Unfortunately, becoming a doctor is actually a matter of $$$. You tell me, if becoming a doctor was a matter of simply enrolling into a uni, how many people would want to become a religious scholar? In a way, it would be good because in that scenario, when somebody entered a Madressah, their heart would be pure and they would actually be preferring religious duty over worldly benefit.
Oh, by the way, as you may know, the origin of the current 'Tableeghi Jamaat' is near Delhi. There is a mosque called 'Banglay Wali Masjid'. Literally, this is where Maulana Ilyas Rahimahullah started the whole 'Tableeghi' work by encouraging people in a small village called 'Mewaat'. So one of my friends had the opportunity to go to Delhi, India on an educational exchange program and he made sure to visit the 'Banglay Wali Masjid'. Since he was new in the area, they talked to him, learnt about how he has come from Pakistan and studies in a uni, and he got the chance to speak with someone very, very high up in the hierarchy in the original place where 'Tableeghi Jamaat' started. And what he said to my friend is exactly the same. Knowledge is the Divine Knowledge revealed in the Holy Quran and taught by the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wasallam. Everything else is a 'skill'. So you have, mathematical skills, scientific skills, surgical skills etc.
I remember attending an 'Ijtima' in Raiwand many, many years ago and another top Tableeghi scholar from India was visiting. He said the exact same thing.