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Major Military Operation Required in Baluchistan and North Waziristan

what about major settlements ? fix the root cause of issue in balochistan spend money direct and make cities look like other Pakistani cities . build roads schools collages hospitals provide them gas electricity internet and make them happy . how long we will keep saying mazi main ghalti hoi hai ? gawadar or quetta ko chor ker bhi cities hain koi unka sochy .

this is turbat 2nd largest city of balochistan look like a village of punjab


so they have no right to get clean water electricity internet clean roads parks schools airports gas sir ? if they are less in numbers it is easy task for gov to fix the issues sir . for god sake koi ja ker dekhy tair-2 cities there is no gov there . kisi ne chaagi ka doura kiya kabhi ?

BLA isn't fighting for development

It is fighting to break Pakistan

It attacks and kills poor laborers who are working for development of Balochistan

And Turbat isn't the second largest city of Balochistan
We can't even protest to Iran where BLF second in command is getting medical support

And you are expecting that these guys would go and do MOSSAD on Harbyar marri in Europe
If not eventually they will get forced
If not eventually they will get forced

These guys just don't have it. No matter what

In tillon main tail nahi

I hope mothers of this nation do give birth to someone who can do that
War needs to be fought on both sides. On groound and in the minds of the public. Take precedence from Bangladesh war. Recruit pro Pakistan Balochi and Waziristani ctivists. Kill support for PTM and BLA. Strong border monitoring. Use technology to see any data exchange. Set up facilities in FATA and Balochistan like the recent ones in Miranshah to get public on your side. This needs to be curbed from the grass roots.

RAW dogs will try their best to derail CPEC. This needs to be handled with a proper strategy, not a few raids here and there.
Heavy drone over flights needed for surveillance in baluchistan

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BLA isn't fighting for development

It is fighting to break Pakistan

It attacks and kills poor laborers who are working for development of Balochistan

And Turbat isn't the second largest city of Balochistan
we have to kill the root cause sir we have to stop their nursery . its not this simple we have to be on solid ground
we have to kill the root cause sir we have to stop their nursery . its not this simple we have to be on solid ground
Yes we should do development still I can assure these morons won't stop, they have other agendas and in fact they are the ones trying to stop development work. CPEC will benefit Baluchistan the most but these morons are trying to stop it.
There is no need for major military operation. These rats will keep coming back, Instead of learning lessons from 20 years of WoT and tweaking the Tactics, looks like Pakistan Top brass is still clueless.

Get them MRAP, if it worked for US in the mountains of Afghanistan than I will Work in Pakistan. MRAP will provide enough times and protection for Air-support or QRF to respond.

Get them theater intel. US used surveillance jet like E-11A and U-2 to monitors radio signals in the area, whenever military convoys are Traveling outside Forward operation Base. Sensors on plans pick up radio activity, (With in mins) signals get cleaned up and translate somewhere in US. Threat assessment is relayed Back to surveillance Jet via satellite. Surveillance aircraft, will Contact and reroute nearest air assets with weapons to the target.

while all this is going on, Troops on the ground are still unaware of upcoming ambush / kill zone in valley or enemy movement towards them. They are also unaware of god like presence Of U-2 at 70,000 feet monitoring everything.

Surveillance jet will punch in convey radio frequency and inform convey of imminent enemy attack and tell them to buckle up inside The safety of MRAPs. Convey leader and soldiers will have no clue but will trust the American sounding voice on the radio. Only thing they will ask, who the hell is on the radio, no response but they will get ready for the attack. With in mins, You can hear the firefight on the radio.

F-18 that were already in route, will arrive and take out enemy. One more day, one more Convey saved from being butchered in the mountains of Afghanistan.

That’s why there are so little casualties in Afghanistan than of PA in FATA. Gora Generals expect troops to die but still do what they suppose to do. Protect their troops.

50 soldiers in 2 months are way too many. Pakistani Generals are failing to do their job, either lack of planing or simple cowardice. Fight for FATA and BLA lies in Afghanistan. General sahib is either incompetent or scared to take fight into Afghanistan and if they do believe India is directly involved, taking the covert operations into Indian heart land.

@Foxtrot Alpha @Horus @PanzerKiel @Hachiman @bafxet
PA is not like US armed forces neither do we have access to the equipment, support or budget to deploy assets in such a way. The only way I see for things to change is like you implied, we hit them in Afghanistan (by any means necessary), and hit them hard, too hard that they don't just get the message, they literally breakdown. For this to happen, we will have to plan and train, and perhaps it takes several months if not a couple of years to be ready. As long as US is there, we can't hit NDS the way we want. Right now, more than R&AW, it is NDS which is working on behalf of them to damage us. We will have to work around and find a way to do it. We have the means, we just have to coordinate and work on it for some time, but this all depends on tacit approval by the political and military leadership with being prepared for backlash.
Overt military operations are deemed to be counter productive and will only help our enemies. BLA is not an organic insurgency. It is a proxy. There are other effective methods to counter and destroy proxies. The last thing we want is to give ground to these proxies to take roots.
We must take out key foreign commanders who are directly running these proxies. That narrows down our targets to commanders of three countries.
PA is not like US armed forces neither do we have access to the equipment, support or budget to deploy assets in such a way. The only way I see for things to change is like you implied, we hit them in Afghanistan (by any means necessary), and hit them hard, too hard that they don't just get the message, they literally breakdown. For this to happen, we will have to plan and train, and perhaps it takes several months if not a couple of years to be ready. As long as US is there, we can't hit NDS the way we want. Right now, more than R&AW, it is NDS which is working on behalf of them to damage us. We will have to work around and find a way to do it. We have the means, we just have to coordinate and work on it for some time, but this all depends on tacit approval by the political and military leadership with being prepared for backlash.

As long as you are afraid of attacking NDS because the US will be upset, you will never win this war or any war.
the problem is with afghanistan safe heavens which require making buffer zone and fully supporting afghan taliban,doing operations within Pakistan repeatedly will not end this and only result in waste of resources and decrease in morale of army
Only solution is to follow footsteps of MOSSAD and you know what they are famous for.

ISPR statement says 6. One officer and 5 Jawans
Since these numbers are out in the open on Social Media so no point being mum about it now ,

6 x Military personnel martyed including a Major
1 x Military trooper severely injured MEDEVAC
2 x Civilians cum local informants martyed
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