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Making the case for a global ban on privately-owned personal transport cars and two-wheelers

I have often made this topic in posts so I thought why not create a thread for this for discussion and readership.

Privately-owned personal transport vehicles ( cars and two-wheelers ) are I believe the biggest form of pollution in the world, directly through their usage and secondarily through their production. This is multiplied by the many manufacturers producing multiple models per year. The hundreds of millions of middle class people in the world, especially in relatively newly "liberalized" and Capitalist India and China, are exhorted through media campaigns and word-of-mouth to buy the latest vehicle model. To purchase these vehicles the middle class and others indulge in a lifestyle that is polluting and not in harmony with Nature and idealized society. Even the supposedly Nature-friendly electric vehicles like Tesla are no good. So these vehicles not only lead to pollution but also to needless accidents, crime ( including "anti-social behavior" ), chaos and general disharmony. Ask me, who comes from India where all these factors are in extreme.

The simple solution for intra-city travel would be therefore to ban all privately-owned personal transports and replace them with 40-passenger buses and six-passenger taxis ( with sufficient luggage space ) that have been more in number and efficiency. Though privately-owned service vehicles ( food and grocery delivery vans, construction trucks etc ) can be owned. This idea itself is a fine idea and it has precedent too. The planned city called NEOM in Saudia will have no private cars and the planned district of Shezhen city in China called Net City will also have no private cars.

So what could be the form of the intra-city buses and taxis ? There is a good new development in vehicles called Cyclorotors which are aircraft that in modern form have electric motors attached to four hubs at the sides and the hubs have movable blades and when the hubs are spun the blades I think create a force that lift the aircraft and move it forward. The below vid was made known to me credit @Hamartia Antidote. It is a test vehicle from the Austrian company CycloTech and of course I think in full form the hubs will be enclosed with a mesh for safety :

Such a vehicle could not only be used for buses and taxis but also for police vehicles, ambulances and food and groceries delivery vehicles. The fuel for these vehicles can remain petrol which can power the electric motors until the time that new longlife battery technologies like the NDB or research into how the electric eel produces up to 860 volts with a power to stun or even kill crocodiles, do not come about. At 05:21 mins in the below vid there is a visualization of a Russian project called CycloCar which can carry six people or 600 kgs of cargo and has a range of 500 kms with a top speed of 250 kmph :

I think ground vehicles for most things are passe and the future is of the Cyclorotor. And there's no point holding two-yearly climate change conferences if the biggest source of pollution - privately-owned personal transport - is not banned.


@fitpOsitive @Bilal9 @Indos @ps3linux others.

That is a cultural problem to do with the inherent cultural misogyny and non-discipline which didn't stop when the public was transferred from buses to shiny, "modern" metro trains. And that misogyny was really magnified when the trains were assigned isolating and otherizing "For ladies only" seats because such males will always retain their misogyny. And do you think most Indians in personal cars and two-wheelers behave any better ? According to this article :
About 450,000 accidents take place in India annually, of which 150,000 people die.

“India has the highest number of casualties in road accidents,” said the report. “There are 53 road accidents in the country every hour and one death every four minutes.”
It is regular to see idiot two-wheeler-riding males keep their helmet on their wrist and only when they see a traffic signal 100 feet away where there might be police will they stop their two-wheelers and put the helmet on the head. Are they protecting their wrist ? And then there is the other idiotic fashion of having those big, noisy bullet motorcycles, not to mention those taporis getting garages to tamper with the two-wheeler exhaust pipe so that the stupid two-wheeler produces even more noise.

So, the radical change I proposed will also take care of radically instilling good behavior in the traveling citizens and if they do something wrong then they will be punished.
I have been sitting on this thread of a while now. Either too busy or forget about it when I am not.
I haven't read it yet. Will try to do so first chance I get. Very interesting topic.

But anyways, as I was saying

I am also all for mass transit, but for another reason which is protecting the environment.
Don't agree with total ban of personal vehicles. Instead, govt.s should work towards affordable and efficient mass transit and personal vehicles should be treated more like luxury items, heavily taxed (carbon tax etc). The proceeds goes towards improving and maintaining infrastructure for the mass transit programs etc.

My reasoning for a treating personal vehicles as a luxury is similar to trophy hunting or like cigarettes in a way.
Tax it heavily once the alternatives are in place and use the tax proceeds to subsidize and maintain the mass transit.
I have been sitting on this thread of a while now. Either too busy or forget about it when I am not.
I haven't read it yet. Will try to do so first chance I get. Very interesting topic.


But anyways, as I was saying

My reasoning for a treating personal vehicles as a luxury is similar to trophy hunting or like cigarettes in a way.
Tax it heavily once the alternatives are in place and use the tax proceeds to subsidize and maintain the mass transit.

1. Sir, I find trophy hunting absolutely abhorrent. I don't understand the reasoning behind someone trying to be macho and going to Africa with a gun and shooting down a lion or buffalo or most sad for me, the caracal cats. If I was the leader of an old-style progressive transnational movement I would have gotten those African government officials arrested who allow trophy hunting plus any hunter who can be conveniently grabbed that moment and I would do to them what they do to those caracal cats. I won't post the pics here as you can find them easily but these haraamis even have a website :
Once I had these crooks arrested they would be tried in a people's court.

There is an Indian website called BookMyShow where you can book your seats for dramas and other events in your city. These hunter haraamis book their tickets for needlessly killing animals who have done them no harm especially those beautiful-in-every-way caracal cats. If these hunters are so brave then why don't they join or establish progressive movements in their Western countries which are rife with Capitalist oppression ( Americans are now having to sell blood to buy bread ) and mindless imperialism by overthrowing the morally wrong governments and bringing in progressive political, social and socio-economic systems ? Or would this struggle be too much for them and the easiest be shooting down an innocent caracal from 40 meters ? :)

2. Making trophy hunting a luxury and tax on cigarettes exist but those two things haven't vanished long after making them luxury and taxing them. There are things that are wrong in entirety so the only way is banning them because it is the simplest way and there will be no need for record keeping and making rules and assigning people to keep track.

Now if a government spends massively on weapons to needlessly kill someone 13,000 kilometers away or overthrow a progressive governance system in another continent and spends on building grand religious structures and they-did-it-so-I-will projects like bullet trains but doesn't spend on building factories to build buses then what's the point of such a governance system ? :)
wooo .. kya baat hai !

full mazey le rahe ho capitalism ke:cheers:

Capitalism is the only fair system, you get paid based on your contribution to economy.

Waise US me cars kaafi saste hai, and prices of cars started to come down significantly in the past 2-3 months.
Capitalism is the only fair system, you get paid based on your contribution to economy.

Waise US me cars kaafi saste hai, and prices of cars started to come down significantly in the past 2-3 months.
Yeah, one of the pluses of having an advanced economy, spl the used market, some great deals on quite fancy cars.

India has a ways to go before we can have a similar market, idhar used imported luxury ones are still waay too pricey, but then even for a new one, there's a ridiculous 100%+ duty/tax on them.
Yeah, one of the pluses of having an advanced economy, spl the used market, some great deals on quite fancy cars.

India has a ways to go before we can have a similar market, idhar used imported luxury ones are still waay too pricey, but then even for a new one, there's a ridiculous 100%+ duty/tax on them.

Bhai, if you're lucky, you'll find some Ferrari F488 for under 150K USD.
Yeah, one of the pluses of having an advanced economy, spl the used market, some great deals on quite fancy cars.

India has a ways to go before we can have a similar market, idhar used imported luxury ones are still waay too pricey, but then even for a new one, there's a ridiculous 100%+ duty/tax on them.
Couple of weeks back I saw an Audi R8 for sale in Bangalore for about 60 lakhs INR.
Couple of weeks back I saw an Audi R8 for sale in Bangalore for about 60 lakhs INR.
Nice, price depends of year of manufacture, condition, accident history etc

There's this showroom in Delhi called Bigboytoyz

all still extremely out of my budget, unfortunately :P
Nice, price depends of year of manufacture, condition, accident history etc

There's this showroom in Delhi called Bigboytoyz

BigboyToyz is fraud BC, there were cases they imported used cars from UK and passed it on as brand new in India. And moreover, I'll never buy a car who without authorized dealership in India. Even if you're buying used, get it validated by them.
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