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Love is what you all need

What kind of a hippie Odin is that ? :o:

Modern Odin:tsk:. Kids these days just don't have time for the traditions like they use to. They're all about Woke Baes and Snapchat and craft beer and beards... what's a God to do:(? You adapt or wither into The Forgotten. And when no one remembers a God *Poof*:cray:.

Pirate, eh? Searching the 7 seas for booty to plunder:P? We Vikings know a thing or two about raiding for booty ourselves:whistle:.

Who is this beauty ? :smitten:

Someone who needs to grow some dang hair:angry:! I'm OK with short, but not on top. Back and sides are cute, but girl, keep the top long:wub:.

Join hands with me comrades and we can form a ring of gayness so gay that history will never again see such gaiety!

Or not.

Im hoping not. Lets just nod and grunt our acknowledgement of each like real men.
LOL, I see OP got 3 up-votes in 3 pages

welcome to Pakistan Defence forum :enjoy:

to be fair, it would be pretty much the same in any defence forum

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