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Ma Ying-jeou, Taiwan’s pro-China president, wins reelection



那台湾人到大陆都是行善做福利吗? Wonder why the Foxconn got so many suicides?

在商言商 当婊子就不要立牌坊。 就算大陆经济有台湾投资的贡献 可贡献有多少呢? HK makes more than half of China's FDI. Taiwan's contribution is less than 5%.

All I will say is this:

If KMT is so sure of their eventual victory, why don't they let the RMB flow freely in Taiwan? If they're so confident, they will know that Taiwanese will never use a communist dictatorship currency and instead continue loving their democratic currency.

Answer: Because they know the minute they do this everyone will dump NTD and switch to RMB, causing hyperinflation in Taiwan and destroy the Taiwanese economy.

Renminbi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The current Republic of China government in Taiwan believes wide usage of the renminbi would create an underground economy and undermine its sovereignty.[27] Tourists are allowed to bring in up to 20,000 renminbi when visiting Taiwan. These renminbi must be converted to the New Taiwan dollar at trial exchange sites in Matsu and Kinmen.[28]

Don't be hasty, it would take some time, even ECFA has just been here for few years.

You don't understand how the "強拆" works right now.
拆又不是白拆 补偿款都是真金白银。
就拿北京第二机场为例 北京 天津 河北几个候选地巴不得拆迁到自己这里 好跑步进入社会主义。
You don't understand how the "強拆" works right now.
拆又不是白拆 补偿款都是真金白银。
就拿北京第二机场为例 北京 天津 河北几个候选地巴不得拆迁到自己这里 好跑步进入社会主义。



Why Shanghaier can't be proud of themselves? These people from Taiwan behave like puppy dogs in front of the Yankees and the Japs but try pretend to be 二鬼子 in Mainland China.

Taibazi literally means peasants from Taiwan which is pretty accurate about what they are.
Why Shanghaier can't be proud of themselves? These people from Taiwan behave like puppy dogs in front of the Yankees and the Japs but try pretend to be 二鬼子 in Mainland China.

Taibazi literally means peasants from Taiwan which is pretty accurate about what they are.

There are millions of construction sites in China. Of which how many are "强拆"? My home is in Beijing and we don't have such things.

米国也有强拆,只不过美其名曰“eminent domain”
There will be difficult tasks for Ma because he only won with more than 51% of votes.

By the way: I wonder what would happen if the Chinese Nationalist Party still in power after 1949 in China?

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