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Make in India: Fiat plans to manufacture luxury SUVs in the country & export to UK, Australia

Make in India initiative is showing it's early results .. Good start Modi ji. :-)
For the better of employement we are also planning to shut factories.

That scheme is next .....we will save hundreds and thousands of jobs by shutting down all factories and companies under a scheme called "Close in India".
Best of luck.
did you miss first word or you are not skilled enough to understand it...
Yes i missed .Uk,Australia.etc are more Skilled and talented compared to India. Aren't they?

Make in India initiative is showing it's early results .. Good start Modi ji. :-)
Obviously these moves can counter hunger deaths in India. Buck up Australians. :undecided:
Yes i missed .Uk,Australia.etc are more Skilled and talented compared to India. Aren't they?

Obviously these moves can counter hunger deaths in India. Buck up Australians. :undecided:
At Least we are moving towards growth & prosperity unlike your nation. ........... Australians??
It is impossible to teach new tricks to old monkeys. If you need mercenaries and Jihadis for hire that is the destination.
Now on topic, besides affordable labor it needs an business friendly environment and I think this is what BJP has been able to do. There was a very negative mindset among the investors regarding India...and to some extent Modiji has been able to reverse it. Overall a positive and economy friendly posture will bring in ventures like this. Good job...way to go
on a scale of 1 to 10 cm how far is your head up your ***?
Lets start from the beginning

Stage 1
FIAT plans to have manufacturing facility for exports.

Stage 2

They consult the local designers or a company to design their factory ... Job creation sector 1

Stage 3

The work is given to a construction firms which include production, testing, R&d, accessories, logistics division etc. Job creation sector 2 for construction firm for the multi million project.

Stage 4

Work commences and several structures and divisions for manufacturing of a vehicle with segments belonging to different parts and sebsequent orders from vendors or building of assembly items Job sector 3 from plant, subsidieries and associates, logitical divisons, shipping division, marketing division, etc

Do you have any idea on how much people will be associated with a BIG project like a global manufacturing hub???
Sir, Saad was saying that this will help reduce the unemployement.
It was me who was saying that we need more labour intensive industries and laws need to be amended.
well its not about skill its not about cheap labour

it is more about the value chain

what i mean is

Fiat is producing it engines in india - Multijet / quadrajet


lately india has developed the long chain of industries which are ancilliary to auto industries just give you an eg

many steel cos are starting to produce auto grade steel in india

many global Bearing major source thier bearings / bearing components from Rajkot / Gujarat in india

many engine makers - source components from india

Rajkot / Bhavnagar / Pune has highly developed SMEs in Investment castings business - supplies to Auto industries

Rajkot / Bhavnagar / Pune / India etc have very high nos of injection moulding (plastic) units which cater to Auto segment

all these readymade setup is attractive to new players

i.e. a co like fiat wants to setup a new plant then they have a range of vendors who are ready to cater to thier small demand initially + who are already on a certain level with regard to quality etc

so they find that vendor selection (wrt to quality / price) is easier, they dont have to train vendors etc issues

also since many of the existing cos are exporting cars then the logistics setup is already there - transportation of cars from factory to port - trains trucks

port infra is alrready existing

shipping lines do call on those ports with car carrier service

so all these issues make india an attractive destination

and all this has been result of years of policy and work couldnt have been achieved in 5 months by Modi alone
At Least we are moving towards growth & prosperity unlike your nation. ........... Australians??
Growth yes, prosperity no. :coffee:

Sir, Saad was saying that this will help reduce the unemployement.
It was me who was saying that we need more labour intensive industries and laws need to be amended.
Yes i agreed. These steps obviously decrease Unemployment btw more likely for under graduates. :)
on a scale of 1 to 10 cm how far is your head up your ***?

Make in India: Fiat plans to manufacture luxury SUVs in the country & export to UK, Australia | Page 4

My bad...forgot to mention your profession. So let me re-write.
It is impossible to teach new tricks to old monkeys. If you need mercenaries and Jihadis for hire that is the destination.If you are looking for Cab drivers, janitors, butchers and £1 fish and veg retailer you can find some really great talent there.

Now on topic, besides affordable labor it needs an business friendly environment and I think this is what BJP has been able to do. There was a very negative mindset among the investors regarding India...and to some extent Modiji has been able to reverse it. Overall a positive and economy friendly posture will bring in ventures like this. Good job...way to go
Make in India: Fiat plans to manufacture luxury SUVs in the country & export to UK, Australia | Page 4

My bad...forgot to mention your profession. So let me re-write.
It is impossible to teach new tricks to old monkeys. If you need mercenaries and Jihadis for hire that is the destination.If you are looking for Cab drivers, janitors, butchers and £1 fish and veg retailer you can find some really great talent there.

Now on topic, besides affordable labor it needs an business friendly environment and I think this is what BJP has been able to do. There was a very negative mindset among the investors regarding India...and to some extent Modiji has been able to reverse it. Overall a positive and economy friendly posture will bring in ventures like this. Good job...way to go
u didnt answer my question man
but no worries i think its 10
Don't give a fck about what a Pakee janitor from Canada thinks.
did i rustle your jimmies

Let's temper this - JEEP has been in the pipeline for the last couple years because Fiat Chrysler has been a laggard.

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