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Make India an enemy and you will lose your lifeline, Chinese experts caution Beijing over Doklam

The 19th National Congress of the Communist party is due sometime in Nov.

The Chairman cannot afford to look weak then or at least till then.

This is less to do with losing face.

Had they not ratcheted up the whole issue, things would have easily been resolved without much hulabaloo.

I was quite surprised how and why their media took a leaf out of Arnab Goswami.

In fact, our media was actually quiet this time and rambled only when it came from the other side.

Let's hope that the matter is resolved with practicality, mutual understanding and maturity.
This is less to do with losing face.

Had they not ratcheted up the whole issue, things would have easily been resolved without much hulabaloo.

I was quite surprised how and why their media took a leaf out of Arnab Goswami.

In fact, our media was actually quiet this time and rambled only when it came from the other side.

Let's hope that the matter is resolved with practicality, mutual understanding and maturity.
Bro got your latest news yet? Your supapowa India reduced 90% of the troops there. :rofl:
But India replying there is no way for troops Reduction, Stay Up to date

Chellam you are the 9th Indian telling me this, check your MEA response and read it, they did not deny any troop reduction contrary to your media reports.


That's even worse for the Chinese- this means that 40 Indian troops are enough to counter 400 PLA troops?! Im sure the Chinese propaganda machine can do better!
Wow, You Indians are really good at twisting, it means India is giving in, 90% troop reduction is implying they want to retreat. After the warnings and threat of war, India is shivering and retreating, 40 left so they can try their last attempt at mutual withdrawal negotiations.
indians are clinging to straw just to hide the fact of retreating indian army. Fact is, indian had been enemy of China for 3/4 of a century (if not more) and india could not do jack other than looking hopelessly as China grown stronger in every sphere. That goes to show worthless statement and article indians are so desperately promoting.
Your memory seems to have failed you, friend.

1- Which country invited US into the Asian bastion when Soviet Union was dominant?
2- Who colluded with USA, NATO and Pakistan in supplying weapons to Taliban against a legitimate Afghan government?
3- Who transgressed into the Damanskii islands despite being a supposed all-weather ally?
4- Who became the backbone of USA's globalisation drive to shift manufacturing and create extreme work conditions in Asia?

It was People's Republic of China.

Not Japan, not South Korea. These two countries were clear from the first day as to which side of the camp they were. Till date, they stand their ground when it comes to their alliance commitments unlike SOMEONE here who backstabbed its biggest ally and the very reason why its defence industry stands today so strong.

Blaming the white man for everything is something we all Asians have. But using them as a propaganda for all the shortfalls or policy hypocrisy that CCP has done? Now that is something you guys are real masters at.
1. Why the **** Soveit had to be dominant
2.We didn't provide any weapon to Taliban
3.non of your business.
4. You are quite jealous about China making money

Let me ask you a question, why the **** you didn't stay in the shithole and come to mess with China in Doklang?

This thread if full of sour grapes and inferior complex.
1. Why the **** Soveit had to be dominant

Weren't you bosom brothers? Isn't an elder brother more dominant usually? Your definition of brotherhood is dangerous. This was nothing to do with dominance. You invited the US into Asia because of the 1969 war which took place between you and the Russians on Damanski island issue.

The strange thing is, you were communist then and even then you backstabbed your greatest benefactor.

2.We didn't provide any weapon to Taliban

Everyone knows the weapons arrangement that came from your factories for Taliban against Soviets. Small arms and RPGs made in your country were the norm while Stingers by US were the anti-air weapons.

3.non of your business.

Certainly. It was merely to highlight your territorial ambitions and encroachment policy.

4. You are quite jealous about China making money

Actually, I am astounded by your political hypocrisy on how you use countries and throw them away, whether they share an alliance with you or otherwise.

Let me ask you a question, why the **** you didn't stay in the shithole and come to mess with China in Doklang?

Because we were asked help and came forward.

You believe your large size gives you the free hand to do wrong things to others.

If you take over Pakistan, we won't give a damn as we have nothing to do with them.

Since you have nefarious regional designs, and we were requested, we had to step into Doka La.

This thread if full of sour grapes and inferior complex.

Boo hoo. Go cry me a river.
Point noted.
But then had China been really working at uniting the so called "non-white " countries,it would not be having border disputes with 14 neighbouring countries.
I mean wow!!! 14 is a lot.
14 countries out of 196 countries in the world.
Don't mind me saying this but China should stop preaching. [s]

I wish China had chosen to befriend India over other south Asian countries. Had that been the case China would not have been so insecure.

14 countries out of 196 only because the others are not bordering them.
Sir, a lot of countries can be considered judases by that measure. As long as China keeps blocking our bids for UNSC seat, entry into NSG and other forums for representing our 1.2 billion people, we will not have shared goals.
China can be a global super power but it can not and will not be allowed to treat the rest of Asia as it's playground.
Countries have to make unsavory deals with 'white' countries to ward off a greater threat


Forget UNSC, the NSG membership was purely a symbolic privilege for India, but still China went out of its way to deny India that. Masood Azhar, Hafeez Sayeed and their groups had no practical usage for China but still they went ahead and cockblocked the resolution for action against known international terrorists. China wantonly violated sleepy, frozen borders, that saw no action for more than half century, several times, including once when their own President was visiting India, making use of the unsettled nature of the borders. They went ahead with CPEC despite India's protests about its supposed route passing through a well-known and disputed territories of J&K.

I think there is a pattern in how China has been acting vis-à-vis India recently and I wonder if this is part of their official doctrine to be overtly confrontational with neighbors that don't tow their line - even when there is NOTHING to be gained. I can't tell if China simply wants to test India's appetite for trouble or just their new found wealth acting up. But this is very uncharacteristic of the always-calculating Chinese mentality that we have been accustomed to.

In the process, they overdid it so much that there is no incentive anymore for India (and several of her other neighbors for that matter) to be co-operative or even friendly with China even in places where they historically did.

I know that India and China are more likely to be competitors than friends in future due to competition for resources/influence/markets, but China simply exposed her cards too early.

All for almost NOTHING!

Sir, a lot of countries can be considered judases by that measure. As long as China keeps blocking our bids for UNSC seat, entry into NSG and other forums for representing our 1.2 billion people, we will not have shared goals.
China can be a global super power but it can not and will not be allowed to treat the rest of Asia as it's playground.
Countries have to make unsavory deals with 'white' countries to ward off a greater threat


Forget UNSC, the NSG membership was purely a symbolic privilege for India, but still China went out of its way to deny India that. Masood Azhar, Hafeez Sayeed and their groups had no practical usage for China but still they went ahead and cockblocked the resolution for action against known international terrorists. China wantonly violated sleepy, frozen borders, that saw no action for more than half century, several times, including once when their own President was visiting India, making use of the unsettled nature of the borders. They went ahead with CPEC despite India's protests about its supposed route passing through a well-known and disputed territories of J&K.

I think there is a pattern in how China has been acting vis-à-vis India recently and I wonder if this is part of their official doctrine to be overtly confrontational with neighbors that don't tow their line - even when there is NOTHING to be gained. I can't tell if China simply wants to test India's appetite for trouble or just their new found wealth acting up. But this is very uncharacteristic of the always-calculating Chinese mentality that we have been accustomed to.

In the process, they overdid it so much that there is no incentive anymore for India (and several of her other neighbors for that matter) to be co-operative or even friendly with China even in places where they historically did.

I know that India and China are more likely to be competitors than friends in future due to competition for resources/influence/markets, but China simply exposed her cards too early.

All for almost NOTHING!
India assure you , China will lose more than that if war happens .

Bragging...only if you can do the math on how much you will gain and how much we will lose, China ran even to get nuked by US in 1950s and we fear you? When we decide for a war and will accept any consequence.
Bragging...only if you can do the math on how much you will gain and how much we will lose, China ran even to get nuked by US in 1950s and we fear you? When we decide for a war and will accept any consequence.
Who is bragging. It is only you people are bragging about dividing India, ending India, blah blah blah.

if it comes to war we will also accept any consequences.

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