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Majority of IEDs are traced to Pakistan

They even changed the Rambo III ending in the post-911 era. The ending used to say: "This film is dedicated to the brave Mujahideen fighters of Afghanistan". This was then edited to read "people of Afghanistan" post 911, to suit updated propaganda requirements.

did they really change that?
Ban export of fertilizers to afghans......

Afghans are repaying for wat they did in past :lol:
Are the relatives of these IEDs live in Pakistan or They plan in Pakistan How to explode?or pakistan Uses different gunpowder which is unique only to pakistan??
Ban export of fertilizers to afghans......

Afghans are repaying for wat they did in past :lol:

lol..good one.not only IEDs...even afghan tomatoes and potatoes can be traced back to pakistan.....everythong they get passes through pakistan.......how they use these items is their problem not pakistans.
Ban supply of fertilizer to afghans till they make a agreement that they wont use it for practical exams of M.tech aka master of terror technology... :lol:

Then supply fertilizer...But i think they can't disband M.Tech course anytime soon... so ban the supply!!!
Are the relatives of these IEDs live in Pakistan or They plan in Pakistan How to explode?or pakistan Uses different gunpowder which is unique only to pakistan??

:lol: :lol:
yaar please stop it...i am pmsl on this thread..
many or most afghans themselves can be traced back to pakistan.......they either been here or were born in pakistan.
what an idiotic statement.. :rofl:
Ban supply of fertilizer to afghans till they make a agreement that they wont use it for practical exams of M.tech aka master of terror technology... :lol:

Then supply fertilizer...But i think they can't disband M.Tech course anytime soon... so ban the supply!!!
lol ban the supply?what are the rest of the people gonna grow?????you cant kill 99 for 1 person
lol ban the supply?what are the rest of the people gonna grow?????you cant kill 99 for 1 person

Ammonium nitrates and Potassium nitrate are Nitrogen fertilizers.

It can be replaced by Urea/Amino methanamide/carbamide which has the highest nitrogen content of all solid nitrogenous fertilizers in common use.
F..king A....

Do u know tht fertilizer is smuggled into afghanistan aswell?

Sure ban everything n shoot the afghan smugglers... problem fixed!
everything is smuggled people, lets get real, nothing goes through the legal way except NATO containers.

---------- Post added at 09:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:45 PM ----------

did they really change that?

Yeah they did, I heard it somewhere?
Funny story about smuggling. My grandfather in the 60's was working for customs in Karachi. What smugglers would do was give a pack of cigarettes to the customs officers and inside would be money. My grandfather asked his senior why someone was insisting on giving him the cigarettes when he told the guy that he doesn't smoke. The senior said,"Inside the pack of cigarettes is money, so you can let people pass". My grandfather being a god-fearing man, and what some of you guys like to call some Pakistanis, was a paindoo. He immediately quit the job and went back to our village, saying that he would never take haram money. He did however, tell us this is where he picked up the habit of smoking.
did they really change that?

(Rambo III ending changed to remove praise for Afghan resistance)
Yes they did - you can still download older versions of the movie on bitTorrent. The 80's VHS release has that and so did the 90's era CD release of the movie, 2000's DVD release doesn't. There's info on the web as well, if you google it. This is still a little-known fact though, the media doesn't promote things like this.

America is a very fickle friend. Today's friend might be tomorrow's enemy, etc. Pakistan has had the misfortune of having their friendship many times - they embargoed us when India attacked in 1965. Promised support until crucial times later on in the 1971 war when they reneged their promises. Threatened us in the 70's when we started a nuclear weapons project in response to India testing crude/dirty bomb nuclear weaponry, but were allied again when they needed our help in Afghanistan against the Soviets from 1979 onwards. And then they embargoed and sanctioned us again after the Afghan-Soviet war was over and they didn't need us. Even took money for F-16 deliveries, which they didn't deliver - wouldn't even return the money, eventually paid in soiled/stale wheat that they had a surplus of and didn't know what to do with.

Fun thing is, they're doing it again rightnow. They used Pakistan for attacking our Afghan brothers, an idiotic military ruler blindly obliged. Now when they're loosing in Afghanistan, they're trying to put the blame on Pakistan. So, no surprise that the same people who used to be called "brave and valiant freedom-fighters" fighting for their country's independance against foreign invaders, are now terrorists opposing the US in Afghanistan.
American/NATO arms have been used by terrorists against our troops
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