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Made in Iran

commander, you're on a roll with talking out of your behind.
Spend seconds longer on the stuff you're going to post and don't manipulate the data to fit your cause.

I'm going to look at your own source, SJR.

Iran was ranked 19th in 2010 and it climbed 2 places in 2011. SJR's website doesn't have the data for 2011 yet, so we'll go with 2010 for now.


SJR - International Science Ranking

Iran passed Turkey last year. Turkey is now either 1 or 2 places behind Iran. The update will come soon so stay tuned. If you have a SCOPUS account, you can login and see the 2011 table now.

It seems you are pissed of what I posted. You may be on a roll with talking out of your behind. But I am not. I neither intended to manipulate the data nor started a flame war (This thread is about made in Iran bot about rank of Turkiye vs rank of Iran. We can discuss Turkiye and Iran in another thread. So no need to bring Turkiye in this thread). My objection was and is for the exaggeration and some unrealistic info. I do not say that Iran does not make progress. I admit that Iran did a good job although she is under sanctions. But some of your member were just walking on the clouds and I just wanted to wake them up and show the truth. That is it. I posted different sources please check them out first and see what my intention was.

Earth to commander, American and European sanctions don't let us export to the developed world. We're already exporting everything to the Middle East and some Central Asian countries. Heck, Irankhodro (Iran's largest car company) has a factory in Venezuela and Belarus. SAIPA (second largest car company) has a factory in an African country (I think Sudan). We're cut off from Europe and the US (Belarus is an exception b/c of their policy towards IRan and their exclusion from the EU).

Although the sanctions do not directly name products, the EU and American led sanctions on our banks and shipping companies, as well as the restrictions put on Western companies when doing business with Iran, have practically caused an embargo.

So even though we make every appliance on earth or even most machineries available in the world market, we can't compete in the world. Nobody wants to touch an Iranian company with a 10 meter pole thanks to the sanctions. Doing business with an Iranian company means you won't be able to do business in the US and most EU countries and no company would take that chance. Exporting stuff means collaberating with many entities, from logistic companies to foreign companies, distribution centers, governments etc...

First of all, I admit and understand that the sanctions affect you. Second of all, the sanctions target specific sectors (finance sector, energy sector or technology sector that help Iran`s nuclear program). So you posted a lot of stuffs and (except some of them) most of them can be exported. When I saw your export depends on the oil, I came up with some reasons. Whether you like or dislike those reasons #896 have logic. Third of all you said that "Doing business with an Iranian company means you won't be able to do business in the US and most EU countries and no company would take that chance. Exporting stuff means collaberating with many entities, from logistic companies to foreign companies, distribution centers, governments etc." As long as I know the sanctions target specific sectors and if a company (it does not matter the country) do business with those specific sectors than that company will be sanctioned by the USA or the EU. But I dont think the sanctions apply for everything Iran makes (Correct me if I am wrong). So anyway I already posted my opinions and as I said good luck.
lol ^^
you do realize that you wrote a long paragraph without being able to refute my points. Your response should have began with an apology for posting incorrect information. But instead, you tried to save face.

And your rant about the sanctions makes absolutely no sense. I explained to you what the sanctions are doing and what their effects are.
I already made my point and further conversation will be waste of my time. Keep going to live in your "dreamland" and keep continuing to claim that your are "advanced on science and technology", while your economy heavily (84%) depends on petroleum and petrochemical products. loo ^^
Hydroleaf is a green water dispenser and a shelter either for rainy or sunny days.It makes rain water into drinkable water through filteration process.The required energy for filteration and making the water either cold or warm,provided by solar cells that are incorporated into the shelter.It can store up to 60 lit of pure water in its tank.The amount of water inside,can be seen simply through vertical glass parts on the storage tank .Also it can be used as a small street light during night.








I already made my point and further conversation will be waste of my time. Keep going to live in your "dreamland" and keep continuing to claim that your are "advanced on science and technology", while your economy heavily (84%) depends on petroleum and petrochemical products. loo ^^
those are our exports you....
jeez man, how hard is this to understand? Oil accounts for like 20 percent of our GDP. Canada has more income from oil and gas for ****'s sake.

I already explained why we can't do non-oil business in EU and US, but you're thick so you don't get it. Heck, we can't even do oil business properly anymore. But compared to the GDP, the oil sector is not really that big. It's just the biggest sector. If you look sector by sector, Iran makes more products than most countries, even yours. From cars to every appliance on the planet and computer stuff to machinery and... I can't even send money to my family back in Iran properly and he can't udnerstand the effects of these sanctions.
those are our exports you....
jeez man, how hard is this to understand? Oil accounts for like 20 percent of our GDP. Canada has more income from oil and gas for ****'s sake.

20% is wrong. I would say it is just under 10%. With more than 850 billion dollar economy, the 80 billion dollar oil sale comes to just that. Anyways, do not feed the trolls, or the thread will be ruined. Have confidence in yourself. A nation that can do space launch should not run down so much in self confidence. Learn something from us. The nukes boosted Pakistan's self confidence. Others in Muslim world do not even come close.
We along with Iranians are victims of a vicious propaganda from the west so it is not entirely unsurprising that some may get taken in by western propaganda and have negative images about our countries
Some of you should create a made in Pakistan thread if there isn't one already.
as you know we do export our cars just to syria,iraq,russi ( our friends).selling these products with a large number to some countries like pakistan,turkey,india,EU,other ME countries is inaccessible for Iran.

I don't know much about economics. Who/what would stop Iran from exporting industrial products to Pakistan or Turkey? Maybe Turkey is difficult because of the EU, but what about Pakistan or India?
I don't know much about economics. Who/what would stop Iran from exporting industrial products to Pakistan or Turkey? Maybe Turkey is difficult because of the EU, but what about Pakistan or India?
Who? USA and Europe, as they're already doing. Iran is not even part of the SWIFT anymore. Business has become a complete headache for all parties. On top of all that, a Turkish firm would risk losing business in EU and US by doing business with an Iranian company. Payment is an issue, logistics is a nightmare, the whole "you did business with Iran so I don't want you to do business in the EU/US is a nightmare etc... All these, at the very least, increase the prices of Iranian goods and thus they become noncompetitive in international markets (even if they finally do get to foreign markets). That pretty much makes Iranian firms stop thinking about innovating and changing their products for foreign markets because the margins become small and there is wayyyy too much headache. For them, sticking to the Iranian, Central Asian and African markets are easier. But this also means much less money in the bank. These regions are all developing and if a company wants to make it big, it has to go after the European and American markets.
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