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Lt.Gen Hamid Gul on Ikhtilaaf.

^^ We are waiting for resumption of 'you tube' !
The video hangs about half way through despite multiple attempts. Needlessly argumentative from what I could see.
Man this host is SOB he was dodging the reply of Hameed Gul . And that japan reply was epic. He was speechless for few second before dodging again.

And the worst thing about these dalal journalist is that they dont let the guests talk.

Ikhtilaaf mera L.
Cant watch it coz youtube is blocked but is it an old one? I mean few months old one? I watched Gen Hamid Gul on Ikhtilaf few months ago...or... is it a fresh epi?
General seems to have lost his marbels. Stubborness does not get you anywhere. One should be able to look at the bigger picture and change his strategy to achieve maximum objectives with minimum efforts.
They hate him in USA ever since he went on Alex Jones show and said 9-11 was an inside job. Some guts.
youtube is blocked so we cant watch video

You are not missing much Laghari Sahib, Not much.

Do google and you can find other places where this mad general would be spouting his constipated conspiracy theories so common in our land of confused desis.

Hamid bulbul is stuck in cold war Islamist era.

Time has changed, and requirements have changed. Those brave Muj who got money from America and defeated Commies are long gone, replaced with coward Talibaboons.

But Hamid bulbul remains stuck in a world that existed decades ago. He should be sent to Wazirastan on a "peace mission" so that he would get the same treatment from his heros as did the other dumbos Col. Imam and Khawaja mardood.

It is so sad to see a good general and a smart man who has gone to the Mullah dogs. and now dragging the whole country into the abyss of anarchy, by splitting the Pak army from within. The same army who protects his mansion, and his f@t @rse from the Talibaboons' attacks.

Generals are supposed to protect their people, and save their soldiers by not putting them against a power that is 1000s of times more lethal.

But Hamid bulbul is like a pied piper trying to lead all of us to the nuclear confrontation with Americans.

A civilian can $tupidly say "shoot down the drones".


Civilians do not know that drones are not flying alone. They are backed up with fighter planes. Those fighter planes are backed up by stealth planes, and those stealth planes are backed up killer space systems.

And the killer space systems are backed by a HUGE techno-industrial empire of the USA.

Civilians do not understand that our F-16 may shoot down one or two drones if at all.

Civilians do not know what will happen to PAF F-16s then? And how long will they be in the air before being swooped out of the sky by the 10,000 strong aero-space force that flies and uses the drones.

But a general must understand.

He must understand the layers of weapons every army uses in this world. And a general must not initiate direct hostilities with a regular army unless he has some parity based on weapons, geography, numbers etc.

But Hamid bulbul does not care about all the military knowledge.

He is now a j@hil Jih@di who is ready to push the nuclear button as the ultimate weapon.

This $tupid man admires Taliban, without realizing that Afghan geography is unique and allows Taliban to be somewhat effective in their tactics.

How on earth the same tactics can be replicated in the plains of Punjab and Sindh? How?

So in summary, I say ignore this b@stard. Otherwise he will drag us all to oblivion.

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