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Major Gaurav Arya's Tweet and Response by Turkish Politician

Wrong. The "secular republic of India" did not exist at that time. The "India" you refer to was merely the artificial British construct held together under the colonial Raj.

Pakistanis are indeed the legacy of those specific individuals - that you call them "Indian" is inaccurate in this context and also irrelevant to the conclusion:

The khilafat movement and its natural descendants has always stood together with our Turkish brothers.

Indian Muslims will soon wake up and likewise seize their rightful destiny, much as we already have. Be ready for this.

Yes. Neither India nor Pakistan were born then.

Most of the subcontinent Muslims were followers of Gandhi ji, Abul Kalam Azad ji and the Congress during the Khilafat Movement.

But the indisputable Fact is Gandhi (Father of India) supported the Khilafat movement while Jinnah (Father of Pakistan) did not support the Khilafat movement.
Jinnah only represents Pakistanis not Indians.

Only half of the Muslims followed Jinnah. The other half of the Muslims did not follow Jinnah (including his family) and stayed back in India.

Jinnah was not founding member of All India Muslim League.

Jinnah joined All India Muslim League only in 1913.

All India Muslim League did not have popular support of the masses until 1930s.

Most of the subcontinent Muslims were followers of Gandhi ji, Abul Kalam Azad and Congress during the Khilafat Movement.
All for what? To have their mosques razed, their people vilified and their heritage in indi erased?
you should also know that Gadaffi said that Pakistan is a state dictated by the US. :D
Irrelevant. There was a time when Gaddafi stood for what was right, when he wanted Muslim nations to uplift themselves. That's the guy we name the stadium after. That he was later on corrupted is a valid point. His decline thereafter was terminal and ironically, inevitably, the people he sold his soul to ultimately sold him down a gutter.
It is interesting that the Stadium still carries his name even after the relations went sour.

Also, all the African countries, where he sponsored roads and buildings, have renamed to get rid of his name but his name remains in Pakistan.

What is the scoop?

Libya is a world away from Pakistan so Gadaffi doesnt have much impact in Pakistan, which means that a lot of people only see him for his contributions to Pakistan.

There's places like this all over the world named after dictators like saddam, gadaffi, stalin, etc.
the indisputable Fact is Gandhi (Father of India) supported the Khilafat movement while Jinnah (Father of Pakistan) did not support the Khilafat movement.
Again irrelevant. The descendants of the Muslim League supported the khilafat movement and now support Ataturk's Turkey. That's all that matters in this thread. Or do you not get that point?
Government of Pakistan and Pakistanis should weigh in and provide clarification on why Lahore Stadium was renamed as Gaddafi Stadium. [emoji1]

LoL First you deny and when confronted with facts now you question the motive. Great going.:enjoy:

Ask your retarded Major for this clarification that Where he is getting his facts from?

Stadium was renamed in 1974 during islamic conference in Lahore in honour of Gaddafi.
Again irrelevant. The descendants of the Muslim League supported the khilafat movement and now support Ataturk's Turkey. That's all that matters in this thread. Or do you not get that point?

Brother by now you should know that no reasoning/logical argument can ever be presented to sanghis... so let it be and let them be miserable in their existence.
Brother by now you should know that no reasoning/logical argument can ever be presented to sanghis... so let it be and let them be miserable in their existence.
Indeed. It's a chronic and terminal illness. Nevertheless, let the truth be told so that such truth may stand out in sharp contrast to falsehood. It doesn't need to benefit the incorrigible, however it may well benefit the doubtful among our own people. Those are the people for whom the message is intended - always.

On topic, I think our second corvette should be named PNS Ertugrul, as clearly this association is ruffling Indian feathers. Maybe a missile named "Wild Demir" too?
Ask your retarded Major for this clarification that Where he is getting his facts from?

Stadium was renamed in 1974 during islamic conference in Lahore in honour of Gaddafi.

I am well aware of that fact. You can go back and check that no where on this thread did I support the original tweet from the Major but only rebutted the response to the tweet which was incorrect.
I am well aware of that fact. You can go back and check that no where on this thread did I support the original tweet from the Major but only rebutted the response to the tweet which was incorrect.
And you have been rebutted in post 20 by @Flash_Ninja quite soundly. Everything after that is just others reminding you of the rebuttal really.
And you have been rebutted in post 20 by @Flash_Ninja quite soundly. Everything after that is just others reminding you of the rebuttal really.

Not at all.

Gandhi (Father of India) supported the Khilafat movement while Jinnah (Father of Pakistan) did not support the Khilafat movement.

Show me the proof otherwise.
Not at all.

Gandhi (Father of India) supported the Khilafat movement while Jinnah (Father of Pakistan) did not support the Khilafat movement.

Show me proof otherwise.
Yaar hadh hogeeyeh. I didn't even claim as such. Nor did anyone else. The claim was that khilafat movement supporters went on to create Pakistan. Jinnah specifically was not discussed. Certainly, it is also true that some Muslims who joined Hindustan also supported the khilafat movement. What's the problem here?

Now rest the communal BJP brain cell for a while - it's been burned out over the last hour.
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