddenly the whole thing would collapse.”

Scientists have been monitoring the glacier, the current melting of which contributes to roughly 4 percent of annual sea level rise, for years. Its eastern portion abuts an underwater mountain, and was thought to be more stable, but new satellite images revealed that fractures have developed that are allowing warming ocean waters to speed its disintegration.

If the eastern portion of the glacier were to give way, it would hasten the collapse of its other portions, Pettit said, adding that the collapse of the eastern section could occur in the next three to five years, “like the shattering of your car’s window.”

“As it’s structured right now, this ice shelf acts like a dam. But it’s not going to for very long,” Pettit said.

The Thwaites Glacier

The Thwaites Glacier in Antarctica. (NASA/Handout via Reuters)

The chain reaction following the collapse of the eastern section of the glacier could threaten coastal residents around the world, many of whom may be unprepared for a sudden spike in sea level, which has risen slowly due to climate change since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution. Since 1880, rising global temperatures have resulted in 8 to 9 inches of sea level rise, though the rate of rise has seen a sharp uptick in recent decades. By 2100, NASA predicts, climate change will cause seas to rise by 2 to 6 feet, largely because of the melting of ice in Antarctica and Greenland.

The Thwaites Glacier has been melting due to a combination of warm air and water temperatures, caused at least partly by climate change, making it more unstable. Between the 1980s and 2017, it lost 600 billion tons of ice. As the oceans continue to warm, the glacier is expected to become more unmoored to land, increasing its risk of collapse.

“Things are evolving really rapidly here,” Ted Scambos, a glaciologist at the University of Colorado Boulder, said during Monday's news conference. “It’s daunting.”

While it could take centuries for the full impact of a total collapse of the Thwaites Glacier to play out, the latest data from Antarctica is not giving scientists any reason for optimism.

”Each new satellite image we get, we see deeper and longer fractures,” Pettit said, adding, “What we’re seeing already is enough to be worried about. Thwaites is kind of a monster.”


@-=virus=-, this is one of the side effects of people like you, especially the middle class, desiring to keep privately-owned personal transport cars and two-wheelers. We have seen other side effects these past few years - unusual forest fires and floods. To keep such things at least at bay all it would take is for countries is just one simple thing : ban privately-owned personal transports. Enable buses and taxis. For example in India a few tens of thousands of taxis are much better than nine hundred million cars and two-wheelers.

LOL. I am calling for entire humanity to be rid of personal cars and two-wheelers. Perhaps you know that the three biggest polluters in the world are India, China and USA, and a major part of this pollution comes from personal transport vehicles directly, secondarily and tertiarily. In India itself there are about 300 million cars and perhaps 500 to 800 million two-wheelers. Also, these personal vehicles are a very avoidable cause of crime, accidents, chaos and disharmony. Ban them and replace them with more buses and taxis. If anything, one of the side effects of the ban will be greatly reduced consumption and production of oil. So how is my idea discrediting the Left and shilling for Big Oil ?
You are really a shameless liar, check your car sales numbers each year, and these numbers you can find in your car forums such as team-bhp.com, etc...

Your annual car sales reached around 3 million only recently, you add all these numbers for 100 years and no car break down, and you get 300 million cars, not to mention your car sales before 2010s are negligible. You shameless liar should not try to put your country together with China which sells 20~30 million 4+ wheelers, mostly passenger cars each year for a decade now. We have 300 million cars now, you has 1/10 that amount, or even less. You and your media's joke about taking two wheeler, three wheeler as cars is not funny.
China car sales is the world's biggest since 2009:
Top Countries by New Passenger Car Sales 2005 to 2018

You don't have to worry, india is a nobody, LMAO...
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Your annual car sales reached around 3 million only recently, you add all these numbers for 100 years and no car break down, and you get 300 million cars, not to mention your car sales before 2010s are negligible. You shameless liar should not try to put your country together with China which sells 20~30 million 4+ wheelers, mostly passenger cars each year for a decade now. We have 300 million cars now, you has 1/10 that amount, or even less. You and your media's joke about taking two wheeler, three wheeler as cars is not funny.
China car sales is the world's biggest since 2009:

Your last bolded line indicates that you didn't even read the title of this thread nor its OP. :lol: You are actually proud of China's 300 million cars.

OK, I googled now and I was wrong that India has 300 million cars. Well, it has 30 million cars and not 3 like you say. Screenshot :

And even this three million, with most of them being for personal transport, are a problem. Read the OP and follow the discussion.
Your last bolded line indicates that you didn't even read the title of this thread nor its OP. :lol: You are actually proud of China's 300 million cars.

OK, I googled now and I was wrong that India has 300 million cars. Well, it has 30 million cars and not 3 like you say. Screenshot :
View attachment 803710

And even this three million, with most of them being for personal transport, are a problem. Read the OP and follow the discussion.
Then you don't have to worry too much about your 30 million cars, as even our 300 million cars are not a problem. Talking about public transportation, then I have even more to be proud of, no matter it comes to HSR, metro, E-buses, shared e-bikes, everything you name it.

PS, I said you reached 3 million annual car sales just recently.
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