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lot of changes for muslims in Germany in the future...?

Nice. I support that.
Next step should be: accept Islam as a recognized religion, and control(and ofcourse fund) mosques.

in Germany the government does not found religion buildings... all have to be done by the reigion organistion... they need to buy the ground, make the construction plans fitting to the local construction rules ... historical cities in Germany have strict construction rules how a building has to look like to fit into the city look that can range from buildings high, roof color, roof look, building color, window shape etc...after getting construction approval the religion organisation can build their mosque curch tempel etc... payed by their own money.

Is that before or after the one million syrian refugees flood into Germany?

the refugee crisi was in 2015.... this number is 2 years AFTER

This is no change. These rules already exist.

However what Germany need to fix is racism and state sponsored terrorism against Muslim populace... even the teachers in school mistreat Muslim children.
Hijab women are mistreated in streets and even attacked criminally, which is sponsored by state of Germany lead by Merkel.
Police beat Muslims the after their identification.
Muslims are being killed in streets and even courts, while police and judges watch the show.

Your claim is UTTERLY BULL*HIT
Not a single claim is true...u are a typical butthurt muslim sprading shit across the internet

The great great Majority are Germans... most are of Second/Third Gen.
Foreigners are mostly from recent refugee waves.

didnt u read my post?

There are next to NO NATIVE German muslims!!!!!!

55% of the muslims in Germany are FOREIGNER
45% of the muslims own a German Passport but are NO NATIVE GERMANS
of this 45% muslims in Germany with German passport are 63% with turkish background and the other are from Romania Albania etc.
Your claim is UTTERLY BULL*HIT
Not a single claim is true...u are a typical butthurt muslim sprading shit across the internet

Muslim children are suffering most in Germany. Starting from kindergarten they are targeted by their coaches, co-children and society.
Children as young as 6 years are told openly by co-children that Muslims are bad, Muslims are killers, irrespective how that child ended up in Germany and surroundings.
Muslim children are grouped among dumb children. Teachers don't teach them nothing.
Muslim children when return home from school have a new story to tell daily.
Don't worry those victimized and bullied children will once grow up too and they will not remain quite than.
Murder of Marwa El-Sherbini should have been an eye opener.
you are telling me I can misinterpret a translation. but I cannot misinterpret the original when Arabic is my 2nd or 3rd language


Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism have evolved past the languages

Except Christianity has been totally warped since its inception, scripture in the earlier bibles are no longer taught. hinduism is a grouping of beliefs rather than a singular religion, Buddhism's holy book is more of a spiritual guide than Gods command like the Quran.

Funny how you selectively chose these religions though, nothing to say on why the Torah is primarily in Hebrew, or why Sikh scriptures are taught in Punjabi?

Except Christianity has been totally warped since its inception, scripture in the earlier bibles are no longer taught. hinduism is a grouping of beliefs rather than a singular religion, Buddhism's holy book is more of a spiritual guide than Gods command like the Quran.

Funny how you selectively chose these religions though, nothing to say on why the Torah is primarily in Hebrew, or why Sikh scriptures are taught in Punjabi?

Hindu, Christian and Buddhist scriptures are translated into other languages. That is the main point. Sikhism is an ethnic religion. What percentage of the Sikhs are not Punjabi ?

Jewish scriptures were translated into languages like Yiddish. Yiddish has lot of Hebrew words in it.
They are back to Hebrew because Yiddish speakers got wiped out in the Holocaust. They had no interest in following a language that resembled German
The three candidates from the CDU to replace chancelor Merkel as leader of the CDU, Merz, Kramp-Karenbauer and Spahn talked on a podiums discussion in front of their Party in Düsseldorf Germany.
All three made notes to muslims in Germany and things that will change after Merkel step down.... one of the three will most likely become the new CDU chief and with this postion most likely the next candidat of the CDU for chancelor... even if currently weak the CDU is still by far the strongest party in Germany and without CDU no new government... and the party with the most votes gets the position of the chancelor..a old democratic rule... so most likely one of the three has a good chance to replace also Merkel as chancelor... so their note adressed to muslims have some weight.

1. all muslims have to accept german laws, in the future zero tollerance for Sharia laws...
2. Quran schools gets under strict state control, no more hate speach allowed, or speach against German laws....
3. if muslim religion is offered in school the teacher has to teach it in german language.
4. foundings to building up new mosque, has to come from German muslims and not form a other country... in return the first big mosque build with founds from Germany get opend by the german president as a sign of tollerance and acceptance, Germany does not accept anymore that the president of a other nation comes to Germany to open a building for whoreship a religion.

oh and at the end they had a bad news for the Germans too... the retirement age in Germany will continue to increase... from 67 now (if you are born after 1964) to an open age... in some nations they retire with 50 and we have to work almost 20years longer... nice...not


1. This is already the case. There is no exception for the implementation of the law for any Muslim in Germany. The second part about zero tolerance for shariah is impossible. Shariah is all encompassing, its a personal code as well as a legal one. You can't enforce people praying, or dressing modestly or eating halal meat only. Of course any part of shariah that is contradictory to German law is already not practised in Germany, as there is currently no exception for Muslims from obeying the laws in Germany.

2. It will be interesting how this is implemented. Its a good move, especially the bit about hate speech (albeit I doubt you can enforce any of it, Nazis March your streets again, you can't stop them). As for the final bit about no speaking against German laws, you cannot implement that, its an abuse of human rights. Every citizen has a right to lobby for amendment to laws.

3. Brilliant move. The Quran will always be taught in Arabic as will the prayers (much like how catholics pray in Latin) but the theology should be taught in German.

4. Excellent move. Foreign funding, especially Arab money only invites extremism.
2. Quran schools gets under strict state control, no more hate speach allowed, or speach against German laws....
In Turkey imams are educated, certified and regulated by Diyanet, so there is no hate speech in the mosques.
I wonder, how you are going to achieve this ???
The three candidates from the CDU to replace chancelor Merkel as leader of the CDU, Merz, Kramp-Karenbauer and Spahn talked on a podiums discussion in front of their Party in Düsseldorf Germany.
All three made notes to muslims in Germany and things that will change after Merkel step down.... one of the three will most likely become the new CDU chief and with this postion most likely the next candidat of the CDU for chancelor... even if currently weak the CDU is still by far the strongest party in Germany and without CDU no new government... and the party with the most votes gets the position of the chancelor..a old democratic rule... so most likely one of the three has a good chance to replace also Merkel as chancelor... so their note adressed to muslims have some weight.

1. all muslims have to accept german laws, in the future zero tollerance for Sharia laws...
2. Quran schools gets under strict state control, no more hate speach allowed, or speach against German laws....
3. if muslim religion is offered in school the teacher has to teach it in german language.
4. foundings to building up new mosque, has to come from German muslims and not form a other country... in return the first big mosque build with founds from Germany get opend by the german president as a sign of tollerance and acceptance, Germany does not accept anymore that the president of a other nation comes to Germany to open a building for whoreship a religion.

oh and at the end they had a bad news for the Germans too... the retirement age in Germany will continue to increase... from 67 now (if you are born after 1964) to an open age... in some nations they retire with 50 and we have to work almost 20years longer... nice...not

All of these points you have mentioned arent new or something special. So, what's the fuss about?

No ... not with a single penny
This is not true. The German state is indirectly paying the churches money by financially supporting Church projects and paying the salary of the Church elders. On top of that, the German churches are enjoying many tax concessions.
Hindu, Christian and Buddhist scriptures are translated into other languages. That is the main point. Sikhism is an ethnic religion. What percentage of the Sikhs are not Punjabi ?

The Quran is translated into other languages too, and where in Sikhism is it defined as an ethnic religion? Most of its followers are Punjabi yes, but why are you applying one set of rules to Muslims and another for other religions

Jewish scriptures were translated into languages like Yiddish. Yiddish has lot of Hebrew words in it.
They are back to Hebrew because Yiddish speakers got wiped out in the Holocaust. They had no interest in following a language that resembled German

Using this logic you should be fine with Muslims not teaching in western languages, based on the fact that 4 million have been killed as a result of Western Wars since 1990
There's no better house than our own home.

Why went as far as foreign country to find a house, while your own home in your Homeland is much better.

You also have a tool, so called democracy, if you find out that your own home is not as good as what you imagine. At least you can change it as what you want.

Things will be different if you are living in other people home, whatever you are begging and crying everyday, hoping for miracle that will never arrive.

And it's impolite too as a guess in other people home to do so.
The three candidates from the CDU to replace chancelor Merkel as leader of the CDU, Merz, Kramp-Karenbauer and Spahn talked on a podiums discussion in front of their Party in Düsseldorf Germany.
All three made notes to muslims in Germany and things that will change after Merkel step down.... one of the three will most likely become the new CDU chief and with this postion most likely the next candidat of the CDU for chancelor... even if currently weak the CDU is still by far the strongest party in Germany and without CDU no new government... and the party with the most votes gets the position of the chancelor..a old democratic rule... so most likely one of the three has a good chance to replace also Merkel as chancelor... so their note adressed to muslims have some weight.

1. all muslims have to accept german laws, in the future zero tollerance for Sharia laws...
2. Quran schools gets under strict state control, no more hate speach allowed, or speach against German laws....
3. if muslim religion is offered in school the teacher has to teach it in german language.
4. foundings to building up new mosque, has to come from German muslims and not form a other country... in return the first big mosque build with founds from Germany get opend by the german president as a sign of tollerance and acceptance, Germany does not accept anymore that the president of a other nation comes to Germany to open a building for whoreship a religion.

oh and at the end they had a bad news for the Germans too... the retirement age in Germany will continue to increase... from 67 now (if you are born after 1964) to an open age... in some nations they retire with 50 and we have to work almost 20years longer... nice...not


i approve, but with a small side-note that hardly the entire Sharia is evil.
the no-interest banking rules are also part of the Sharia, if i'm not mistaken.
1. all muslims have to accept german laws, in the future zero tollerance for Sharia laws...
2. Quran schools gets under strict state control, no more hate speach allowed, or speach against German laws....
3. if muslim religion is offered in school the teacher has to teach it in german language.
4. foundings to building up new mosque, has to come from German muslims and not form a other country... in return the first big mosque build with founds from Germany get opend by the german president as a sign of tollerance and acceptance, Germany does not accept anymore that the president of a other nation comes to Germany to open a building for whoreship a religion.


Muslim children are suffering most in Germany. Starting from kindergarten they are targeted by their coaches, co-children and society.
Children as young as 6 years are told openly by co-children that Muslims are bad, Muslims are killers, irrespective how that child ended up in Germany and surroundings.
Muslim children are grouped among dumb children. Teachers don't teach them nothing.
Muslim children when return home from school have a new story to tell daily.
Don't worry those victimized and bullied children will once grow up too and they will not remain quite than.
Murder of Marwa El-Sherbini should have been an eye opener.

Have you ever been to Germany dude? Or any other western country? Or even out of your country for that matter? Two of my good buddies in the Army before were Pakistani descent Muslims. Their children are Muslims naturally. They are Straight A kids and are wonderful children. My kids are friends with his kids. Me and one of my buddies were both stationed in Panzer, Kaserne. He brought his family with him. I didn't see anything or even hint for that matter on what you are talking about. My point? Stop listening and watching the west is BAD dude! It will screw your mind.

much like how catholics pray in Latin

We pray in any language we like. I pray in English.

Excellent move. Foreign funding, especially Arab money only invites extremism

You got that one right buddy!

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