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Major Military Operation Required in Baluchistan and North Waziristan

We need guts like 27th Feb. Start of by dropping guided munitions on terrorist launchpads in Afghanistan. Start territory denial bombings in Waziristan and Balochistan outskirts.
Provide FC with armored vehicles. Please train them to react properly to ambush. Insert SOF teams from the backdoor to eliminate Soft Targets and for lasing and dropping LGB on these RAW paid mercenaries. As targets become vulnerable Cavalry can kick in front door.
very well said brother, atleast you think... my heart bleeds for our brothers becoming shaheed.... why don't the top people think of these options... why are they not doing anything...
Pakistan has lost more than 50 soldiers in these two areas in past two months. Just today 6 soldiers were martyred including a Major. What the hell is going wrong ???? We need a major operations at both places as well time to return the favor to India to in Kashmir alone but every major Indian City. Enough is Enough !!!!

@Horus @Path-Finder @Arsalan @PanzerKiel @Ark_Angel

Also for GOD sake get MRAP for soldiers
What do you mean by returning the favour in every indian major city?bomb blasts in civilan areas ?
I dont believe India is behind this..let us just for argument sake suppose india is behind this...it means india has resources and intelligence to carry out attacks deep inside pakistan...if you carry out bomb attacks in indian cities,cant india do the same in pakistani cities?where will this violence stop..live and let live.
And one more thing..arent you the same person who always bring religion in everything...there was a time you indirectly supported even pakistan taliban and other terrorist organisations saying they are fighting for sharia.
If you are really concerned about muslims lives and their welfare, how could you say to bomb indian cities..every indian city has considerable number of muslims...dont their lives matter to you?.are they not muslims? Will allah forgive you for harbouring such evil thoughts in your mind?
Respect human lives
What do you mean by returning the favour in every indian major city?bomb blasts in civilan areas ?
I dont believe India is behind this..let us just for argument sake suppose india is behind this...it means india has resources and intelligence to carry out attacks deep inside pakistan...if you carry out bomb attacks in indian cities,cant india do the same in pakistani cities?where will this violence stop..live and let live.
And one more thing..arent you the same person who always bring religion in everything...there was a time you indirectly supported even pakistan taliban and other terrorist organisations saying they are fighting for sharia.
If you are really concerned about muslims lives and their welfare, how could you say to bomb indian cities..every indian city has considerable number of muslims...dont their lives matter to you?.are they not muslims? Will allah forgive you for harbouring such evil thoughts in your mind?
Respect human lives

Don’t give us that crap and try and play the Muslim card in reverse suddenly you’ve become hamdard but showing a blind eye to your own citizens being butchered.
I am missing Raheel Sharif to the depths of my heart.

I agree 100 % !

We should remember how General Raheel Shareef , along with his potent team , started Zarb e Azab operation and cleaned big part of our country from those suppose to be deadliest terrorists including TTP , BLA , BLR, and MQM London . Who could have thought before 2014 that within 3 years these terrorists network will be broken and peace will come in areas like Karachi , Balochistan and FATA .

Unfortunately in 2016, then Prime Minister Nawaz Shareef neither gave extension to General Raheel Shareef nor chose General Ishfaq Nadeem , who was mastermind of Zarb e Azab campaign , and who was also favorite choice of General Raheel Shareef to succeed him , as next Army chief . Had General Ishfaq Nadeem was made next Army Chief then General Raheel's momentum against terrorists under Zarb e Azab would have continued and country would have been cleared completely of terrorists . Also chances were that General Ishfaq Nadeem would have also confronted "Economic Terrorists " like Shareefs and Zardaris and would have dealt with them in serious way as no war can be won if a country's economy is in the hands of corrupt leaders . May be this is why Nawaz Shareef chose a passively minded General Bajwa who believe in going by the book where as our country needed an out of the box solution for its long term ailments .

We have seen that General Bajwa changed all the team of Raheel Shareef including removing General Rizwan as chief of ISI, Gen Bilal Akbar as DG Rangers and some other changes . He started his own so called Operation Radd ul Fasad . Unfortunately neither he nor his new team and new operation is able to give same results as predecessor. Terrorists are able to regroup again and we continuously see our soldiers getting martyred in Waziristan and Balochistan . Also new menace like PTM has emerged who should have been nipped right in the bud but were let to grow .

In November 2019 , PM Imran Khan has repeated the mistake of Nawaz Shareef by giving extension to General Bajwa for next three years upto year 2022 where as ideal choice would have been General Sarfraz Sattar who may have brought the zeal and aggression of General Raheel again . And now we are seeing the results of this move in Balochistan as well as Waziristan . One can compare how may soldiers we have lost at the hands of terrorists during the time of General Raheel Shareef and General Qamar Bajwa .

Lets hope our top military brass can learn from their mistakes and take better actions against terrorists and also be able to tackle internal and external enemies in more potent way .
Can anyone convey my question to High Brass?

"How much blood spill these General sahbs want?"
India every time blames Pakistan for its stupid games. They daily drop artillery shells on LOC becuase so called Pakistani paid terrorist are killing their jawans. If they can do this with a formidable force why can't we. I don't know what we are afraid of. Bunch of undisciplined hooligan of ANA, their Air Force Tucanos or non-existent air defense system. FC KPK have enough fire power to take care of these not so friendly neighbors.

We want another statement like "Pakistan retaliate kry ga" from PM Khan Sahb.
High Brass also needs to keep their shit together. If these soldiers are like children of Gen. Bajwa then behave like that. Keep your kids safe, fulfill their basic needs.

For the ISI; use local assets lure the targets then hunt them in covert ops carried out CAD+SOF.
It won't take a big chunk of you if you act like Soviet KGB ALPHA Group.

And not to forget surveillance buy armed drones over OPS being carried out and convoys moving through hostile areas. If they do attack on convoy rain some hell on them and chase/track to their rat holes. You know the drill.
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Pakistani military leadership simply doesn't care

They don't if their soldiers or officers die. They don't care if new militant groups are regrouping right in front of our eyes in the form of PTM. They don't care

It is routine as usual for both civilians and military.

Martyrdom - Condemn - Funeral

Rinse repeat

Yaar had ho gayi hai ab to

BLA and BLF terrorists are openly getting recuperated in Iran and our handsome PM is tweeting to get sanctions away from Iran
You sectarian wahabi git...
Saying anything against Iran is same as criticizing every Shia in the entire galaxy and neighboring galaxy Andromeda.
Even if you don't mention Shia or its not remotely in your mind and you have plenty of evidence against Iran.
The more you criticize Iran the more Zaynabiyoon will go die for Iran and the more Pakistani people will change their DP to some Irani general who was killed in Syria.
یہاں تو بگڑا ہے آوے کا آوا
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The relatively weaker side never survives a trench war. Cook up an incident on loc and lay waste to all forward indian bases. This also seems to be the only way to choke Afghan sell outs.
It is the same dear. Don't give it a twist
No Sir, they are not. That is not how communication works.

What is see here is that you and the person who posted this, want Indians to acknowledge sponsoring secession in Balochistan. But just because you want it, does not mean that the norms of communication will change.

The relatively weaker side never survives a trench war. Cook up an incident on loc and lay waste to all forward indian bases. This also seems to be the only way to choke Afghan sell outs.
Um, did you just suggest that Indian side is weaker?
No Sir, they are not. That is not how communication works.

What is see here is that you and the person who posted this, want Indians to acknowledge sponsoring secession in Balochistan. But just because you want it, does not mean that the norms of communication will change.

This clown Arya has dozens of times openly bragged about BLA and india's support for it

But yeah whatever
This clown Arya has dozens of times openly bragged about BLA and india's support for it

But yeah whatever
I can't comment on any other instance as I have not seen them. My note was just to point out that in this specific video, whoever is writing the commentary is outright lying.
what about major settlements ? fix the root cause of issue in balochistan spend money direct and make cities look like other Pakistani cities . build roads schools collages hospitals provide them gas electricity internet and make them happy . how long we will keep saying mazi main ghalti hoi hai ? gawadar or quetta ko chor ker bhi cities hain koi unka sochy .

this is turbat 2nd largest city of balochistan look like a village of punjab


Lahores population is equal to entire Balochistan. Phir cities village jaisi hi lagain gi.
so they have no right to get clean water electricity internet clean roads parks schools airports gas sir ? if they are less in numbers it is easy task for gov to fix the issues sir . for god sake koi ja ker dekhy tair-2 cities there is no gov there . kisi ne chaagi ka doura kiya kabhi ?
the only way to defeat insurgency is to have boots on the ground which is to say have military presence in the area akin to a occupation force. the problem with standard army is that it does not have the resources required to commit to such task without severely compromising its conventional capabilities as army formation in kp and balochistan are going to act as reserves for formations deployed to the eastern border. such occupation forces can be provided by decoupling former LEA from kp police and in case of balochistan increasing the number and capabilities of Levies if this is deemed not possible considering levies do the bulk of policing work in balochistan another force should be raised. any such forces will not need extensive logistical support and can have a very low officer to enlisted ratio. officers can be provided by either by have a separate officer training program with appointment from the army in case of any Specialist requirements or the officer corp can consistent of retiring army officers or JCO/ senior NCOs.
There were some good changes made by the army on ground level in this past few months....... But the evil struck again....... Persistence and learning from one's mistakes is the key to success, I hope we realize it before its too late......
You were saying Balochistans second largest city looks like a village. I said because Balochistan has very low population.
quarter million people live in this village sir i think its enough to be taken care . :agree: we pakistanis are giving excuses since 74 years . nawab eat money - corruption - mismanagement - provincial gov - but lets be honest can we go and talk with every person who took gun that its not our fault ?
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