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Lt Gen Asim Munir selected as new army chief

There are hadiths.. Wanted to say that not all the people of knowledge have to be blindly followed. Their character is the best testimony.

So many people including me.. and over the internet are only talking about Hifz.. While I have a good feeling naturally, but we have to keep an eye on the character more than anything else.

What will you say about a certified playboy and a peerni ? Oh wait we dont need any proves in that case........But for Hafiz quran army chief we have to wait to see his character after almost 30 years in service with army..... You are neutral i guess :p::p:
There are hadiths.. Wanted to say that not all the people of knowledge have to be blindly followed. Their character is the best testimony.

So many people including me.. and over the internet are only talking about Hifz.. While I have a good feeling naturally, but we have to keep an eye on the character more than anything else.

As Hazrat Umar said: We judge by what is obvious to us
LOL, where did this come from? And why did you feel the need to say this? Seems strange.

Rest of your post I completely agree with & appreciate. :tup:

There is a hadith and Dr. Israr Ahmed referenced it once saying the worse of the worst would be the Ulema walking this earth.

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) has already hinted about this situation and said:

Time will come upon Ummah when their learned men (Ulema) will be the worst people under heaven, contention and strife will issue from them, and it will return upon them (Bihaqi).

Furthermore, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said;

Allah does not take away knowledge by snatching it from people, but by taking away religious scholars until no scholar remains. Then the people will turn to the ignorant as their leaders who, when asked to deliver religious verdicts, will issue them without knowledge, result being that they will go astray & will lead others astray.” (Muslim)

Definitely. We cannot deny he was not on the same boat as Bajwa but I am sure he will try to remain neutral and try to improve army imagine unless IK and PTI start to attack him aswell. I think kidnapping of politicians, journalists, making videos, false cases, secret agencies voice recordings, torture needs to be stopped. That will be a good sign that army wants to restore their destroyed image.
that guy approached Imran few years back and warned him about the corruption of CM Buzdar and the excesses of Manica family (the ex of Pinki Pirni) instead of taking any note. Imran got furious and demanded his removal from ISI and demoted for having the audacity to second guess the genius of Khan who equates himself to some very sacred figures in his speeches to substantiate why he does what he does.

but that was the past. although that general is known to be a true solider and get things done but this COAS role will leave another mark on him and he wont be just another general which in Pakistani context is a shame.
that guy approached Imran few years back and warned him about the corruption of CM Buzdar and the excesses of Manica family (the ex of Pinki Pirni) instead of taking any note. Imran got furious and demanded his removal from ISI and demoted for having the audacity to second guess the genius of Khan who equates himself to some very sacred figures in his speeches to substantiate why he does what he does.

but that was the past. although that general is known to be a true solider and get things done but this COAS role will leave another mark on him and he wont be just another general which in Pakistani context is a shame.
IK at the end is the one eyed man within the blind. He has double standards much like the rest of them and he has let the Mellisandre clan get away with a lot
* months of ongoing sessions on Pakflix :: Imran VS Establishment ::

1. Imran Khan failed to get early elections
2. Imran Khan failed to create serious hurdles in the Chief's appointment
3. Imran Khan failed to kick Bajwa and co

What Khan has achieved so far? He successfully fixed the Army (the dreams of many in the past 75 years). The new generation has zero sympathy and emotional attachment to the Army now. If they play foul, they will have to face the consequences. Khan has got massive historic support from the public which is quite evident and now he has the strings to pull that will create serious trouble for the Army and their installed puppet regime.

Unfortunately, Imran has lost a golden opportunity to achieve all of the above. In politics, time is the most important thing. He failed to manage things on time because of his failed collaborative engagements behind the doors. The army successfully got the space by delaying things and eventually all the pressure from the establishment has gone. Unnecessary delays, uncertainty, and unclarity among the ranks of PTI leadership have created a wide breathing space for the establishment.

IK can't do anything now except some speeches. He miserably failed to send this 18KM govt home while ruling over more than 60% of Pakistan. Now he has to wait. Asim Munir won't help him except for some cosmetic efforts to improve the establishment's worst image in the public at the moment.

It is too early to say anything but apparently, there will be no change in their policy of political engineering and involvement. They will remain in politics and do their political stunts and maneuvers especially offset IK through the disqualification before the upcoming elections.

Government has no power in the game. They have zero relevance and support from the masses in this entire sequence. Their role is merely marionettes and just following the script & orders.
Already talks behind the scenes have begun bhai. This is Army we are talking about. He has been given favor by PML N which has always backfired for them. New leadership most important concern is to get in good grace of public. Elections will happen. I am expecting them to be in May after Ramadan is over. Election Commission has already speeded up the work to go for General Elections. They won't do this without a danda from somewhere.
that guy approached Imran few years back and warned him about the corruption of CM Buzdar and the excesses of Manica family (the ex of Pinki Pirni) instead of taking any note. Imran got furious and demanded his removal from ISI and demoted for having the audacity to second guess the genius of Khan who equates himself to some very sacred figures in his speeches to substantiate why he does what he does.

but that was the past. although that general is known to be a true solider and get things done but this COAS role will leave another mark on him and he wont be just another general which in Pakistani context is a shame.
No such thing happened. He was removed for totally different reason which had more to do with India then anything with Imran Khan. You are falling for typical PML N created propaganda.

Rumors I have heard (about reasons for Asim Munir not being IK's choice) so far are that

Amin Munir was removed/not liked by IK because:

(1)..Iran had complaints against him
(2)..he pointed out IK's wife's corruption
(3)..he asked 70 cror from Master Tile CEO & CEO wrote letter to IK
(4)..he was pro-Nawaz.
(5)..he wasn't liked by top military Generals because he was withdrawn & wouldn't socialize and because he didn't came via Kakul and no COAS has ever been from OTS
[I don't know the meaning of this very last OTS thing though]

All seem unsubstantiated and even planted propaganda.


Another e.g.

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Below is re-post of my post from yesterday


Few questions if anyone knows

This article (link) makes few claims, wondering how true they are

(1) "According to the expert, Lt. General Asim Munir is not popular among the top commanders of the army since he did not come from the Pakistan Military Academy Kakul."

Doesn't everyone go through Kakul? @Rashid Mahmood what's OTS, is it different stream from kakul?

(2) Word in air is that Asim Munir s Nawaz Sharif's choice

How this belief came to be? I never heard anything directly from any PML-N member

Does it originate from speculation that Imran Khan fired Asim Munir because Asim pointed some corruption in IK's close circle? And hence it was assumed that Asim would holding grudge against IK?

(3) Does PTI ever indicated they didn't prefer Asim Munir? I never heard anything other than word of mouth from likes of GEO news & obvious liars politicians

(4) I have a feeling that PML-N & PPP does NOT want Asim Munir,, they are just playing game on PTI that just to counter PDM Imran/Alvi will reject Asim and will take the blame of interfering with senior most wile fulfilling PDM wishes to not have Asim as coas. What do you think?

Did he really? or was it a mere birdie coming out of likes of GEO, Omer Cheema, Azaz Syed etc?
Announcement of Asim's removal didn't come from Imran Khan, or did it?
It came from ISPR without any explanation
Looks more like Bajwa had some issue w Asim rather than Imran?

And this (false) belief may exactly be the reason for PDM falling in love with Asim

I a struggling to figure out why people think that?
What happened that brought people to this conclusion? other than rumor of Munir being fired at IK's will (what if it was Bajwa's will)

Looks like it was a fake story spread by Indian's through or in guise of MQM London account.
e.g. this tweep is spreading hashtag promoted by Indians

View attachment 900128

Isn't this lady in scarf picture the same whose call was played by ISPR?
Where she was asking MQM hitmen to "kiss on the neck".

So the account demeaning Asim Munir is Indian sponsored account of MQM London terrorist
Which makes Asim Munir an angel automatically, doesn't it?
The main reason is India not Khan. Secondly MI guys are not liked by ISI. So, making an MI guy ISI head was a mistake. Khan by that time was listening to what Bajwa wanted. Bajwa was the one who removed him from DG ISI post.
True to tradition, he has selected someone not recommended by outgoing COAS. But I guess this is the first time he has selected the senior most in the list provided. He has become a chief by chance due to he taking charge few months late thereby getting rank after due date. If I am not wrong all his batch mates have already retired.

Well technically he wasn't senior most, that would have been the guy who was senior most on 27th.

Till last week another guy was senior most.

When should you select the senior most? (considering that we go with senior most, which is a BS concept IMO, but let's just suppose for arguments sake).

Should the senior most be on day of retirement, 3 days back, 7 days back, or 6 months back?

that guy approached Imran few years back and warned him about the corruption of CM Buzdar and the excesses of Manica family (the ex of Pinki Pirni)

Not too sure on that, there was much more to the whole removal thing. Take it as more of a realignment as per wishes from the top more than anything else. Remember the removal of Rizwan Akhtar?

Secondly, Big B removes his own appointed DG ISI just after one year without so much as a squeak, but when later IK wants Nadeem Anjum to hold off then Bajwa throws a fit, establishes great differences with the govt, and removes the whole government? :)
The same general who imran khan sacked from ISI position will now become COAS

No such thing happened. He was removed for totally different reason which had more to do with India then anything with Imran Khan. You are falling for typical PML N created propaganda.

The main reason is India not Khan. Secondly MI guys are not liked by ISI. So, making an MI guy ISI head was a mistake. Khan by that time was listening to what Bajwa wanted. Bajwa was the one who removed him from DG ISI post.
so Imran khan has approved the appointment and signed the paper President Alvi brought with him after getting the summons to come in person to great Khan?
IK at the end is the one eyed man within the blind. He has double standards much like the rest of them and he has let the Mellisandre clan get away with a lot

He will get his comeuppance, just like the others, when it is determined the time is right for that, and not before.
None of this falls under their gambit, this is a political issue. Can we please stop involving the army in everything non military in which their input is not required nor has a positive effect on the government institutions.
How is JAG investigation not theirs to run, how is appointment shuffle DG SG ISI and DG ISPR not something the Chief initiate.
The part where you have an argument to make is the part where they can facilitate all political forces to come together given the economic meltdown on the horizon. That I agree is not something that is part of their mandate.
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