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Making Karachi a province

i am also in favour of another province but after MQM terrorists are wiped out

Itz not pozible :azn:
Divide Sindh into 3 provinces. A Karachi province, South Sindh with Hyderabad as the capital and Sindh with Larkana or whatever other insignificant village they have as the capital.
Karachi's population is expected to cross 30 million in the next 10-20 years, it needs its own province and autonomy to meet the needs of its population.
Sindh should be divided to make more provinces, same goes for Pubjan and rest of the provinces. But provinces for specific ethnic groups is a big NO. Especially for Muhajirs, who call themselves Muhajir even after becoming Pakistanis for around 70 years and their leader called creation of Pakistan biggest blunder in history of mankind.

Ethic divide works what i have seen in India . Maharashtra for marathis , gujarat for gujaratis , bengal for bengalis , tamil nadu for tamils , karnataka for kannadas etc .....
Sindh should be divided to make more provinces, same goes for Pubjan and rest of the provinces. But provinces for specific ethnic groups is a big NO. Especially for Muhajirs, who call themselves Muhajir even after becoming Pakistanis for around 70 years and their leader called creation of Pakistan biggest blunder in history of mankind.

Goes to show the amount of racism that exists in the hearts of Pakistanis like you. While every ethnicity has their own province, its a big NO for Muhajirs. Muhajirs are the reason for why Pakistan even exists, the founding fathers, the people who came up with the conception of Pakistan were all Muslims from present day Northern India. You people one day woke up and Pakistan existed but Muhajirs were the ones who fought for a Pakistan, the ones who sacrificed everything for Pakistan. Shame that racist turds like you try to discredit that.
and people still believe that can be done in Pakistan ? lolz

wake me up when Pakistani People will stand together as a Nation , right now we are Fcuking divided , Hypocrites , dishonest, intolerant , and liars .... so yeah best of luck in changing the mentality of 95% Jahil awaam ..
and people still believe that can be done in Pakistan ? lolz

wake me up when Pakistani People will stand together as a Nation , right now we are Fcuking divided , Hypocrites , dishonest, intolerant , and liars .... so yeah best of luck in changing the mentality of 95% Jahil awaam ..
Baat tou sach hai par baat hai ruswai ki:agree:
Baat tou sach hai par baat hai ruswai ki:agree:

yeah i know ... the problem is that we never accept the faults in our society ,
" Sab bhala changa hai " this kind of Mentality is ruining us ...
even if someone say something with a sincerity , but if he belongs to your rival party than Fcuk him .. we will not listen to him no matter if its in favor of country ..
Need of the hour? meaning it would resolve all the issues country is facing right now?

Indeed .......
But this is need of hour ........
The number of provinces in the country, or whatever remains of it after separation of East Pakistan, is practically the same as it was back in 1947, except that their total population is now nearly six times of what it was back then. And that fact alone necessitates creation of additional provinces in order to help administration and to bring the government closer to people.

It could even be argued that while keeping the number of provinces same as before, better administration and bringing government closer to people could be achieved through the installation of duly empowered local governments. However, due to the lust for power and the passion for having control over larger budgets to fiddle around with, the possibility of provinces agreeing to have duly empowered local governments are practically nil. We have seen how, through repeatedly hacking down the local government act, both Punjab and Sindh governments have stripped the local governments of nearly all their powers and the financial resources that go with these.

And this brings us back to the proposition that to improve administrations, to remove peoples grievances and to bring governments closer to people, the only practical proposition is to have more provinces in the country.
And the clear divide between rural and urban in the Sindh province makes it imperative to use sense rather than passions, admit this fact, and create additional province or provinces. In fact, during its last tenure, Punjab government passed bills for the creation of Southern Punjab and Bahawalpur provinces. And now that Sharif Brothers are ruling both Punjab and at the Centre, one would have thought they would have gone ahead and implemented the resolution. Instead, they have chosen to bury the resolutions which shows the extent of greed and deceitfulness of our leaders.

We at least need 12 new administrative units only then Pakistan will progress batter.

And Karachi has additional problems. It is the only city which has grown from a sleepy port town of around half a million to nearly twenty-three and a half million by some estimates. And this has come about through migration of Urdu speaking people at the time of partition, the natural growth in population as well as migration to Karachi from rural Sind as also from the rest of the country. While the bulk of Karachi population consist of Urdu-speaking people, it has substantial presence of people from interior Sindh, Pakhtuns, Punjabis and Balochs. Now apart from massive population of the city - which is more than that of many countries - the mix of the populations creates additional problems in the city. Therefore, for smooth functioning of the city, all ethnicities need to have proper representation in the body governing and managing the city.

Another handicap of the city is that because of population census not having been held after 1998, the substantial increase in Karachi population and the extent of change in the urban/rural ratio of Sindh population is not reflected in the seats in the Assemblies allotted to the respective regions. As a result, Karachi and urban Sindh are ruled from interior Sindh by Peoples Party which has scarce presence in Karachi and feels no obligation to serve it.

One of the biggest problems of Karachi is transport. Yet this is city with a population of 23.5 million lacks a circular railway. In fact the city had an operating circular railway which ran over hundred trains daily. Yet the circular railway was closed ostensibly for making a small loss - which was more due to negligence and deliberate running down of it - while other institutions making huge loses were allowed to continue. Twice attempts were made to revive the Circular railway, but failed, not due to lack of funds which the Japanese government offered on concessionary rates, but because of lack of interest by the Sindh government which failed to do the necessary ground work in time, resulting in the lapse of funds offered. Recently we saw Sindh Minister of Information and Local Government Sharjeel Memon become hyper-active, not arranging removal of filth which has accumulated all over the city, or doing something useful for the city, but felling down \'illegal\' marriage halls, in the spirit of a big-game hunger, enjoying every minute of the sport.

Also, we often hear of municipal workers not getting paid their salaries because of shortage of cash but according to reports, the government did not hesitate in drawing fifteen million rupees from state funds in order to arrange a public meeting in Lyari, in an attempt to boost Peoples Party\'s popularity there. Just shows what sort of interest the Sindh government has in Karachi.

At present, the federal and provincial governments, as well as the armed forces - working through Sindh Rangers - have taken up the job of making Karachi a city of lights again. However, this purpose can not be achieved merely through treating the systems and not the disease, like it has been done many times in the past. If the authorities are really serious, they have to find a way to give the control and management of the city to the stake-holders in the city: the Urdu-speaking people, Pakhtuns, Sindhis, Punjabis and Baluchs who are resident here instead of the city being managed through remote-control from interior Sindh, by Peoples Party which has scarce presence - and interest - in the city, and is interested only in what it can take out of it. And one sure way of achieving that objective is to make Karachi a province.

Making Karachi a province

I have a large family and extended family.... i want my own province ...

Go and read administration units first and your comments show you that you are not mature enough.

All provinces should be abolished and Pakistan should be divided in Administrative Divisions.
(The whole infrastructure is already in place)

Punjab- 9 Divisions
Sind - 7 Divisions
KPK - 7 Divisions
Baluchistan - 6 Divisions, (can be increased to 7 Gwadar)
GB - 2 Divisions
AJK - 3 Divisions

Very good suggestion.

Yeah just cuz more population doesn't mean more provinces.

What we lack is good local govt. otherwise new provinces won't make as big impact. It'd just mean another CM, another VIP jet, another cabinet etc.

Please elaborate why it is not a good idea and also please elaborate the difference between local body and province and why local bodies is better?

Not on MQM demand. NEVER.

the reason is simple. MQM through its 30 years politics has created so much polarization, any such demand by it will be met with violent and vociferous denunciation. MQM has created the rural urban divide more stark than before. If MQM needs rights, so do Sindhis.

Province should be based on administrative delineation not ethnic. Even though Karachi being a huge city needs its own govt, demand coming from MQM is construed as an ethnic demand.

This is why I m always against politics based on ethnic identity. It creates fissures and muddles the environment where even genuine demands are met with skepticism.

So by other mean you are supporting sindhi's and not give rights to other community . For your basic knowledge please read this

Now if you are true follower of truth tell me who is correct? and how

Ethic divide works what i have seen in India . Maharashtra for marathis , gujarat for gujaratis , bengal for bengalis , tamil nadu for tamils , karnataka for kannadas etc .....

We thank you for your comments, but with deep respect i have to say that this is our internal matter and please don't comments on that and we know that your point is a valid one but sorry again

yeah i know ... the problem is that we never accept the faults in our society ,
" Sab bhala changa hai " this kind of Mentality is ruining us ...
even if someone say something with a sincerity , but if he belongs to your rival party than Fcuk him .. we will not listen to him no matter if its in favor of country ..

That is why one one my favorite leader said " Don't think who is saying, think what he/she is saying" (Hazrat Ali (R.A))

Need of the hour? meaning it would resolve all the issues country is facing right now?

Batter management will resolve lot of issues
That is why one one my favorite leader said " Don't think who is saying, think what he/she is saying" (Hazrat Ali (R.A))

he was a Genius guy , with high Moral and value .. a role model for us ... but yeah we are kind of nation that will say " Omg , Hazart Ali R.A belong to Shia , so as sunni we will listen to Hazar Omar R.A , Abu Bakr and Uthman R.A ...
like there is a copy right trade mark on our companions
he was a Genius guy , with high Moral and value .. a role model for us ... but yeah we are kind of nation that will say " Omg , Hazart Ali R.A belong to Shia , so as sunni we will listen to Hazar Omar R.A , Abu Bakr and Uthman R.A ...
like there is a copy right trade mark on our companions

All name you just mentioned in your post were (and i still believe is) the diamonds of our Prophet (P.B.U.H).
All name you just mentioned in your post were (and i still believe is) the diamonds of our Prophet (P.B.U.H).

they are ... they are brothers .. trust me , when the world end , those who fight on the basis of Shia Sunni , will be beaten up personally by them ... we create this division not them , under the leadership of Prophet , than Abu bakr , and Umar R.A , Muslims were united, there would be difference in opinion , after all they are Humans ... so what ?
but we are just fighting for the trade mark .. my name decide my sect of Islam , such disgrace to the religion that Allah has gifted us :(

and there were 10 Companions whom ,Prophet Muhammad told them that they are going to Heaven .. and they were alive that time .. so imagine their devotion and rank among us ...
Need of the hour? meaning it would resolve all the issues country is facing right now?

Most of the issues would be resolved :agree:
The number of provinces in the country, or whatever remains of it after separation of East Pakistan, is practically the same as it was back in 1947, except that their total population is now nearly six times of what it was back then. And that fact alone necessitates creation of additional provinces in order to help administration and to bring the government closer to people.

It could even be argued that while keeping the number of provinces same as before, better administration and bringing government closer to people could be achieved through the installation of duly empowered local governments. However, due to the lust for power and the passion for having control over larger budgets to fiddle around with, the possibility of provinces agreeing to have duly empowered local governments are practically nil. We have seen how, through repeatedly hacking down the local government act, both Punjab and Sindh governments have stripped the local governments of nearly all their powers and the financial resources that go with these.

And this brings us back to the proposition that to improve administrations, to remove peoples grievances and to bring governments closer to people, the only practical proposition is to have more provinces in the country.
And the clear divide between rural and urban in the Sindh province makes it imperative to use sense rather than passions, admit this fact, and create additional province or provinces. In fact, during its last tenure, Punjab government passed bills for the creation of Southern Punjab and Bahawalpur provinces. And now that Sharif Brothers are ruling both Punjab and at the Centre, one would have thought they would have gone ahead and implemented the resolution. Instead, they have chosen to bury the resolutions which shows the extent of greed and deceitfulness of our leaders.

And Karachi has additional problems. It is the only city which has grown from a sleepy port town of around half a million to nearly twenty-three and a half million by some estimates. And this has come about through migration of Urdu speaking people at the time of partition, the natural growth in population as well as migration to Karachi from rural Sind as also from the rest of the country. While the bulk of Karachi population consist of Urdu-speaking people, it has substantial presence of people from interior Sindh, Pakhtuns, Punjabis and Balochs. Now apart from massive population of the city - which is more than that of many countries - the mix of the populations creates additional problems in the city. Therefore, for smooth functioning of the city, all ethnicities need to have proper representation in the body governing and managing the city.

Another handicap of the city is that because of population census not having been held after 1998, the substantial increase in Karachi population and the extent of change in the urban/rural ratio of Sindh population is not reflected in the seats in the Assemblies allotted to the respective regions. As a result, Karachi and urban Sindh are ruled from interior Sindh by Peoples Party which has scarce presence in Karachi and feels no obligation to serve it.

One of the biggest problems of Karachi is transport. Yet this is city with a population of 23.5 million lacks a circular railway. In fact the city had an operating circular railway which ran over hundred trains daily. Yet the circular railway was closed ostensibly for making a small loss - which was more due to negligence and deliberate running down of it - while other institutions making huge loses were allowed to continue. Twice attempts were made to revive the Circular railway, but failed, not due to lack of funds which the Japanese government offered on concessionary rates, but because of lack of interest by the Sindh government which failed to do the necessary ground work in time, resulting in the lapse of funds offered. Recently we saw Sindh Minister of Information and Local Government Sharjeel Memon become hyper-active, not arranging removal of filth which has accumulated all over the city, or doing something useful for the city, but felling down \'illegal\' marriage halls, in the spirit of a big-game hunger, enjoying every minute of the sport.

Also, we often hear of municipal workers not getting paid their salaries because of shortage of cash but according to reports, the government did not hesitate in drawing fifteen million rupees from state funds in order to arrange a public meeting in Lyari, in an attempt to boost Peoples Party\'s popularity there. Just shows what sort of interest the Sindh government has in Karachi.

At present, the federal and provincial governments, as well as the armed forces - working through Sindh Rangers - have taken up the job of making Karachi a city of lights again. However, this purpose can not be achieved merely through treating the systems and not the disease, like it has been done many times in the past. If the authorities are really serious, they have to find a way to give the control and management of the city to the stake-holders in the city: the Urdu-speaking people, Pakhtuns, Sindhis, Punjabis and Baluchs who are resident here instead of the city being managed through remote-control from interior Sindh, by Peoples Party which has scarce presence - and interest - in the city, and is interested only in what it can take out of it. And one sure way of achieving that objective is to make Karachi a province.

respected friend there are cities like tokyo ,jakarta,delhi that have more population than karachi and still they are intact as a mere city not province....leave it as it is we would be thankful of you.....
Karachi should be a province whether its name wil be muhajir aur urdpur or sindh 2 butvthis province does not mqm terrorist and goons. Being a muhajir and karachiites I reject mqm. Mqm destroyed karachi and muhajir. Mqm is a big player who destroyed karachi with the help of stupid mistake of establishment.

When I see karachi I start hating mqm and establishment. Since 30 yeaRs karachi is a battle ground of fight between mqm and army. Sometimes they become friend for their own interests of looting karachi and when the become angry of share of looting they become enemies and crush karachi.
karachi will never free of terrorism until or unless one should be succeed. Army and mqm please stop killing karachiites. Leave us.
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