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Making peace with PKK, Pros and Cons!

in 2009 AKP was struggling with military structure and didnt get sufficient armed support from army againist PKK. Some Army commanders delibrately ignored PKK attacks in order to reduce the govenment's credibility in public opinions.
This is a bold accusation. I suppose your proof would be quotes from Erdo again.

in last 1.5 years PKK took heavy blow. in 2012 it lost over 1000 militans. even in last 7-8 days pkk lost 23 militans in the calmest months of winter. half of them were from Iran and Syrian

i think government doing what needed in right time. and this proces will divide PKK. it is hard to eliminate PKK to zero level because it always find some foreign support and shelter.
You believe the government is about to force PKK into a submission? But Turkey's offer was simply "surrender or die". What does Turkey offer to PKK this time?
No, Peace will be achived on the long run IMO, I am fairly convinced that factions within PKK will neglect and refuse if any peace treaty will be signed. So we will still be facing some problems but the numbers will be decreased dramaticly and so the efficienty of an Guerilla warfare will decrease dramaticly, Eventually my predictions is that they to will eventually give in or will be destroyed.

A huge gap of Turkish population is still naive minded, So i wont expect much support from the Turkish population. But we should continue anyway...

I agree; its time for peace. I don't think many people can imagine the consequences it will have on the region. Both economically and stability.
If the American pawn AKP makes deal with Barzanistan, and abandons Turkmens, and turns back to sensitivities of Turks, then No single soldier would fight for Erdogan. thats clear. Martyrs didnt die to be abandoned. Nobody here dares to talk about treachery and infidelity of AKP. If someone thinks these guys are Muslims, BS. These are biggest supporters of Judeo Christian imperialism.

Türkler başa Türk ister. We need Some one like Ataturk again.
Coming to an agreement is the shortest and it seems the best way of ending the PKK. If the conflict goes on, then who knows when the conflict will end. I'm sure no one is looking forward to fighting another 30 years, Turkey and PKK alike.

I think PKK, even if they would agree with laying down arms, the remnants of the PKK would keep on existing. Because as far as I know, PKK is pretty lucrative. I'm sure PKK will still exist as a criminal organization, maybe with the same name, maybe with a different name. But still, a criminal organization will not fight anyone's proxy battle's, unlike a terrorist organization. A criminal organization only cares about money. A terrorist organization cares about destabilizing a country, preferably to an extent that it can demand/takeover whatever their objectives may be. All this is just speculation on my part though.
Our ‘look’ is changing (MEHMET ALİ BİRAND

Everybody, every company, every country, every organization has an international “look,” a “rating.” Domestic and international circles build a perception of their own and give points. Report cards are not going around, but an idea is formed in minds that is immediately reflected in newspapers. It is referred to in an article, in a news story, or in a meeting. I’m talking about a rating that is intangible, which cannot be measured through concrete criteria.

With the start of the “İmralı process,” Turkey’s “stability rating” is slowly increasing.

It is still early; nobody knows what the result will be.

Are we going to face a new “Habur” disaster? Will the two sides find themselves in a dispute in the middle of the road? Will those who want to sabotage the development succeed?

Nobody knows the answers to these questions. Therefore, everyone is acting very carefully. They are watching with full attention, but they are not counting too much on it.

Despite this, just take a look at stories and articles about Turkey. Lend an ear to international conferences, you will immediately notice the effect. Some of the countries in the region are saying: “Hopefully, the Turks will not make it.” Several of our neighbors who want the Kurdish-Turkish conflict to continue and are making use of this fight are uncomfortable.

For example, Iran… For example, Iraq… For example, Syria… For example, Israel…

As a matter of fact, even those we see as friends secretly hope that this process will fail as soon as possible.

The reason is simple. This process does not serve their interests. They don’t want Turkey to save itself from the quagmire of the Kurdish issue. This way, Ankara will never be strong. It cannot raise its voice too much. It cannot accelerate its economic initiative…

Contrary to this, monetary markets and investors are happy with the process. For them, a stable Turkey means a country where they can invest their money more safely, where they can invest more, in other words a stable Turkey is a country where they can make more money.

Even though business circles and the political world think differently to each other, the moment the “İmralı Process” is successful they will also need to raise their ratings. Reaching a result may take a long time but even this much so far has been enough to increase interest.

Let’s not forget that political stability also brings financial-economic stability. A country which is fighting its own people, which lives with a constantly bleeding wound, will never have an increase in its “stability rating.” Prime ministers may be applauded, they may be cheered, but in the end it is the balance sheet that is taken into account.

The weakest link is Başbuğ
If there are a few “weak links” among defendants in the ongoing trials, the top place goes to İlker Başbuğ.
It is beyond comprehension that the justice system of the Republic of Turkey accuses a former Chief of General Staff as the “leader of a terror organization” and arrests him, considering him to be part of the “deep state.” You cannot explain this to the Turkish public or the international public.

Başbuğ has been under arrest for one year. He has not made a big deal out of it; he is waiting for the result and is maintaining his stance. He has remained courteous.

It is time for these kinds of arrests to end. They have gone on for too long, they have harmed the public’s conscience.

For the court to announce that there was a risk of the defendants “fleeing” was far from convincing.
What needs to be done must be done now. Decisions should be made and these arrests should come to an end.

This is Exaggeration, Turkey has four armies. PKK is merely a job of a division. And that is without mobilization.

Well you surely know better than Turkish High Command then..Before they scheme this military doctrine they should have asked your opinion first..Because what you quoted is not my interpretation but the official doctrine
Cumhuriyet Portal

And this is BS. You can't consider the whole budget of the Army, spent on terror.

Again, officials must be lying because this 300bn$ is not my figure but from official statements..Whether it is true or not is not my concern
This is a bold accusation. I suppose your proof would be quotes from Erdo again.
it is not quotes. it was the pure reality i witnessed with my own eyes arround Hakkari region.

You believe the government is about to force PKK into a submission? But Turkey's offer was simply "surrender or die". What does Turkey offer to PKK this time?

Turkey will demnad PKK to be disarmed but not suddenly, first it must withdraw all its militans to outside of Turkey into n.iraq.
meanwhile government gonna take some democratic steps toward Kurdish rights and ID. gradually maybe one yaer later pkk will begun to disarm itself.

PKK long term strategy that planned on Kurdish riots like Arab springs completly failed. PKK, its legal party BDP and NGOs constandly tried to provoke and revolt Kurds againist governments. Even some non-Kurdish politic bodies like left wings groups supported PKK for that planned riots. But the most pro-pkk rallies didnt pass beyond protests. Bcuz overwhelming majority of Kurds didnt participate in such plans..
Ir.Tab, why are you posting columnists who are on payroll of US-Israel?

I do not expect you to not oppose, my dear.

isn't it better instead of these type of claims please provide us that with which part of his writing you are disagreed.
I do not expect you to not oppose, my dear.

isn't it better instead of these type of claims please to provide us with which part of his writing you are disagreed.

One thing you should know: with US-Jew support, you Azerbaijani Turks cannot gain freedom.

Ataturk had a saying: hangi istiklal vardır ki ecnebi nasihati ile yükselebilsin. These columnists serve Jewish interests, not for Turks. As long as someone wants to destroy my nation, i would oppose it, whether Jew, American or Kurd.
Turkey will demnad PKK to be disarmed but not suddenly, first it must withdraw all its militans to outside of Turkey into n.iraq.
meanwhile government gonna take some democratic steps toward Kurdish rights and ID. gradually maybe one yaer later pkk will begun to disarm itself.
"Kurdish rights and ID" Is a matter between the republic of Turkey and the Turkish citizens of Kurdish ethnicity. What is it the government is offering to PKK in return for total disarmament of their cells?
One thing you should know: with US-Jew support, you Azerbaijani Turks cannot gain freedom.

Ataturk had a saying: hangi istiklal vardır ki ecnebi nasihati ile yükselebilsin. These columnists serve Jewish interests, not for Turks. As long as someone wants to destroy my nation, i would oppose it, whether Jew, American or Kurd.

Come on dude, It doesnt mather how we do it, But atleast we should achive peace, This will only benefit us and us only. I dont see how Zionists or USA can profit from this in any way...
"Kurdish rights and ID" Is a matter between the republic of Turkey and the Turkish citizens of Kurdish ethnicity. What is it the government is offering to PKK in return for total disarmament of their cells?

it may be an amnesty but excluding senior members of PKK.
for senior members Turkey may condone them in taking refuge from west european countries and house arrest for Ocalan

i just tried to make some estimations. bcuse it is too early to talk about it yet..
Come on dude, It doesnt mather how we do it, But atleast we should achive peace, This will only benefit us and us only. I dont see how Zionists or USA can profit from this in any way...

On the country; the US and Israel has in interest in maintaining an armed struggle in Turkey. In contrast to what many people believe, both countries 'fear' an united and independent Turkey. Making peace will pave the way for a stronger Turkey. A country that in the long-term doesn't need EU-membership. Considering the fact that the power is shifting from the western world to the eastern part of the world, in the end the EU will need Turkey more than the other way around. A peaceful eastern Turkey will also pave the way for more economical potential and grow in Turkey.
Well this tense argument was expected..No one should expect from Turkish people to accept this peace talk with joy and happiness and all..But i think everyone should rationalize their opinions..I mean come on, "this is US-jew plan i dont accept" This is not logical..Every one here including me have deep suspicions.."What will Turkey give in return for peace?" Thats the real question we need to discuss instead of pointing fingers at each other
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