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Major Military Operation Required in Baluchistan and North Waziristan

Pakistan has lost more than 50 soldiers in these two areas in past two months. Just today 6 soldiers were martyred including a Major. What the hell is going wrong ???? We need a major operations at both places as well time to return the favor to India to in Kashmir alone but every major Indian City. Enough is Enough !!!!

@Horus @Path-Finder @Arsalan @PanzerKiel @Ark_Angel

Also for GOD sake get MRAP for soldiers
There is no need for major military operation. These rats will keep coming back, Instead of learning lessons from 20 years of WoT and tweaking the Tactics, looks like Pakistan Top brass is still clueless.

Get them MRAP, if it worked for US in the mountains of Afghanistan than I will Work in Pakistan. MRAP will provide enough times and protection for Air-support or QRF to respond.

Get them theater intel. US used surveillance jet like E-11A and U-2 to monitors radio signals in the area, whenever military convoys are Traveling outside Forward operation Base. Sensors on plans pick up radio activity, (With in mins) signals get cleaned up and translate somewhere in US. Threat assessment is relayed Back to surveillance Jet via satellite. Surveillance aircraft, will Contact and reroute nearest air assets with weapons to the target.

while all this is going on, Troops on the ground are still unaware of upcoming ambush / kill zone in valley or enemy movement towards them. They are also unaware of god like presence Of U-2 at 70,000 feet monitoring everything.

Surveillance jet will punch in convey radio frequency and inform convey of imminent enemy attack and tell them to buckle up inside The safety of MRAPs. Convey leader and soldiers will have no clue but will trust the American sounding voice on the radio. Only thing they will ask, who the hell is on the radio, no response but they will get ready for the attack. With in mins, You can hear the firefight on the radio.

F-18 that were already in route, will arrive and take out enemy. One more day, one more Convey saved from being butchered in the mountains of Afghanistan.

That’s why there are so little casualties in Afghanistan than of PA in FATA. Gora Generals expect troops to die but still do what they suppose to do. Protect their troops.

50 soldiers in 2 months are way too many. Pakistani Generals are failing to do their job, either lack of planing or simple cowardice. Fight for FATA and BLA lies in Afghanistan. General sahib is either incompetent or scared to take fight into Afghanistan and if they do believe India is directly involved, taking the covert operations into Indian heart land.

@Foxtrot Alpha @Horus @PanzerKiel @Hachiman @bafxet
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You cannot do that but you can punish Europe by getting involved in Ukraine or Libya. Yes hit these terrorist in Iran & Kurdistan area of Iraq & Syria
We have no other option. That is only path left.
Pakistan has lost more than 50 soldiers in these two areas in past two months. Just today 6 soldiers were martyred including a Major. What the hell is going wrong ???? We need a major operations at both places as well time to return the favor to India to in Kashmir alone but every major Indian City. Enough is Enough !!!!

@Horus @Path-Finder @Arsalan @PanzerKiel @Ark_Angel

Also for GOD sake get MRAP for soldiers

Why we have not done ToT or JV on MRAPs with Turkey or South Africa etc.
MRAPs for what?? IED Trigger was found across the border in today's attack, imagine if militants had deployed additional units in the area, so if any solider escapes they shoot them down with LMG fire?
How will you operate MRAPs in a rugged terrain?

clearly not working, there is a break

Where are Serbian T-55s?? MRAP with those covered by local UAV or UCAV is way to go full NCW.

We can't even protest to Iran where BLF second in command is getting medical support

And you are expecting that these guys would go and do MOSSAD on Harbyar marri in Europe

We need to take leaf of Israeli tactics, the way they takeout enemies in other countries, also Indian big mouths and supporters of terrorism should be taken out in their country too.
We need to take leaf of Israeli tactics, the way they takeout enemies in other countries, also Indian big mouths and supporters of terrorism should be taken out in their country too.

We won't do anything

At best we might see some BLA or BLF terrorists getting killed here and there inside and outside Pakistan and that's it

No final solution to solve problem for good. No calling out Iran for its role in Balochistan. No protest to Iran for giving medical support to BLF second in command.
I don't think with this type of working conditions the military should bother and put themselves in harm's way.
Soldiers are not provided appropriate equipment. No mrap, no drone or air cover, no signal jamming equipment.
Legally they are under threat from judiciary. The judges have never called any Baloch leader to the court for accountability , but if military kills Baloch terrorists, they are called to the court and charged.
General mushsrraf is an example.
Military is a سرکاری نوکری and soldiers don't get the 8 billion dollars budget in their bank accounts as everyone thinks they do.
Likewise the deceased soldiers, the injured soldiers and their relatives get anything from the government, it's military 's own fauji foundation who arranged medical care and financial support for them, at the cost of constantly criticized by Pakistani public.
So whatever these soldiers are thinking , they should stop this.
Treat their job as another government job and save their lives.
This nation isn't worth dying for.
Havent we done operations in north Waziristan before?
We won't do anything

At best we might see some BLA or BLF terrorists getting killed here and there inside and outside Pakistan and that's it

No final solution to solve problem for good. No calling out Iran for its role in Balochistan. No protest to Iran for giving medical support to BLF second in command.
How dare you criticize Uber Holy Iran?
We won't do anything

At best we might see some BLA or BLF terrorists getting killed here and there inside and outside Pakistan and that's it

No final solution to solve problem for good. No calling out Iran for its role in Balochistan. No protest to Iran for giving medical support to BLF second in command.

Before calling Iran we need to tight Irani supporters in our country who are 15% but have occupied key positions specially media, who recruited people for Syrian war.
Havent we done operations in north Waziristan before?
Jungli needs violence. Gives them kicks. You need to keep giving it to them.
As ibn e Insha said.
وحشی کو سکوں سے کیا حاصل
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There is no need for major military operation. These rats will keep coming back, Instead of learning lessons from 20 years of WoT and tweaking the Tactics, looks like Pakistan Top brass is still clueless.

Get them MRAP, if it worked for US in the mountains of Afghanistan than I will Work in Pakistan. MRAP will provide enough times and protection for Air-support or QRF to respond.

Get them theater intel. US used surveillance jet like E-11A and U-2 to monitors radio signals in the area, whenever military convoys are Traveling outside Forward operation Base. Sensors on plans pick up radio activity, (With in mins) signals get cleaned up and translate somewhere in US. Threat assessment is relayed Back to surveillance Jet via satellite. Surveillance aircraft, will Contact and reroute nearest air assets with weapons to the target.

while all this is going on, Troops on the ground are still unaware of upcoming ambush / kill zone in valley or enemy movement towards them. They are also unaware of god like presence Of U-2 at 70,000 feet monitoring everything.

Surveillance jet will punch in convey radio frequency and inform convey of imminent enemy attack and tell them to buckle up inside The safety of MRAPs. Convey leader and soldiers will have no clue but will trust the American sounding voice on the radio. Only thing they will ask, who the hell is on the radio, no response but they will get ready for the attack. With in mins, You can hear the firefight on the radio.

F-18 that were already in route, will arrive and take out enemy. One more day, one more Convey saved from being butchered in the mountains of Afghanistan.

That’s why there are so little casualties in Afghanistan than of PA in FATA. Gora Generals expect troops to die but still do what they suppose to do. Protect their troops.

50 soldiers in 2 months are way too many. Pakistani Generals are failing to do their job, either lack of planing or simple cowardice. Fight for FATA and BLA lies in Afghanistan. General sahib is either incompetent or scared to take fight into Afghanistan and if they do believe India is directly involved, taking the covert operations into Indian heart land.

@Foxtrot Alpha @Horus @PanzerKiel @Hachiman @bafxet

Pakistani military leadership simply doesn't care

They don't if their soldiers or officers die. They don't care if new militant groups are regrouping right in front of our eyes in the form of PTM. They don't care

It is routine as usual for both civilians and military.

Martyrdom - Condemn - Funeral

Rinse repeat

How dare you criticize Uber Holy Iran?

Yaar had ho gayi hai ab to

BLA and BLF terrorists are openly getting recuperated in Iran and our handsome PM is tweeting to get sanctions away from Iran
Pak needs to employ the following by 100s to carry out 24/7 ops....

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