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Major Military Operation Required in Baluchistan and North Waziristan

But Punjabi knows how to be industrious and help themselves instead of crying eternally and going kaboom.

For example just one city of Punjab , Sialkot earned 2 billion USD export revenue in 2015 which was 10% of Pakistani total export revenue that year and more than the entire Balochistan's revenue in all shapes and forms.
Agreed, whether it is lahore, sialkot, faisalabad, karachi etc. most of their wealth comes from private entities who stepped up, govt support came way later. people of sialkot didnt rely on govt for a dry port or even an airport, they did it themselves.

on the other hand i know businessmen who went to invest in gwadar (supposedly under military protection and chinese investment and what not), there too they were forced to hire 100s of unskilled lazy labour by a local sardar. most of them packed up and came back because of that. they couldnt afford to pay the people of sardar as well actual labour side by side. and then there was the matter of killing of punjabi doctors and teachers. who would invest in such a place if locals themselves wont take the lead?

Give people of Balochistan the constitutional rights, build school and universities, educate the children, females. Provide similar health facilities, infrastructure as other part of the country. Terrorism will die in Balochistan in no time.
billions of rupees are given to their govt, they do nothing. billions is paid to sardars for keeping peace, they do nothing. doctors and teachers from other parts of the country come in, they are labelled usurpers and murdered. btw, health and education are provincial matters after 18th amendment.
I have a solution for Balochistan, no one would like to listen though.

Give people of Balochistan the constitutional rights, build school and universities, educate the children, females. Provide similar health facilities, infrastructure as other part of the country. Terrorism will die in Balochistan in no time.

But hey this is a military forum, military only speaks with gun. Atleast this is what i have seen in Balochistan over last 50 years.
All these things are being done and more projects being started. In fact these retarded India paid pigs also target those projects to stop the progress in Baluchistan

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Some of the easy MRAP options we had but never cared enough for our soldiers to get them
Give me a rifle and some rounds and point me in dehli's direction. For fighting and killing evil people is a virteous thing. We should kill indians in very large numbers. Head of the snake is not in Afghanistan rather inside india. We should make a strategy to disintigrate India into smaller managible countries.
Until every Pakistani accepts India is an open enemy nothing much will happen. Pakistanis have a habit of rolling out the red carpet for every guest.
Pakistan has lost more than 50 soldiers in these two areas in past two months. Just today 6 soldiers were martyred including a Major. What the hell is going wrong ???? We need a major operations at both places as well time to return the favor to India to in Kashmir alone but every major Indian City. Enough is Enough !!!!

@Horus @Path-Finder @Arsalan @PanzerKiel @Ark_Angel

Also for GOD sake get MRAP for soldiers
It's India trying to relieve pressure of Kashmir by keeping PA occupied internally. We need to halt the arms supplies and training centers and catch and crush the spies.
Easy does not mean cheap. Harsh reality
Are you even serious ???? We have 8 Submarines and 8 Frigates and 2 Corvettes on order. We have SH15 and VT 4 Tanks on order we are producing 24 JF 17 a year but we don't have money for MRAP
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There is no need for major military operation. These rats will keep coming back, Instead of learning lessons from 20 years of WoT and tweaking the Tactics, looks like Pakistan Top brass is still clueless.

Get them MRAP, if it worked for US in the mountains of Afghanistan than I will Work in Pakistan. MRAP will provide enough times and protection for Air-support or QRF to respond.

Get them theater intel. US used surveillance jet like E-11A and U-2 to monitors radio signals in the area, whenever military convoys are Traveling outside Forward operation Base. Sensors on plans pick up radio activity, (With in mins) signals get cleaned up and translate somewhere in US. Threat assessment is relayed Back to surveillance Jet via satellite. Surveillance aircraft, will Contact and reroute nearest air assets with weapons to the target.

while all this is going on, Troops on the ground are still unaware of upcoming ambush / kill zone in valley or enemy movement towards them. They are also unaware of god like presence Of U-2 at 70,000 feet monitoring everything.

Surveillance jet will punch in convey radio frequency and inform convey of imminent enemy attack and tell them to buckle up inside The safety of MRAPs. Convey leader and soldiers will have no clue but will trust the American sounding voice on the radio. Only thing they will ask, who the hell is on the radio, no response but they will get ready for the attack. With in mins, You can hear the firefight on the radio.

F-18 that were already in route, will arrive and take out enemy. One more day, one more Convey saved from being butchered in the mountains of Afghanistan.

That’s why there are so little casualties in Afghanistan than of PA in FATA. Gora Generals expect troops to die but still do what they suppose to do. Protect their troops.

50 soldiers in 2 months are way too many. Pakistani Generals are failing to do their job, either lack of planing or simple cowardice. Fight for FATA and BLA lies in Afghanistan. General sahib is either incompetent or scared to take fight into Afghanistan and if they do believe India is directly involved, taking the covert operations into Indian heart land.

@Foxtrot Alpha @Horus @PanzerKiel @Hachiman @bafxet

We also need to learn from Law Enforcement agencies around the world that have adapted military tactics for this kind of environment, and build up the police force to monitor and disrupt these elements from coalescing to carry out attacks. More resources need to be devoted to intelligence and monitoring signals.

Here is how counterinsurgency has been adapted to police in the US to fight drug gangs, some of which ride motorcycles with Ak-47s

On the higher end though we need MRAPs and Helicopters to hit heavily armed groups fast and hard.

Those BLA sardars are delusions to think RSS Hindutva gov and supporters of Modi care about Balochestan. These people have deep rooted hatred for their own people. February 2020 neighbourhoods in New Delhi broke out into civil war. Hindu mobs attacked Muslims and burnt Masjids to the ground. 2002 under the direct command of state minister Modi, orders were givem to their militant wing to attack and massacre Gujarati Muslim's. The same people sat in New Delhi do not want Balochestan as an independent nation but want to claim the entire region.
Some of the easy MRAP options we had but never cared enough for our soldiers to get them
You are the last one to say this but welcome anyway.

Those BLA sardars are delusions to think RSS Hindutva gov and supporters of Modi care about Balochestan. These people have deep rooted hatred for their own people. February 2020 neighbourhoods in New Delhi broke out into civil war. Hindu mobs attacked Muslims and burnt Masjids to the ground. 2002 under the direct command of state minister Modi, orders were givem to their militant wing to attack and massacre Gujarati Muslim's. The same people sat in New Delhi do not want Balochestan as an independent nation but want to claim the entire region.

I think what ever happened to Muslims of India post 27th February is despicable but shall be discussed else where but just to update you, in the course Indian regime has hurt their diplomatic relations with Islamic world, they are going to face more.
Pakistan has lost more than 50 soldiers in these two areas in past two months. Just today 6 soldiers were martyred including a Major. What the hell is going wrong ???? We need a major operations at both places as well time to return the favor to India to in Kashmir alone but every major Indian City. Enough is Enough !!!!

@Horus @Path-Finder @Arsalan @PanzerKiel @Ark_Angel

Also for GOD sake get MRAP for soldiers
Need a Full Fledge operation in Orakzai mohammed Agencies beside North waziristan and Balochistan

Need a Full Fledge operation in Orakzai mohammed Agencies beside North waziristan and Balochistan

Need a Full Fledge operation in Orakzai and mohammed Agencies beside North waziristan and Balochistan
I habebsaid this many times and I will say it again, for God sakes give our boys proper armored vehicles. These daeth trap are nothing but coffins on wheels and needs to replaced in trouble areas. Also it is now very important for PA to setup bases in the form of forts on mountains through out the province just like its been done in Waziristan. Whenever out boys go out for patrol they should be guided and protected by armed drones. What's the point of having them when they are not used in times like these? Use them for God sake.
I miss Raheel Sharif as well. He cleaned our frontier from these rouge elements with his military operation. In 2010's with bomb blasts daily, no one could have imagined that a few years later, how much safer it would be after Zarb e Asb thanks to Raheel Sharif.


Thank you for that graphic
I miss Raheel Sharif as well. He cleaned our frontier from these rouge elements with his military operation. In 2010's with bomb blasts daily, no one could have imagined that a few years later, how much safer it would be after Zarb e Asb thanks to Raheel Sharif.


We may keep in mind that Op ZeA wasnt launched suddenly....its planning took at least a year....Gen Raheel took over in Nov 13 while ZeA was launched about 6 months later...

Moreover, apart from the planning time....ZeA required a particular environment which enabled it to be launched......this environment includes the planning, buildup, logistics, securing of areas for launch, training of troops and officers etc.....host of many things......equipment, munitions, what and what not....some of these elements took months, some took almost a decade...

Gen Raheel was ofcourse the COAS once it was launched, but lets not forget the part his predecessors played, something which enabled PA to launch ZeA in Jun 14, once Gen Raheel happened to be COAS.

I was there in ZeA area since 2011, and was there during ZeA as well.....so am a witness to most of these EEIs.

We may keep in mind that Op ZeA wasnt launched suddenly....its planning took at least a year....Gen Raheel took over in Nov 13 while ZeA was launched about 6 months later...

Moreover, apart from the planning time....ZeA required a particular environment which enabled it to be launched......this environment includes the planning, buildup, logistics, securing of areas for launch, training of troops and officers etc.....host of many things......equipment, munitions, what and what not....some of these elements took months, some took almost a decade...

Gen Raheel was ofcourse the COAS once it was launched, but lets not forget the part his predecessors played, something which enabled PA to launch ZeA in Jun 14, once Gen Raheel happened to be COAS.

I was there in ZeA area since 2011, and was there during ZeA as well.....so am a witness to most of these EEIs.

The same logic holds good for Gen Bajwa as well...

Some members of PDF are not happy with his actions, policies etc......do please remember, there may be things where are not within his control right now.....however, his tenure is making conditions and enablers for a bigger action in the near future / future, which of course future will tell.....these big action(s), whether they'll be launched in his own tenure or his successor, its all in the future.
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