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China is waiting :cheers:


China is waiting :cheers:


IMHO, that pic is woefully, woefully wrong. None of the BMs, and I mean NONE, have such a small CEP, and that too two BM warheads converging on a moving target?

Hmmnnn vivid wet dream!
My Pakistani brothers..
Don't worry.
I wanted that Turkey is going to have an Aircraft Carrier too.
But once it's sunk.. It's gone.
So many money for nothing..
And geuss what? It needs only 1 missile or attack on it and that ship is gone.
An aircraft Carrier to a navy don't achieve anything.
Just you got some more fuel left in your airplanes.
You need some punctuation lessons, why are you using capital letters, and unnecessary full stops,:lol:

C'mon man do you even know a word typo

punctuation lessons???? they r punctuation words not lessons.the reason why i used the capital letters was to make a point.
ever heard of incomplete sentences? that's where those DOTS r used.:sniper:

enough for your english class today,come back tomorrow for more lessons.
if torpedoes could have sunked Ac then why was the development anti AC ship missiles could have been developed ? AC does not move alone it moves with its own sub and frigate to hunt any submarine , people who operate ac will know it others will hardly have any idea regarding it and talk trash as usual
if torpedoes could have sunked Ac then why was the development anti AC ship missiles could have been developed ? AC does not move alone it moves with its own sub and frigate to hunt any submarine , people who operate ac will know it others will hardly have any idea regarding it and talk trash as usual

Thats okay man. Let them have some fun. America is pounding their towns with missiles and they are helpless. They need some place to vent their frustration.
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