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Make India an enemy and you will lose your lifeline, Chinese experts caution Beijing over Doklam


Feb 21, 2013
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Make India an enemy and you will lose your lifeline, Chinese experts caution Beijing over Doklam
By Dipanjan Roy Chaudhury, ET Bureau | Updated: Aug 02, 2017, 09.55 AM IST

Sun Shihai from the Chinese Association for South Asian Studies, said the worst military stand-off would fuel anti-Chinese sentiment in India.
NEW DELHI: Apart from raising tensions between India and China, the Doklam standoff could potentially threaten Beijing’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), Chinese scholars and experts have warned for the first time.
Macau-based military expert Antony Wong Dong has cautioned that Beijing’s hardball politics are pushing New Delhi further away and could end up making it an enemy.
“China is playing psychological warfare... but it should realise that even if it defeated India in a war on land, it would be impossible for the PLA navy to break India’s maritime containment,” Wong told Hong Kong-based English daily South China Morning Post (SCMP), pointing to the importance of the Indian Ocean as a commercial lifeline.
China is largely reliant on imported fuel and, according to figures published by Chinese state media, more than 80% of its oil imports sail through the Indian Ocean or Strait of Malacca.
“Unlike Southeast Asian countries, India has never succumbed to China’s ‘carrot and stick’ strategies,” Wong said. “India is strategically located at the heart of China’s energy lifeline and the ‘Belt and Road Initiative’, and offending India will only push it into the rival camp, which [Beijing believes] is scheming to contain China by blocking the Malacca Strait and the Indian Ocean.”

Sun Shihai, an adviser to the Chinese Association for South Asian Studies, expressed similar sentiments. He told SCMP that he was concerned that the worst military stand-off in more than three decades would fuel anti-Chinese sentiment in India, as mistrust and hostility between the two countries run deep.
“If not properly handled, the border row could have a long-term impact on China’s efforts to expand its diplomatic and economic influence beyond the Asia-Pacific region with its “Belt and Road Initiative”, he said, adding, “India is one of the most important strategic partners for China’s ‘Belt and Road Initiative’ because of its geographic location.”
“Beijing has been trying to lure India to join ‘Belt and Road’ projects because both countries stand to benefit from them strategically and economically. [But] The latest tensions have soured bilateral ties and the growing mistrust will only make New Delhi more reluctant to make a decision,” Sun claimed.
It may be recalled that Delhi boycotted the BRI Summit in Beijing in May on the grounds that China-Pak-Eco-Corridor under BRI violates India’s sovereignty and that the initiative lacks transparency.
Referring to India's position on BRI at the maiden Indo-US Forum here on Monday night, Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj said, "…We have also outlined the principles that should be adhered to in undertaking connectivity initiatives, including ensuring respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity.”
Zhou Chenming (a military expert with Knowfar Institute for Strategic and Defence Studies, a non-government think tank in Jiangyin, Jiangsu province, China) told SCMP that China was well aware of the futility of an all-out war for a desolate border area that is “frozen for up to eight months of the year.
Besides the [human] casualties, the logistical cost of a border conflict between China and India would be inestimable.”
India’s interest in enhancing its naval capabilities, especially its fleet of submarines, is believed to have been prompted by China’s military modernisation and its increased activity in the Indian Ocean and the narrow Malacca Strait, which connects it to the waters of East Asia, according to SCMP. India’s growing focus on submarine warfare was underscored after it was included as part of the joint naval drills in Malabar.
We can't choose for India who to befriend and who to antagonize. That's India's own choice, and India elected to be China's enemy. Now it's a fait accompli and we will simply live with it.

All the nonwhite countries in Asia, Africa and South America that were hoping to see a more racially equitable world will have to hope that India's defection and choice to once again serve its white Anglo masters will not derail the 'Asian Century'. But now there's a serious risk that India will go down in history as the 'Judas' of the nonwhite countries, the one that deliberated sowed strife and infighting among non-whites merely so that her Anglo masters could prolong their global hegemony.
All the nonwhite countries in Asia, Africa and South America that were hoping to see a more racially equitable world will have to hope that India's defection
Point noted.
But then had China been really working at uniting the so called "non-white " countries,it would not be having border disputes with 14 neighbouring countries.
I mean wow!!! 14 is a lot.
14 countries out of 196 countries in the world.
Don't mind me saying this but China should stop preaching. [s]

I wish China had chosen to befriend India over other south Asian countries. Had that been the case China would not have been so insecure.
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We can't choose for India who to befriend and who to antagonize. That's India's own choice, and India elected to be China's enemy. Now it's a fait accompli and we will simply live with it.

All the nonwhite countries in Asia, Africa and South America that were hoping to see a more racially equitable world will have to hope that India's defection and choice to once again serve its white Anglo masters will not derail the 'Asian Century'. But now there's a serious risk that India will go down in history as the 'Judas' of the nonwhite countries, the one that deliberated sowed strife and infighting among non-whites merely so that her Anglo masters could prolong their global hegemony.

Read between the lines and its clear what you mean.

Chinese Century instead of Asian Century.

And were it a matter of leading the non white world, who appointed you guys the self styled leaders?

Maybe India has equal if not greater aspirations. Maybe that more than anything is the source of China's angst?

Cheers, Doc
racially equitable world
Did you mean Han dominated world order?
Lets see the Chinese Enemies

Japan -- they are coaxed by their white masters
Vietnam -- they are whites too ... coaxed into enmity with the Chinese.
Philippines ---again coaxed in to enmity by their white masters.
Mongolia --- again threatened by white masters against Chinese brothers.
Bhutan - Coaxed by white masters to make an enemy out of the Chinese.
Taiwan - Ahhh... they are Chinese White men only.

Kindly show us the love and care the Chinese offered to the above countries that they had to beg the White man instead of the Yellow man.

Other than your money.. you have nothing to offer to Asia. No technology, no culture, no friendship, no education... nothing....
We can't choose for India who to befriend and who to antagonize. That's India's own choice, and India elected to be China's enemy. Now it's a fait accompli and we will simply live with it.

All the nonwhite countries in Asia, Africa and South America that were hoping to see a more racially equitable world will have to hope that India's defection and choice to once again serve its white Anglo masters will not derail the 'Asian Century'. But now there's a serious risk that India will go down in history as the 'Judas' of the nonwhite countries, the one that deliberated sowed strife and infighting among non-whites merely so that her Anglo masters could prolong their global hegemony.
Sir, a lot of countries can be considered judases by that measure. As long as China keeps blocking our bids for UNSC seat, entry into NSG and other forums for representing our 1.2 billion people, we will not have shared goals.
China can be a global super power but it can not and will not be allowed to treat the rest of Asia as it's playground.
Countries have to make unsavory deals with 'white' countries to ward off a greater threat
We can't choose for India who to befriend and who to antagonize. That's India's own choice, and India elected to be China's enemy. Now it's a fait accompli and we will simply live with it.

All the nonwhite countries in Asia, Africa and South America that were hoping to see a more racially equitable world will have to hope that India's defection and choice to once again serve its white Anglo masters will not derail the 'Asian Century'. But now there's a serious risk that India will go down in history as the 'Judas' of the nonwhite countries, the one that deliberated sowed strife and infighting among non-whites merely so that her Anglo masters could prolong their global hegemony.

Your memory seems to have failed you, friend.

1- Which country invited US into the Asian bastion when Soviet Union was dominant?
2- Who colluded with USA, NATO and Pakistan in supplying weapons to Taliban against a legitimate Afghan government?
3- Who transgressed into the Damanskii islands despite being a supposed all-weather ally?
4- Who became the backbone of USA's globalisation drive to shift manufacturing and create extreme work conditions in Asia?

It was People's Republic of China.

Not Japan, not South Korea. These two countries were clear from the first day as to which side of the camp they were. Till date, they stand their ground when it comes to their alliance commitments unlike SOMEONE here who backstabbed its biggest ally and the very reason why its defence industry stands today so strong.

Blaming the white man for everything is something we all Asians have. But using them as a propaganda for all the shortfalls or policy hypocrisy that CCP has done? Now that is something you guys are real masters at.
Chinese experts in Macau.............do you jahil Indians know where Macau is?

note Macau is not the same as your cow

You seems to be an expert in Macau..... Tell me more about it (not google btw)

To all those who are sitting on the fence (Gallery) and cheering for a war, Nothing is going to happen, There will not be a single bullet fired on any directions..... This will continue till the winter, and then things will settle down....
To all those who are sitting on the fence (Gallery) and cheering for a war, Nothing is going to happen, There will not be a single bullet fired on any directions..... This will continue till the winter, and then things will settle down....

The 19th National Congress of the Communist party is due sometime in Nov.

The Chairman cannot afford to look weak then or at least till then.
The 19th National Congress of the Communist party is due sometime in Nov.

The Chairman cannot afford to look weak then or at least till then.
Actually Chinese normally keep quiet....But this time they have done something which normally what we Indians do.....Lot of rhetoric from their side... So itbis difficult for them to back down.. .. that is whybi said the stand off will remain till winter.... and back down.... It is basically the ego now....

I have been there. I know exactly where it is. google it and educate yourself. every news report from india has more holes than swiss cheese? why?
So you assume you are the Only one who gone There?
You seems to be an expert in Macau..... Tell me more about it (not google btw)

To all those who are sitting on the fence (Gallery) and cheering for a war, Nothing is going to happen, There will not be a single bullet fired on any directions..... This will continue till the winter, and then things will settle down....

No, It will not last till winter. China is already started toning down its rhetoric. Carefully read the statement released by China today, Its one step further towards the mutual withdrawal of forces from Doklam!!!
No, It will not last till winter. China is already started toning down its rhetoric. Carefully read the statement released by China today, Its one step further towards the mutual withdrawal of forces from Doklam!!!

It is not that easy mate.......Have you ever seen so much rhetoric from chinese side before? I mean be it the think tanks be it their media..... The awareness among population on this issue is high (compared to the earlier ones), so they cannot withdraw, as that would be seen as defeat locally.... I do not think chinese would do that....
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