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Making the case for a global ban on privately-owned personal transport cars and two-wheelers

What is "the wagon from 22 Chungi" ? But I don't want to know. Abolish personal vehicles will be. When the revolution comes @-=virus=- 's motorcycles and @Skull and Bones's Maseratis or whatever will hang in the nearest furnace.

And you RescueRanger, you in Pakistan have seen massive floods covering 30 percent of the country and these came through climate change which in turn came through the hundreds of millions of personal vehicles in Asia including in neighboring India - Virus' motorcycles and cars including. You should be supporting my position here.

When one sees people doing a Ha Ha on pictures of a woman who died of politically-induced hunger death ( thus a murder ) and pictures of homelessness in the "world's biggest economy" and "world's richest country" USA, what does one say of these people ?
chup, bhikari bkl

1. Sir, I find trophy hunting absolutely abhorrent. I don't understand the reasoning behind someone trying to be macho and going to Africa with a gun and shooting down a lion or buffalo or most sad for me, the caracal cats. If I was the leader of an old-style progressive transnational movement I would have gotten those African government officials arrested who allow trophy hunting plus any hunter who can be conveniently grabbed that moment and I would do to them what they do to those caracal cats. I won't post the pics here as you can find them easily but these haraamis even have a website :
Once I had these crooks arrested they would be tried in a people's court.

There is an Indian website called BookMyShow where you can book your seats for dramas and other events in your city. These hunter haraamis book their tickets for needlessly killing animals who have done them no harm especially those beautiful-in-every-way caracal cats. If these hunters are so brave then why don't they join or establish progressive movements in their Western countries which are rife with Capitalist oppression ( Americans are now having to sell blood to buy bread ) and mindless imperialism by overthrowing the morally wrong governments and bringing in progressive political, social and socio-economic systems ? Or would this struggle be too much for them and the easiest be shooting down an innocent caracal from 40 meters ? :)

2. Making trophy hunting a luxury and tax on cigarettes exist but those two things haven't vanished long after making them luxury and taxing them. There are things that are wrong in entirety so the only way is banning them because it is the simplest way and there will be no need for record keeping and making rules and assigning people to keep track.

Now if a government spends massively on weapons to needlessly kill someone 13,000 kilometers away or overthrow a progressive governance system in another continent and spends on building grand religious structures and they-did-it-so-I-will projects like bullet trains but doesn't spend on building factories to build buses then what's the point of such a governance system ? :)
In the ideal world, yes, trophy hunting etc would not be a thing.
My suggestion is simply put a high cost on these things. There are people who pays taxes on import of luxury cars where the taxes are more than the price of the car. Now that fancy sports car generates the same of maybe two regular cars' worth of CO2, but now you have a butt ton of money that (assuming the intent is there), can be spent on countering climate change, preserving animals habitats in case of trophy hunting.

Bans are not likely to work. They tried that with the prohibition.

OP has never had the experience of sitting in the wagon from 22 Chungi. He’ll soon change his tune after that experience 😂
I think he is advocating more for Shehbaz sharif style metro or orange train the wagon from chungi.

also, excellent thread hijack, gentlemen !


to you, I raise a capitalist toast !


bare bare harami dekhe hn. but you sir, I tip my hat to you. 🫡
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What revolution? :lol: Commies suck dick of industrialists and business men for their party chanda.

How are commies supposed to maintain their offices and money-poor full-time members in Capitalist India if not from donations from members, supporters and sympathizers ? Those teas I had in the CPM office and the food in the kitchen there and the salary for the lady cook, and the electricity bill and water bill, they all come from donations.

It is good that industrialists are sympathizers or supporters or even party members among the commies because there is desire for radical change in the oppressive and exploitative scene in India. Yesterday I met one such person. He spoke of members contributing to all aspects of supporting the money-poor comrades including purchasing clothes.

In the ideal world, yes, trophy hunting etc would not be a thing.

VillageIdiot bhai, the ideal world is when we commit to make it, which can be right tomorrow. Revolutions happen overnight and changes brought, yes ? :) The American government will discourage Americans from traveling to Cuba to get healthcare in one of the best healthcare systems in the world but the American government cannot execute fake-macho hunters who go to Africa to kill caracals for no reason at all ?

My suggestion is simply put a high cost on these things. There are people who pays taxes on import of luxury cars where the taxes are more than the price of the car. Now that fancy sports car generates the same of maybe two regular cars' worth of CO2, but now you have a butt ton of money that (assuming the intent is there), can be spent on countering climate change, preserving animals habitats in case of trophy hunting.

Bans are not likely to work. They tried that with the prohibition.

1. I will reply this first about cigarettes. Cigarettes are costlier in India than the traditional smokes called beedi and cigarette packets also have graphic images on the back with damaged and bloody lungs and all. Yet people still smoke. :)

2. In Bombay lives Mukesh Ambani who is one of the money-richest people in the world and he has 168 cars. Recently I read of a fellow called Naseer Khan in Deccan Hyderabad who recently purchased the most expensive car purchased by any Indian at 12 crores and he has other luxury cars too. These people don't do any useful work for humanity but the contradictions of Capitalism pushes them into the upper class where they employ their haraam money on such useless things instead of on developing society. Secondly, these luxury cars are affordable only by a few, the remainder of the maybe 500 million personal vehicles in India are owned by the lower classes in the Capitalist socio-economic order and the combined daily pollution of these vehicles is massively more than those of the luxury cars. Taxing the rich for their luxury cars but not taxing the lower classes won't remove the pollution. :) To remove pollution the simplest way is to abolish all personal vehicles once and for all. This also has the advantage of no separate department and record-keeping to keep track of taxations if personal vehicles were retained.
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VillageIdiot bhai, the ideal world is when we commit to make it, which can be right tomorrow. Revolutions happen overnight and changes brought, yes ? :) The American government will discourage Americans from traveling to Cuba to get healthcare in one of the best healthcare systems in the world but the American government cannot execute fake-macho hunters who go to Africa to kill caracals for no reason at all ?
Can't disagree with that.

1. I will reply this first about cigarettes. Cigarettes are costlier in India than the traditional smokes called beedi and cigarette packets also have graphic images on the back with damaged and bloody lungs and all. Yet people still smoke. :)
That is due to the endemic problem of bad governance we have. Rape and murder is banned too but people do it because they know they'll get away with it.

2. In Bombay lives Mukesh Ambani who is one of the money-richest people in the world and he has 168 cars. Recently I read of a fellow called Naseer Khan in Deccan Hyderabad who recently purchased the most expensive car purchased by any Indian at 12 crores and he has other luxury cars too. These people don't do any useful work for humanity but the contradictions of Capitalism pushes them into the upper class where they employ their haraam money on such useless things instead of on developing society. Secondly, these luxury cars are affordable only by a few, the remainder of the maybe 500 million personal vehicles in India are owned by the lower classes in the Capitalist socio-economic order and the combined daily pollution of these vehicles is massively more than those of the luxury cars. Taxing the rich for their luxury cars but not taxing the lower classes won't remove the pollution. :) To remove pollution the simplest way is to abolish all personal vehicles once and for all. This also has the advantage of no separate department and record-keeping to keep track of taxations if personal vehicles were retained.
I agree about the vulgar rich.

The 500 million personal cars are a problem. No doubt about that. But, those people need to have a suitable alternative. But that 12 crores car must have generated a good amount of tax. Again it comes down to governance to ensure those funds are utilized properly. How many metro or rail tickets can be subsidized just with the tax generated off of that one car. Not to mention banning an entire mega industry and associated smaller industries will lead to worker layoffs, joblessness.

After all, even in a completely communist society, there has to be economic activity and wealth generation. The difference arises just on the question of distribution of wealth, not the generation of it.
Not to mention banning an entire mega industry and associated smaller industries will lead to worker layoffs, joblessness.
Asked him that about a million times, he doesn't have a solution.. he'll just sprout more insane psycho babble.
Asked him that about a million times, he doesn't have a solution.. he'll just sprout more insane psycho babble.
There is no denying that there is a dire need for a change of priorities but also no room for a grand revolution like @jamahir is envisioning. There's always going to be job losses as things evolve. In the case of cars, auto-mechanics are ubiquitous in the subcontinent and they make good money. IMO, The only way is to switch over to sustainable means of travel as soon as we can and that will create new jobs to replace the old ones. People will adapt. Coal mining employed thousands on people once too. They didn't just starve out. I read a long time ago about a non-profit teaching people laid off from coal mines in the US to code. Auto mechanics also won't die out as long as their is a smooth (albiet fast-tracked) transition. 500 millions personal cars aren't going to evaporate into thin air. And people will switch over to the newer technologies.

All that is needed is public awareness and policy intent.

Oh and most importantly less f*cking. Waaaay less. Unprotected that is.

Cuz it's getting crowded in this motherf*cker. :lol:
How are commies supposed to maintain their offices and money-poor full-time members in Capitalist India if not from donations from members, supporters and sympathizers ? Those teas I had in the CPM office and the food in the kitchen there and the salary for the lady cook, and the electricity bill and water bill, they all come from donations.

So you're counting on revolution from prostitutes who'd bends over to capitalists for some chump change?
@villageidiot @-=virus=-, I will reply on that tomorrow.

So you're counting on revolution from prostitutes who'd bends over to capitalists for some chump change?

I have no problem with prostitutes but what are you talking about ? Has money been abolished in India ? If yes then that delicious herbal milk tea made by the son of that CPM worker came to me through the production and distribution layers without any money. However, if India still has money system then these people couldn't have just held the drinking glasses to the room's ceiling and the tea magically appearing into the glasses.
I have no problem with prostitutes but what are you talking about ? Has money been abolished in India ? If yes then that delicious herbal milk tea made by the son of that CPM worker came to me through the production and distribution layers without any money. However, if India still has money system then these people couldn't have just held the drinking glasses to the room's ceiling and the tea magically appearing into the glasses.
Do you have any learning or comprehension disability?
Assume I have, since I am "a 10th class fail", and explain to me your nice question.

You previously mentioned that our (capitalists/businessman/industrialist) existence is at the mercy of upending revolution, but the people you're counting on to revolt ,are themselves at the mercy of the pittance they beg from us (capitalists/businessman/industrialists).
You previously mentioned that our (capitalists/businessman/industrialist) existence is at the mercy of upending revolution, but the people you're counting on to revolt ,are themselves at the mercy of the pittance they beg from us (capitalists/businessman/industrialists).

Just reconsider my below post :
It is good that industrialists are sympathizers or supporters or even party members among the commies because there is desire for radical change in the oppressive and exploitative scene in India. Yesterday I met one such person. He spoke of members contributing to all aspects of supporting the money-poor comrades including purchasing clothes.
The person I met yesterday is an industrialist and associates with the left movement by choice because he wants removal of Capitalism. His income is divided between his family and the group he belongs to. He is not a Capitalist but someone who has to operate and survive on day-to-day basis in a Capitalist society. Unless you say Communists can produce things out of magic and sustain themselves there is no other way to but for some Communists to be in paid employment of others or run businesses and both categories contributing to the party funds and to the life of those few members of the parties who have to be full-time members to maintain the party full time and thus cannot have any other source of money unless they come from money-rich family.
There is no denying that there is a dire need for a change of priorities but also no room for a grand revolution like @jamahir is envisioning. There's always going to be job losses as things evolve. In the case of cars, auto-mechanics are ubiquitous in the subcontinent and they make good money. IMO, The only way is to switch over to sustainable means of travel as soon as we can and that will create new jobs to replace the old ones. People will adapt. Coal mining employed thousands on people once too. They didn't just starve out. I read a long time ago about a non-profit teaching people laid off from coal mines in the US to code. Auto mechanics also won't die out as long as their is a smooth (albiet fast-tracked) transition. 500 millions personal cars aren't going to evaporate into thin air. And people will switch over to the newer technologies.

All that is needed is public awareness and policy intent.

Oh and most importantly less f*cking. Waaaay less. Unprotected that is.

Cuz it's getting crowded in this motherf*cker. :lol:
Sure, things are far from perfect in our area of the world, lotsa scope for improvement but they're not as dire as our man J, makes it out to be.

Besides, change is already afoot, but, like everything (and everyone) around these parts, it's taking its own sweet time. Things are on the mend, we're certainly better than we were (at least India) just post the fall of communism. We've experienced an industry boom, then an IT bust (dot come bubble, though that was global).. been up and down but the long trend is a secular bullm Modi's crew has been divesting state industries, thus improving them, reforms are a constant thing, FDI has been flowing in.

"maximum governance, minimum government" .. their jumla/slogan.. but they're mostly doing it, they're trimming the bureaucracy, streamling everything, bringing private guys in..

Indian version of the GOP (US republican party) hain basically, a few loudmouth rabblerousers on the fringes notwithstanding. India inc. chala rahe hai.. I don't get the whole fearmongering by what still remains of the left here.. "fascism, hitler, nazi..blabla" GTFO with that bs.

Good point about the crowded bit lol, our people are beyond help when it comes to that but it is what it is.. gotta work with whatever hand got dealt to us, ya toh nikal jao greener pastures ko like a lot do, aur kya ?

Commies etc to biggest cxutien hain, happy they're all but extinct, those morons.

You previously mentioned that our (capitalists/businessman/industrialist) existence is at the mercy of upending revolution, but the people you're counting on to revolt ,are themselves at the mercy of the pittance they beg from us (capitalists/businessman/industrialists).
The person I met yesterday is an industrialist and associates with the left movement by choice because he wants removal of Capitalism. His income is divided between his family and the group he belongs to. He is not a Capitalist but someone who has to operate and survive on day-to-day basis in a Capitalist society. Unless you say Communists can produce things out of magic and sustain themselves there is no other way to but for some Communists to be in paid employment of others or run businesses and both categories contributing to the party funds and to the life of those few members of the parties who have to be full-time members to maintain the party full time and thus cannot have any other source of money unless they come from money-rich family.

@-=virus=- Harry Potter has lesser elements of fantasy than this pile of horse shyte.
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