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Major Changes Ahead on JF-17 Block-3


how many things I do tell here ????? I know many things but barely speak here because m not allowed to tell those things .. when I get allowed to tell a thing I tell here and you guyz always start this DONT SPELL BEANS HERE KID ok fine I won't ..... take care

All I wanted to express was, acquire permission and you are all set to go.

I read almost all threads here related to military but barely comment just coz in that k kya pta ye baat shayad na revile krna chahti ho PAF abhi ... but jab pooori permission ly k b kuch btao to you guys don't like it is liyay acha main chup e rhu

My dear, it is not like that. You can express yourself within the limits and authority given rest about remarks by any member, you should pay attention and keep it up with your goal but seems like you do care more about others saying than your goals and objectives. Hope that, i have been helping here.
I read your post carefully the first time so a repeat description was perhaps not necessary. However, a couple of points in relation to your post.
Development of an off the shelf fighter with the Chinese will set you back at least 15 years in development(and that is a very optimistic estimate). Designing and testing plus modalities of who manufactures what and at what cost take time and then testing. As technology becomes more complicated so does the need for more testing AND MONEY. Logical estimate possibly two partners 2 billion dollars in development EACH. Problems that you will encounter:
A) why would China become a partner when it has programmes of its own. It will want to sell you its own solutions. Turkey is expensive and development with an unproven partner would be difficult as well as costly due to high costs of Turkish equipment.
B)If you are looking at 2 billion dollars in development costs then buy the product off the shelf. Contrary to your assertions Russia is in dire straits and 2-3 billion may well get you 2 squadrons of SU35 s with Chinese AESA if you so desire. This will be more than enough for your needs .
C) what is the requirement. You cant develop a new system for a requirement of 2 squadrons. Who else is going to buy it?Without a higher need per unit cost would become unbearable.
D) ou are at a critical moment in the time between generations of fighters . 4++ generation may remain relevant for another ten years but not after. You will need a fifth generation fighter. I will aslos humbly point out that a stealth fighter is not only a stealth fighter but in case of need can use its external hardpoints to hang some gifts for our friends..While not ideal we do not have the luxury of having multiple designated platofrms for specific purposes and need swing role/multirole ones to save costs.
So this is the reason why I wrote the post that I did. You need to keep all these aspects in mind when suggesting a change/ development in platforms.
The whole point of my arguments was..that all these 4++ gen. fighters are not available to us...either bcoz of money or political scenario
A) If China wants to sell us it's products..why it hasn't offered J-series twin engine???
B)Even if Russia is in dire need of money..will India allow Russia to sell suh potent platforms to PAF?
C,D) The whole point is..we both know that we need twin engine jet...but we don't have resources(Money and Our diplomacy is not good enough so far) for that...buying them off the shelf...sp we must need to do something...that' why i suggested JV of twin engine jet....Also as I raised the point earlier...that if ,now, we can't buy 4++ gen...how do u think we will be able to 5th gen,....in reasonable numbers...and in how long period of time??
I believe J31 is a pure chinese product..no inputs from PAF(correct me if i am wrong)...so if that is the case...we should let them build it...while focusing on a new plane on ourselves...and when J31 will be ready (most probably after 2025)..we can buy it then....!!!
So for these 10 yrs,we should do something to get offensive capability..to protect Gawadar and CPEC....
If we can get any of the plane from other country...good enough..but if we are not able...due to our limitations..we should do something....that's the simple point ..i wanted to coney!!!!
The whole point of my arguments was..that all these 4++ gen. fighters are not available to us...either bcoz of money or political scenario
A) If China wants to sell us it's products..why it hasn't offered J-series twin engine???
B)Even if Russia is in dire need of money..will India allow Russia to sell suh potent platforms to PAF?
C,D) The whole point is..we both know that we need twin engine jet...but we don't have resources(Money and Our diplomacy is not good enough so far) for that...buying them off the shelf...sp we must need to do something...that' why i suggested JV of twin engine jet....Also as I raised the point earlier...that if ,now, we can't buy 4++ gen...how do u think we will be able to 5th gen,....in reasonable numbers...and in how long period of time??
I believe J31 is a pure chinese product..no inputs from PAF(correct me if i am wrong)...so if that is the case...we should let them build it...while focusing on a new plane on ourselves...and when J31 will be ready (most probably after 2025)..we can buy it then....!!!
So for these 10 yrs,we should do something to get offensive capability..to protect Gawadar and CPEC....
If we can get any of the plane from other country...good enough..but if we are not able...due to our limitations..we should do something....that's the simple point ..i wanted to coney!!!!
A) How do we know PAF has asked for it and what was the need? The other reason may well be that PLAAF cannot sell the j series fighters.
B) India does not determine what Russia sells to whom. It is India which is dependent on Russia not the other way around contrary to the delusions of Indian fanboys. There are problems with acquiring platforms from Russia but these are not insurmountable. PAF has worked with the Chinese and the Ukrainians so why not Russia.
C) I have reiterated repeatedly that if we dont have money to buy a twin engined platform how will we find the money for the JV which you and others keep talking about. The cost of a JV with China other than their unwillingness which you have ignored totally is going to be staggering and then you will have to buy the platform and because THE CHINESE ARE WORKING ON THE j11/16/20S THEY WILL NOT BUY YOUR PLANE SO YOU WILL BE ON YOUR OWN.What do you think the cost of your 40 platforms(which is your need for a twin engined platform) is going to be then?
D) J31 is being planned for and PAF will get it and is saving up for it( whatever that means from Pakistani perspective). We will have the money for it as we are planning for it from the last 5 years or so since we have seen the original drawings. But it is not the question of our need which I will willingly accept is there. It is a question of a newer developement which we have not planned for earlier. The capability that you are planning for and purporting a sa need NOW will not be available to you for the next 15 years which is why I said it will set you back 15 years.This is if you sent a request to the Chinese and started negotiating tomorrow. This is how much time would be available and the money that you will need to have(at least 2 billion US dollars).

I didn't reviled anything which is needed to be kept secret I just told the thing which is commonly known by many of us here ..... I further didn't reviled any specification or number and the future of Thunder project . When i want to tell something here I simply go and ask the person from whom I got to know that thing weather I can tell this thing here or not then I tell here if allowed


how many things I do tell here ????? I know many things but barely speak here because m not allowed to tell those things .. when I get allowed to tell a thing I tell here and you guyz always start this DONT SPELL BEANS HERE KID ok fine I won't ..... take care
The reason we have to keep reminding everyone including you is often there are people who will irk and irritate you asking for evidence and often people get agitated enough to prove their point bby saying things which should be kept secret.A small incidence relates to the sale of 300 Alkhalid tanks to Bangladesh. The news came out and we lost the whole deal because of the pressure which the Indians put on the BD government. We do not know how wise the person at the other end is but whenever we hear some thing which hints of a loose mouth we will try and warn them . So my post. It was not meant to hurt anyone and I hope you understand.
fix god damn aerial refueling on all jest
Khan Saheb. You are getting too angry. Please can we have a few sentences without expeltives. If you want look the relative weights costs and implications of fitting a fixed or retractable IFR probe and write something about it. I will be very pleased and obliged if you did.
Will the Air refuelling probe be retractable in block 3?Unlike in Block 2 which hinders the view?
New advanced cockpit design like J-16 with single large multi-function LCD display, instead of 03 MFDs should be incorporated.
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