From ABC's Karen Russo in India...a story as horrific as any we've heard when it comes to so-called "honor killings." So sad to know these things still happen, in the 21st century...
Eight people have been beheaded in what is believed to be a tragic "Romeo and Juliet" love story. Police in India’s northeastern state of Bihar tell ABC News that a 21-year-old man and an 18-year-old girl secretly eloped last month. This past weekend, police say, members of the girls’ family shot and killed eight members of the boy’s family. The bodies were tossed in a river. The girls’ family is believed to be wealthier than the boys’ -- although some local media report that the families were supporters of rival gangs, which may have led to the killings.
In the past several months, there have been more than a dozen so-called honor killings in India, usually targeting inter-caste couples. In another recent incident, a young boy was beaten, then thrown under a train because he wrote a love letter to a girl of a different caste.
The Indian government condemns these honor killings -- and even offers $1,000 "bonuses" to encourage inter-caste couples to marry.
Upon seeing the tragic news, the first idea came into to my mind is: God please spare the pair from doing any thing silly.
The second immediate thought is: US was just praising india as the Model of Democracy, the Becon of Human Rights`````````````
The third thing strike at me is: Non-violence cannot solve the feudal manacle lasting thousands of years. They need a communist party to do the social reform once and for all.
Finally, I suggest we send every indian a hindu-version Mao's red book and export one or two extreme leftist to start a communist revolution. The catch would be--redistribute the land, eliminate the castes, suppress the religion. Let's fight for a new communist revolution!!! Heheh