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Lt Gen Asim Munir selected as new army chief

Fair enough yar, at least you are mature enough to say this rather than throw your teddy out of the pram like some other posters here. ๐Ÿ˜‚
Bare buzurg keh gaye, Police Faujiyun ki na dosti achi nai dushmani haha I still have family in Pakistan and someday will visit them haha ab connections tu hone chaiye na :D
But if President holds off until 27th, wouldn't he be ineligible ?
Summary forwarded by P.M can't be hold by president even P.M sign death warrants of president he have to sign it...

Only one condition can delay if president resigns.
Unconstitutional appointment, he retires on 27th nov.

President Alvi will step in, supreme court will be involved too.
Supreme court will never intertwine. Courts only come into actions when some corrupt is in danger.Mark my words
Is Asim Munir the guy who has made anti IK remarks and the guy who was Zardariโ€™s military secretary?

Can anyone confirm?

And him becoming CAOS is confirmed?
NO he is not! That was General Amir.

Asim Muneer has never made any anti Imran Khan remarks in public (or even in private for all WE know). Nothing of this sort has ever been reported.
Two Questions

1. What corruptions stories?
2. If they exist then why current jaali government didn't file cases in NAB and courts against her?
My Dear & Respected Field Marshal... every one knows the dirty corruption of Peerni Sahibai , Farah Gogi & Co. Just wait and see, each and every thing will be opened ...
I WISH THIS PRIME FORUM OF ARMED FORCES SHOULD BE EQUALLY RESPECTFUL FOR ALL GENERALS OF PAK ARMY. Dont make anti pakistan Indians happy by criticizing your own generals......

I don't know whether this extortion story is true or not

But I just checked other tweets of this "Strategic Communications Cell"

It is a pro BJP hindutva account run by some safroni chaddi haramzada

Since when did these guys are reliable and authentic source for anything related to even Indian muslims let alone Pakistan and its army?
Important Q,
Now no one will resign as senior most has become chief? So how much time every Lt Gen got?
The Master Tiles story is from June of last year. So that rules out if this is being spread after his appointment as COAS.

Yeah but spread by RSS hindutvas

I would need better source from Pakistan to believe that
My Dear & Respected Field Marshal... every one knows the dirty corruption of Peerni Sahibai , Farah Gogi & Co. Just wait and see, each and every thing will be opened ...
I WISH THIS PRIME FORUM OF ARMED FORCES SHOULD BE EQUALLY RESPECTFUL FOR ALL GENERALS OF PAK ARMY. Dont make anti pakistan Indians happy by criticizing your own generals......

Everyone knows is not a good enough excuse

Where are the cases against Bushra bibi or Farah khan?

Anyone can criticize army generals. Who cares if that makes Indian pajeets happy or sad
Imagine the state of Apple or Samsung if the last five or six heads of those companies had been appointed by a doofus like Nawaz Sharif. Moreover, it would be no big deal if Samsung or Apple collapse tomorrow because there are plenty of competitors to take their place. But Allah maalik hai if army goes down because what you will see in its aftermath will be 21st century version Nadir Shah's invasion. And that is before Bhartis sink their damned dirty paws.

By any measure, Bajwa was ill suited for the role. Left on his own devices, his career would have petered out without too much fuss. But, going by bazaar gossip, he was plucked out from the ranks because he was willing to deal with a clown - a dangerous and a corrupt clown. Should army be blamed for Bajwa's failure? What could the leadership have done? Musharraf has been ostracized because he stopped army from turning into what Punjab police. You see the result now.

What you have since over the last few months is what would have happened had Musharraf believed bakwaas of civilian supremacy and stepped aside as he was ordered by would be ameer-ul-momineen. At least the little aid that came post 9/11 was used to pull the country out of bankruptcy which was the gift of NS government. Does anyone in his or her right mind believe that Sharifs would not have stolen most of the aid that came post 9/11.

Pakistan is situated in a dangerous neighborhood, where a bully 7x the size, is openly threatening invasion. Our response to the threat? We sing peans to a system which hands unbridled power to the worst elements of society - people like Zardari, Fazloo and Altaf Hussain. Decency, honesty, patriotism will get you tortured and shot while traitors will be feted. That is the genius of Pakistani society. There is corruption in most countries but when marry corruption with ghadaari, the result will be fatal doubly so when you look at our geography.

I am not a blind follower of IK but the only way to get Pakistan out of dangerous quagmire is for the army to deliver power to IK. Bajwa has done to Pak what its biggest enemies would not have even dreamt. New leadership has chance to be a hero but that needs tuttay. Lets hope for the best.

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