stop lie. Do not try to prove yourself understanding...I see you fabricate a lot
A wealthy country like Saudi Arabia is not stupid enough to use a poorly-developed export. they have a better F-15 version than the USAF's F-15, and you say they use weakness tank than US Army tanks?
M1A2S Saudi tank program
The main advantages of the M1A2S tank program are that the RSLF are using its existing M1A2 tank fleet and equipping it with an improved hunter/killer capability with second-generation FLIR. Additionally, the M1A2S will reduce operation and support costs, continue to utilize U.S. logistics systems when required, and will maintain a high degree of commonality with the US fleet. GDLS would design, develop, convert, implement and test a hybrid configuration of the M1A1, M1A2 and
M1A2 System Enhancement Package (SEP) tank variants for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The vehicles would possess defined capabilities that increase lethality while limiting obsolescence.
Have any videos tested M1A2 SEP V1 / V2 armor with ATGM like TOW 2B?