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Major Arya Gets the Humiliation he Deserves by Fellow Indian

I hope this "ultra nationalist" narrative wins...and in a bid to show how strong India is...they really do end up sending their soldiers to Afghanistan. It would be great to see the titles of "graveyard of empires" and "Hindu Kush" earned again simultaneously. :pop:
their media will become comic gold!
So to say that the dirty pictures popping up in my mind about Gobar Aarya had a well-documented background...Naxalites did that...now I am not sure how many did it to him out of love and how many did him out of hatred....either way it was a gangbang and we respect the 'spirit' of fighting of Naxalites. :pop:
Breaking News ....Major Gobar was forced to leave the forces for medical reasons ...
What exactly was his 'medical reasons' ...plz someone clear it as there are some unpleasant images coming up in my mind :D
The given reason was: back injury; unfit for mountainous warfare.
But God knows.
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I hope this "ultra nationalist" narrative wins...and in a bid to show how strong India is...they really do end up sending their soldiers to Afghanistan. It would be great to see the titles of "graveyard of empires" and "Hindu Kush" earned again simultaneously. :pop:
It will be awesome to see their so called invincible ego get shattered.
I wonder what excuse or lies this pathetic race will come up with?
Breaking News ....Major Gobar was forced to leave the forces for medical reasons ...
What exactly was his 'medical reasons' ...plz someone clear it as there are some unpleasant images coming up in my mind :D
He was court Martial for being peeping tom.
He was regarded as a perv back in his army days, he had a nose for sniffing dirty boxer shorts. I assume he has not changed much.
It will be awesome to see their so called invincible ego get shattered.
I wonder what excuse or lies this pathetic race will come up with?
The ego will not get shattered...the ppl will be drowned in more propaganda...convincing them of being "victorious"...further boosting their ego.

Just recently...
- China killed their soldiers...
Indian response: Double that number of Chinese soldiers were killed...they are just hiding it.

- Pakistan shot down their jets and bombed their territory...
Indian response: F16 was shot down and 300 terrorists killed...Pak is just hiding it...US wouldn't reveal it bcuz it would hurt F16's sales...Pak was scared into releasing Abhinandan..etc.

- Indian backed puppet government fell...
Indian response: India/Taliban bhai bhai...Taliban won't interfere in Kashmir...Taliban's victory in Afghanistan is actually a nightmare for Pakistan...and this gem right here about wanting to put boots on the ground among the myriad of other excuses.

Basically like the flat earther/anti vaccine types...when confronted with facts...tell u..."that's what they want u to think"...
...exactly like that...these bhakts are too far gone. No amount of facts or reality can dispell the delusions of grandeur that has been fed to them for decades.

Side note...now I know why Major Gaurav Arya moans and cries so much on media all the time... apparently he has been raped quite a few times :lol:
...explains the moaning and crying
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Breaking News ....Major Gobar was forced to leave the forces for medical reasons ...
What exactly was his 'medical reasons' ...plz someone clear it as there are some unpleasant images coming up in my mind :D

One of the orifices were found to be too large & leaking fluids! Deemed unfit for service.
A lot of people take their pets to "dentists" but in real they take them to a doctor who take their genitals so they can't reproduce, maybe something similar happen to this so called Major Gauruv :D
pdf is amazing these days! delusional chaadis have disappeared!

gg Taliban and ISI!!!

boys played well!
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