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Make in India: Fiat plans to manufacture luxury SUVs in the country & export to UK, Australia

Not anymore. Chinese labor is becoming more expensive. Soon the destination would be India.
When it happens. Current situation is that yearly FDI in China is greater than GDP of most other countries. There are industries which are not so heavily dependent on labor, besides, everything is cheap in China, given their manufacturing base. An industry in India would have to import half the stuff from China, the cost of transport to taxation might balance the labor out. Other factors like energy, land etc are much cheaper.
With a huge number of educated people with degrees the bar is always set high. If you consider the CAT exams, where almost 10-20 million appear the exams for few thousand seats. There is nothing wrong for a graduate working in factories as long as they are paid their due. "Dignity of labor"...dude you need to understand it. In India Graduation is the minimum requirement for post of clerk....so stop comparing your country with India.
Look. In Factories there are limited managerial posts compared to technicians and helpers. These technicians and helpers are obviously undergraduate and found in huge numbers compared to professional graduates. I will not recommend a Professional graduate to work as a technician. Be advised change your flags. :D

In Factories there are limited managerial posts compared to technicians and helpers. There is 1:100 between professional gradutes and helpers/technicians/laymans etc

Source: Make in India: Fiat plans to manufacture luxury SUVs in the country & export to UK, Australia | Page 3
Look. In Factories there are limited managerial posts compared to technicians and helpers. These technicians and helpers are obviously undergraduate and found in huge numbers compared to professional graduates. I will not recommend a Professional graduate to work as a technician. Be advised change your flags. :D

In Factories there are limited managerial posts compared to technicians and helpers. There is 1:100 between professional gradutes and helpers/technicians/laymans etc

Source: Make in India: Fiat plans to manufacture luxury SUVs in the country & export to UK, Australia | Page 3

Thats good.

Now tell me how many factories you have in your country and how many mechanical engineers and other graduates you have and where they work.
The multijet engine manufacturing units, the training centers for technicians, various procurement divisions and companies, export mechanisms, plant expansions, R&D centers etc will have newer employees .. dont ya think?
But how :(:o:? how these investment will not make a big difference in employment?
Mr spark open you eyes and better take a cup of tea. roger.

For the bold part: I can understand your confusion. India has a democracy and in a true democracy the elected members are policy makers...and the PM heads the ruling party and is also a policy maker himself. Unlike Pakistan where "Jurnails" calls the shots.

Now the italics: Off topic...stick to the topic.
Wrong it is not democracy.India is a secular state. Isn't it?

Thats good.

Now tell me how many factories you have in your country and how many mechanical engineers and other graduates you have and where they work.
I said 1:100. There are mechanical engineers but less compared to technicians and laymen.
But how :(:o:? how these investment will not make a big difference in employment?
Mr spark open you eyes and better take a cup of tea. roger.

Lets start from the beginning

Stage 1
FIAT plans to have manufacturing facility for exports.

Stage 2

They consult the local designers or a company to design their factory ... Job creation sector 1

Stage 3

The work is given to a construction firms which include production, testing, R&d, accessories, logistics division etc. Job creation sector 2 for construction firm for the multi million project.

Stage 4

Work commences and several structures and divisions for manufacturing of a vehicle with segments belonging to different parts and sebsequent orders from vendors or building of assembly items Job sector 3 from plant, subsidieries and associates, logitical divisons, shipping division, marketing division, etc

Do you have any idea on how much people will be associated with a BIG project like a global manufacturing hub???
List of vehicle plants in India

List of Automotive Manufacturing Plants in various States of India. As of May 2011, 13 of the 29 states of India have Automotive Manufacturing Plants.

List of automotive plants in India
Lets start from the beginning

Stage 1
FIAT plans to have manufacturing facility for exports.

Stage 2

They consult the local designers or a company to design their factory ... Job creation sector 1

Stage 3

The work is given to a construction firms which include production, testing, R&d, accessories, logistics division etc. Job creation sector 2 for construction firm for the multi million project.

Stage 4

Work commences and several structures and divisions for manufacturing of a vehicle with segments belonging to different parts and sebsequent orders from vendors or building of assembly items Job sector 3 from plant, subsidieries and associates, logitical divisons, shipping division, marketing division, etc

Do you have any idea on how much people will be associated with a BIG project like a global manufacturing hub???
COme and kill me:suicide2:. I am saying how these initiatives are not better for unemployment.:sad:
COme and kill me:suicide2:. I am saying how these initiatives are not better for unemployment.:sad:

For the better of employement we are also planning to shut factories.

That scheme is next .....we will save hundreds and thousands of jobs by shutting down all factories and companies under a scheme called "Close in India".
Pakistan doesnt have affordable labor ?

Its not question , SUV and oil price is the issue. Its a luxury not the need of people. If Indian can afford they should go for it.
Not only labor laws, but Land Acquisition laws too.

Not anymore. Chinese labor is becoming more expensive. Soon the destination would be India.
No. We are losing out to Vietnam and Phillipines massively.
Most factories coming from China are going there instead of India.

We need to fix the Labour, Land and GST Laws pronto if we are to capture a slice of that.
Not your fault....I got it now. Hai re Pakistani education...... Any ways best of luck.
@SpArK You are trying to educate this guy!
Sarv shiksha abhyaan.
These are two unrelated terms. Secularism means a system that does not include Religion in it's operation. In terms of government, it means Religion does not play any part in running or deciding policies, regulations, laws or policies. It could even go as far as a complete purge of any religious references in government.

Democracy means rule by the people. Pure Democracies like Athenian Democracy is unworkable, since every people votes on every issue. A representative Democracy is more common. It is often combined with other governmental models. For instance, the USA is a Democratic Republic. That is a Democracy wrapped inside the framework of a Republic.

Although Secularism and Democracy are different things, Secularism, when combined with Democracy is helpful, the dogma of a religious agenda is removed from the system as so to allow political freedom of the people to make their voice heard.

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