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Mahmud Ghaznawi: Loved by Afghans and Pakistanis but hated by Indians

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4200 years translates to 2200BC when the mixing started. How can genetic test prove who contribute what in any civilization. :omghaha::omghaha:

It proves that original habitant of IVC were pure ANI and we are the descendants of these ANI people. IVC is 3300 BC old, Mehergarh 7000 BC. :D
Read that as 6th century AD and u won't have any confusion.

In scientific paper they had Pashtun samples who mixed with ASI 2200 years ago. :cheesy: Lets talk about scientific facts instead of theory. In coming years there will be more studies like that with more samples.

"Rigveda, the oldest of the Vedas, was composed roughly between 1700 and 1100 BCE, also referred to as the early Vedic period.[1] The end of the period is commonly estimated to have occurred about 500 BCE, and 150 BCE has been suggested as a terminus ante quem for all Vedic Sanskrit literature.[2]"

We dont even know proper date of when it was composed and finished, there is gap of centuries.
Pakistanis hadn't forgotten their former Hindu customs.

Here are proofs of origin of Yoga from Indus Valley civilization.


Meditation(Dhyana) from Indus Valley Civilization.


hindu is the recent word given by muslim....the indus vallley people were not indians nor hindu ...how can u prove that these are hindu custom when history say some thing else ?? what is written in the script ??
you need to visit indian Punjab buddy...even our dalits look better than you west Punjabis. they are taller and bigger and look more rough tough and coaurse voice unlike west Punjabis. gujjars are low cast because they don't take a shower and keep themselves clean. all they do is ask us jatts to give them land for rearing their cattles. no gujjar ruled Punjab. before british it was jatt Sikhs.. maharaja ranjit singh who were your master.

They would have been under the Sikhs today if it was not for the British. That's why they were lackeys of the British and stayed away from the freedom struggle.

I googled Ghaznavi on google images and there is some homo erotic Turk love going on here.




Mahmud of Ghazni was culturally Persianzied. Persian poets made many poems about handsome Turkish slave soliders. Turks were known for their beautiness in Islamic empires and many Persian poets have made poems about Turkish men. I don't want to say that all Persians are gay but we have also Bacha Bazi today.


In early and mid-classical poetry, particularly in the lyrical preludes (nasibs, tašbibs) to panegyric odes, the beloved is sometimes a youth who serves as a page, but more often a young Turkish soldier. From early in the Abbasid period the caliphs instituted a tradition of forming army contingents composed of slaves, mostly taken as captives in the course of frontier wars and raids into Central Asia, the Caucasus, and India, among other regions. There were also slave markets where young male slaves, along with female ones, captured as booty or procured by other means, were sold (see Yarshater, 1960, and BARDA AND BARDADĀRI iii. and v.). The preferred slaves were Turkic ones, admired for their handsome features, their valor, and their martial gifts. The Samanids, who originated from Sogdiana and were neighbors to the Turkic khanates of Central Asia, adopted the practice of enlisting slaves in their army—a practice which continued under the succeeding dynasties, chiefly the Ghaznavids, the Seljuks, and theKʷārazmšāhs.

Young slaves also were bought by the wealthy for agricultural work, domestic chores, or running errands, and by rulers to serve at their courts and in their armies. Those who were fit to fight were specially trained for military service and were placed in the slave contingents of the army, as is abundantly evident from the sources and the poetry of the Samanid, Ghaznavid, and Seljuk periods. Some of them, if talented, were also taught other skills; for instance, they learned to play music and served as boon companions (Yarshater, 1960, p. 49). The love poetry of these periods is generally addressed to such adolescent soldiers or pages, as the following examples demonstrate:

Put down your weapons boy! Bring me kisses! / All this trouble and strife serves no purpose at all! (Ey pesar jang beneh busa biār / In hama jang o dorošti begoḏār;Farroḵi, Divān, p. 141).

Take off and throw aside, O Turk, this battle raiment / Take up the lyre and put down your shield and sword (Barkeš ey Tork o be yek su fekan in jāma-ye jang / Čang bargir o beneh darqa o šamšir az čang; Farroḵi, Divan, p. 206).

The army left and that army-breaking idol left (with it) / May it not happen to anyone to lose his heart to a soldier! (Laškar beraft o ān bot-e laškar-šekan beraft / Hargez mabād kas ke dahad del be laškari;Farroḵi, Divan, p. 382).

The following line attests to the musical skill of the beloved:

Do you see that when that Turk takes the lyre in hand / Self-restraint flees a hundred parasang from the hearts of saints! (Bini ān Torki ke u čun barzand bar čang, čang / Az del-e abdāl bogrizad be sad farsang sang; Manučehri [d. 1041], Divān, p. 50).

Selecting Turkish beauties for love affairs became so prevalent that in Persian poetry that Turk became a poetic synonym for a male beauty or the beloved:

O my Turk, you won’t say where you are today / Unless we send someone and call you you won’t come! (Ey Tork-e man, emruz naguʾi be kojāʾi / Tā kas naferestim o naḵᵛānim nayāʾi! Manučehri, Divān, p. 95).

William Jones has made the term familiar through his elegant but free translation of a ghazal of Hafez (d. 1389), beginning with:

If that Turk of Shiraz should gain my heart / I bestow upon him Samarkand and Bukhara for his black beauty spot (Agar ān Tork-e Širāzi be dast ārad del-e mā rā / Be ḵāl-e henduyaš baḵšam Samarqand o Boḵārā rā; Divān, no. 3; see Browne, Lit. Hist. Persia III, p. 304).

We find a fairly comprehensive description of such youths, who combined military tasks with a beloved’s part, in the lyric prelude of a qasida in praise of the Seljuk Malekšāh by Kāfi Ẓafar of Hamadān, cited by ʿAwfi in his Lobāb al-albāb (pp. 210-13), of which a few lines are cited here:

These jolly riders who ravish people’s hearts / One wonders whose progeny they are and after whom they take in beauty (In šuḵ-savārān ke del-e ḵalq setānand / Guʿi ze ke zādand o be ḵubi be ke mānand).

They are Turks by race, no doubt, but / In beauty and loveliness are like idols (Torkand be aṣl andar šak nist walikan / Az ḵubi o zibāʾi mānand-e botānand).

They are troop leaders and (yet) brides of chambers / They are world paladins and furious lions (Mirān-e sepāhand o ʿarusān-e weṯāqand / Gordān-e jahānand o hožbarān-e damānand).

They are of musky facial hair, sweet of speech, with perfumed tresses / Silver-bodied, gold-girded, and narrow-waisted (Meškin ḵaṭ o širin soḵan o ḡālia zolfand / Simin bar o zarrin kamar o muy-mīyānand).

In battle they think of nothing but attack by sword / In festive gatherings they have no pleasure but ravishing hearts (Dar razm bejoz tiḡ zadan ray nabinand / Dar bazm bejoz del setādan kām nadānand).

I hope that by the good fortune of my lord I shall find / A sweetheart from among them, even though their price is high (Arju ke be eqbāl-e ḵodāvand biābam / Z’išān ṣanami gar bebahā nik gerānand).

Of course there were slaves of other origins as well, e.g., Indian and Slav (generally termed bolḡār “Bulgarian,” known for their fair skin). In a poem Farroḵi compares the Turkish and Indian partners (Divān, p. 435), showing preference for the latter (perhaps with tongue in cheek) on account of their docility:

By the time a Turkish sweetheart has given you three furtive kisses / You can take an Indian one and consummate the affair with him (Tā to rā Torki se busa-ye dozdida dahad / Hendui rā betavān bord o bepardāḵt ze kār;Farroḵi, Divān, p. 435).

Anvari (d. ca. 1190) has a qasida which begins with an account of his love for an Indian sweetheart bought from a slave-seller (Divān, p. 165; see also Sanāʾi [d. ca. 1141], Divān, p. 68).

As women were totally secluded and were socially excluded from men’s gatherings, wine was handed around in the feasts by youths, serving as so many Ganymedes. Such gatherings provided an occasion for the participants to admire and fall in love with the wine servers (sāqis) so frequently that notions of the beloved and the sāqi are intertwined and fused together in many ghazals; and the sāqi and the beloved become one, e.g.,

Pardon me if the thread of my rosary came undone / My hand was in the arm of the silver-calved sāqi (Rešta-ye tasbiḥ agar begsast maʿḏuram bedār / Dastam andar sāʿed-e sāqi-ye simin sāq bud; Hafez, Divān, no. 202).

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Ghajnavi is the real man,real hero. The Great Muslim.We need to invade India like him :sniper:
In scientific paper they had Pashtun samples who mixed with ASI 2200 years ago. :cheesy: Lets talk about scientific facts instead of theory. In coming years there will be more studies like that with more samples.

So what are you implying? The Vedas were written down just 2200 years ago?

The Pashtun are a mix of tribes. The Abdali tribe is said to be Hun. And looking at the pathetic intellect of the Pashtuns, they probably couldn't even write their name even if they were around.

the motifs which is dipicted in the shoulder of king priest seems ajrak design ....:pop:

This type of draping with a cloth sheet is still done by Hindus although less frequently today.
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I asked you to show reference that the Andamanese are pure ASI. So where is that?

And aren,t u ashamed of not knowing your own history? The Jats and the Gujars were present in Punjab plains in BC era?
And who wrote the Vedas and Upanishads? The Jat, Gujar, Balochs and Pathan? How is it that they are so dumb nowadays?

God forbid if I perform puja with a Baloch written scripture.

A 2009 genetic study of Indian populations that traced most South Asian ethnicities to genomic contributions from two original founding populations also found that, of all modern-day Indians, only the Andamanese possess Ancestral South Indian lineage without admixture of any Ancestral North Indian genetic heritage.[11][12]

Andamanese people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It proves that original habitant of IVC were pure ANI and we are the descendants of these ANI people. IVC is 3300 BC old, Mehergarh 7000 BC. :D

I didn't know that you got the DNA samples from Mehrgadh and Mohenjodaro. :omghaha::omghaha:

hindu is the recent word given by muslim....the indus vallley people were not indians nor hindu ...how can u prove that these are hindu custom when history say some thing else ?? what is written in the script ??

Ok customs of our Sanatana Dharma. BTW Hindu word was coined by Zoroastrians.
hindu is the recent word given by muslim....the indus vallley people were not indians nor hindu ...how can u prove that these are hindu custom when history say some thing else ?? what is written in the script ??
Suppose Harappa people = x
Now say - we follow the most customs of 'x'
So most 'Indian's follow x

Got it? :azn:

It does not matter whether you call it Hindu or not. It does not matter if you call it anything at all. :azn:

Ghajnavi is the real man,real hero. The Great Muslim.We need to invade India like him :sniper:

Go worship Hitler, Stalin....

Oh wait - they were not muslims! :coffee:
So what are you implying? The Vedas were written down just 2200 years ago?

The Pashtun are a mix of tribes. The Abdali tribe is said to be Hun. And looking at the pathetic intellect of the Pashtuns, they probably couldn't even write their name even if they were around.

What im saying that if pashtun mixed 2200 years ago then one can imagine how ancient punjabis are living in Pakistan. The days of inventing history in RSS mandir are over. Your intellect is only good in RSS mandirs where you invent history to prove your glorious past becasue Indians have terrible present & future. Infact India has been gutter for thousands of years, always filled with slums. Thank your lucky stars ANI made your kind civilized.

I didn't know that you got the DNA samples from Mehrgadh and Mohenjodaro. :omghaha::omghaha:

Ok customs of our Sanatana Dharma. BTW Hindu word was coined by Zoroastrians.

Yes we got skeletons samples from IVC site in Pakistan, and believe me they didn't had anything in common with Indians.
Sir @shan - though you are the leading authority on eugenics and genetic matter, I must say that it has absolutely this much relevance regarding this thread -
What im saying that if pashtun mixed 2200 years ago then one can imagine how ancient punjabis are living in Pakistan. The days of inventing history in RSS mandir is over. Your intellect is only good in RSS mandirs where you invent history to prove your glorious past becasue Indians have terrible present & future. Infact India has been gutter for thousands of years, always filled with slums. Thank your lucky stars ANI made your kind civilized.
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A 2009 genetic study of Indian populations that traced most South Asian ethnicities to genomic contributions from two original founding populations also found that, of all modern-day Indians, only the Andamanese possess Ancestral South Indian lineage without admixture of any Ancestral North Indian genetic heritage.[11][12]

Andamanese people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It only says they have no ANI. Where is it said they are 100percent ASI. What if they are 10 percent ASI and 90 percent Bantu or Japanese or whatever. Lookup, it also says the Onge have affinities with the Japanese. So , a Tamil Dalit has Japanese genes?
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