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Ma Ying-jeou, Taiwan’s pro-China president, wins reelection

In recent Chinese history only two or three leaders have successfully cleaned up corruption:

- The first and most important was Mao Zedong. CCP was squeakly clean back in those days, and a total contrast to the corrupt late-Qing dynasty and KMT era.

- The second was Chiang Ching-kuo, who cleaned up the KMT and reformed the island's economy.

- The third is Ma Ying-jeou, who cleaned up Taiwan's government after 8 years of ultra-corrupt Chen Shui-bian rule.
In recent Chinese history only two or three leaders have successfully cleaned up corruption:

- The first and most important was Mao Zedong. CCP was squeakly clean back in those days, and a total contrast to the corrupt late-Qing dynasty and KMT era.

- The second was Chiang Ching-kuo, who cleaned up the KMT and reformed the island's economy.

- The third is Ma Ying-jeou, who cleaned up Taiwan's government after 8 years of ultra-corrupt Chen Shui-bian rule.

Mr Xi Jinping will be the next to clean out corruption a strong Ironman.
Mr Xi Jinping will be the next to clean out corruption a strong Ironman.
Yes, Xi Jinping is like Mao, a leftist, socialist strong-man. When socialism rules China again, the common people will naturally rise against the corrupt capitalist class and expose their crimes. It will be a big clean up just like 1949, and many people will be executed.
Yes, Xi Jinping is like Mao, a leftist, socialist strong-man. When socialism rules China again, the common people will naturally rise against the corrupt capitalist class and expose their crimes. It will be a big clean up just like 1949, and many people will be executed.
Not at all,Xi is Pro-American in CCP and US do not allow such execution happen anywhere.
That sounds logical to me. :tup:

Though the end result (20+ years from now) will not be Western-style liberal democracy, but a unique system that will be something like a Chinese democracy.

You would do well also to avoid mistakes of American democracy where money is king. All political leaders are beholden to lobby groups in America. For example AIPAC which favours Israel and Zionism has hijacked American foreign policy through democracy. Or the example of UK where 80% of the population voted against or did not vote yet the British regime goes into wars on behalf of all British even when public make it clear they are against war.

I am really happy for our Chinese brothers that reunification is nearer today.
I am really happy for our Chinese brothers that reunification is nearer today.
It's actually more significant than that, because the real important thing isn't reunification actually. Taiwan is the front door to the Western Pacific for China. As long as Taiwan is neutral or friendly (doesn't need to reunify), PLAN can operate freely around Taiwan and penetrate the first island chain. If Taiwan is ruled by DPP, it becomes a forward operating base for USA to bottle up PLAN.

In short, through this election victory, China has breached and collapsed USA's primary defensive formation against China -- the first island chain-- similar to the collapse of the Maginot Line in WW2 or the breach of the Great Wall by Manchus in 17th century.

By the time the next election rolls around in 2016, it will be too late for Taiwan independence because China will be far too powerful, and the economic ties with Taiwan even tighter. The game is over -- checkmate. :tup:

By Finlandizing Taiwan, China has gained effective control over 32,000 square kilometers of land, 23 million population and a $500 billion GDP economy.
It's actually more significant than that, because the real important thing isn't reunification actually. Taiwan is the front door to the Western Pacific for China. As long as Taiwan is neutral or friendly (doesn't need to reunify), PLAN can operate freely around Taiwan and penetrate the first island chain. If Taiwan is ruled by DPP, it becomes a forward operating base for USA to bottle up PLAN.

In short, through this election victory, China has breached and collapsed USA's primary defensive formation against China -- the first island chain-- similar like the collapse of the Maginot Line in WW2 or the breach of the Great Wall by Manchus in 17th century.

By the time the next election rolls around in 2016, it will be too late for Taiwan independence because China will be far too powerful, and the economic ties with Taiwan even tighter. The game is over -- checkmate. :tup:
So, Taiwan-China reunification seems not China's internal affair.
It's really not important Taiwan whether return to our big family for KMT still a bother.
Why some people still believe that KMT could have a chance to come back and become the ruling party in Mainland China?

This is nothing, but a wet dream, and go to ask KMT themselves, not those Pan-Blue Internet fanboys.
KMT can never come back to the mainland. Xi is more pro US than Hu in real ideology. He isn't a left wing at all lmao, he is a typical conservative rightist.

Actually, I can think of 3 people who are better suited than him for top leadership: Li Keqiang, Wang Yang, Bo Xilai.
KMT can never come back to the mainland. Xi is more pro US than Hu in real ideology. He isn't a left wing at all lmao, he is a typical conservative rightist.

Actually, I can think of 3 people who are better suited than him for top leadership: Li Keqiang, Wang Yang, Bo Xilai.

Unfortunately, Wang Yang is the most hated person among the military forum, then follow by Bo Xilai because of his spoiled brat who is driving a red Ferrari and dating Jon Huntsman's daughter.

Xi is not pro-USA, he admires US being a hyperpower to control over the world, but this doesn't mean he likes USA.

Even the Vietcong openly admires CCP, but does this mean they are politically friendly to CCP?
Why some people still believe that KMT could have a chance to come back and become the ruling party in Mainland China?

This is nothing, but a wet dream, and go to ask KMT themselves, not those Pan-Blue Internet fanboys.
Sure,no one believe but KMT a bother to CCP since they insist the standpoint that to unify china under the Three 'Mins' Principle.

KMT can never come back to the mainland. Xi is more pro US than Hu in real ideology. He isn't a left wing at all lmao, he is a typical conservative rightist.

Actually, I can think of 3 people who are better suited than him for top leadership: Li Keqiang, Wang Yang, Bo Xilai.
Nothing wrong for being pro-america,Xi 's leadingship several years ago already in decision and it seems a better choice.
I believe that one day when Mainland can have democracy like taiwan, KMT can come back to mainland.

I still believe that the Counterattack on the mainland will eventually become true. Not militarily but economically, culturally and politically. KMT will make their dream come true by democracy, freedom and equality.

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