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lot of changes for muslims in Germany in the future...?

Most retarded westerners and indians have no idea what the definition of sharia law is. It's pretty cringey to read their fears, when they don't even know what they are talking about. :lol:
I always thought Sharia applied to criminal law

A very, very minute part of Shari'ah is for criminal law. The rest of it applies to various aspect of your life, and hence its so effective and almost unbeatable code of conduct.....even in hedonistic secular societies where all other religions got destroyed and humiliated (Hinduism, Christianity etc)----but Islam thrived.

Here's a hint: How many of us in our lives will have to deal with *criminal* justice system? Very, very few. But how many of us have to deal with major aspects of our civil life like inheritance, clothing choices, sexuality, religious practice, social relationships, education, travel, and hell even etiquettes of using bathrooms? ALL of us, right?

Guess which religious code deals with all of the above explicitly? Yes....Shari'ah :)

Best of luck "stopping" it :lol:

You non-Muslims make us laugh with your rants against Islam. You don't even know what you are up against, and you think you'd somehow "destroy" it or "control" it or hell, "reform" it?!!!! Best of luck :cheers:

Shows how clueless you are about both issues

The Sharia Law

And actual influence and spread of Sharia law.

Here's a small hint for you: READ


Here's another shocker for you basics

"A recent study found that more than 442 Shariah-based ordinances have been passed throughout Indonesia since 1999, when Jakarta gave provinces and districts substantial powers to make their own laws. These include regulations concerning female attire, the mixing of the sexes, and alcohol"


Now imagine, if the most "moderate," "liberal" and "secular" Muslim states like Indonesia and Turkey have Sharia/Islam playing such dominant and influential role in social norms, politics, and culture with Sharia permeating throughout the society----how much more powerful the impact and influence of Shariah would be in the lives of billions of Muslims living in Muslim states with Islam as the official state religion, and Sharia mentioned as the primary source of legislation??

What you don't understand is that democracy in Muslim world is based in Islam and comes out of Islam, and not secular liberalism like in West, Japan, and even india (or other weak cultures who got washed away by Westernization and lost their traditional essence)

Bottom line: No government can "ban" Shariah since its woven into the very practice and cultural ethos of Islam. Hence it exists everywhere to one degree or the other---whereever the Muslims reside. Chechyna, Dagestan, and other Muslim-majority regions in Russia are almost de-facto Islamic Republics with Sharia-inspired laws, deeply Islamic culture, and public imposition of Islamic values at large......with the mix of Russia civil laws offcourse

Watch this Russia Today's video about life and culture in Chechyna and decide for yourself

I consider post No 14 to be a better read ( & educated too)

Meanwhile thank you for your efforts.
I consider post No 14 to be a better read ( & educated too)

Meanwhile thank you for your efforts.

Sure, you level of education is only limited to meaningless one-liners like these

"Sharia doesn't exist anywhere. Those countries pick and choose which aspects of it they want to follow" :lol: (from two liner post 14)

I figured Washington post was probably too thick for your caliber. But I made the post for the education of wider audiences. Members and non-members reading.

Don't worry. You, like other gullible indians, just believe "Uniform civil code, no sharia!!!!"

You, like other gullible indians, just believe "Uniform civil code, no sharia

Which is the civilised thing to do, religion is not above the constitution of the land
Which is the civilised thing to do, religion is not above the constitution of the land

I'm sure if your constitution told you to jump, you would also ask how high?

Typical worthless organism bharti. Imagine having your entire life regulated by others. You are a beta male and should be exterminated from the human species.
Sharia supersedes all national laws for them: They are ready to go against their countries if Sharia is compromised. This mostly affects countries with significant Muslim minorities such as your country, my country etc.

False. Nobody even knows what it is. Its mostly thoughts and ideas. If you compiled it all together it would be over 10,000 pages long of ideas over the 1,400 years.

It mostly exists in the internet.
False. Nobody even knows what it is. Its mostly thoughts and ideas. If you compiled it all together it would be over 10,000 pages long of ideas over the 1,400 years.

It mostly exists in the internet.

My friend, I am not making this up. You might need to debate with your brethren before telling me whether it is true or false.

Everyone would disagree with you.
Imagine having your entire life regulated by others.

We’d rather have our lives ‘ regulated’ by humans who debated / discussed things & evolved a system that’s open to debate & change with time than any messages that came from the clouds in a language We don’t understand & is not open to change

Good luck
I always thought Sharia applied to criminal law

Sharia applies in Military, economy, personal and religious.

Sharia covers a lot of aspects.

Only thing that comes up to peoples minds is the capital punishments nothing else.

To be honest I see a lot of similarities with Islamic law when compared to Christian and Jewish law but three of them are different at the end of the day.
I don't see anything wrong with the proposals the OP mentioned. If you have made the effort to go to another country the least you can do is not be a dick and start demanding your own crazy laws in the host country. Specially if you want to raise your kids there and want some future for your kids then wouldn't you want your kids to integrate and do well in Germany?
The three candidates from the CDU to replace chancelor Merkel as leader of the CDU, Merz, Kramp-Karenbauer and Spahn talked on a podiums discussion in front of their Party in Düsseldorf Germany.
All three made notes to muslims in Germany and things that will change after Merkel step down.... one of the three will most likely become the new CDU chief and with this postion most likely the next candidat of the CDU for chancelor... even if currently weak the CDU is still by far the strongest party in Germany and without CDU no new government... and the party with the most votes gets the position of the chancelor..a old democratic rule... so most likely one of the three has a good chance to replace also Merkel as chancelor... so their note adressed to muslims have some weight.

1. all muslims have to accept german laws, in the future zero tollerance for Sharia laws...
2. Quran schools gets under strict state control, no more hate speach allowed, or speach against German laws....
3. if muslim religion is offered in school the teacher has to teach it in german language.
4. foundings to building up new mosque, has to come from German muslims and not form a other country... in return the first big mosque build with founds from Germany get opend by the german president as a sign of tollerance and acceptance, Germany does not accept anymore that the president of a other nation comes to Germany to open a building for whoreship a religion.

oh and at the end they had a bad news for the Germans too... the retirement age in Germany will continue to increase... from 67 now (if you are born after 1964) to an open age... in some nations they retire with 50 and we have to work almost 20years longer... nice...not


LOLOLOL what a bull carp, what changes?? who will object to these changes??
This looks like a muslim candidate have proposed these changes.

1. no muslim wants Sharia Laws.
2. should be equally applied to all religions
3. a religion is always taught in local languages, only quran recital is in Arabic.
4. who will argue with that.
No ... not with a single penny
Here in Sweden some part of the taxes goes to a nearby Church but now you have the option to change it to a mosque or to any other facility. Not many people are Church members these days though.
Some observations please:

Then you will be courting civil war inside your country. What you are recommending will be facing stiff resistance. Given your past guilt since WW2, your politicians are not strong enough to bring this change, though I completely agree with your points.

  1. Sharia supersedes all national laws for them: They are ready to go against their countries if Sharia is compromised. This mostly affects countries with significant Muslim minorities such as your country, my country etc.
  2. You cannot edit their holy book as that will only trigger them and make them angry. They may accept government monitoring but definitely not editing their holy book.
  3. Teaching Koran in German language? Their standard language is Arabic and nothing else is accepted except for an introductory course in the native language.
  4. The fourth point could be something applicable - but most Islamic countries such as Saudi, UAE, Kuwait, Pakistan, Brunei etc could be upset with this law. Building of mosques is considered a duty and they feel obliged to donate.
Are you ready to face all these challenges? Believe me, you will have to.

Wow! You actually agree with it? What if the German federal law conflicts with Sharia law? Do you think the people there will accept national laws then?

1. in Germany is only ONE law active that is the German law...
if you belive in Sharia law u already have a problem in Germany because German officle give a damn **** about Sharia law...as does 95% of the population living in Germany. Every muslim is free to leave to a country were Sharia law is the law... here it is not and will never be..
2. They are not monitoring the holy book...they are monitoring hate speach... if hate speach represent islam.. LEAVE...
3. Who gives a **** what language the Koran is... the Bible is translated into any language... in several German stats this law is already ACTIVE... In German schools is only one language and that is German...the only other lanugages are teached in class as second or third language...
4. No one in Germany gives a **** if someone there is upset about it, our nation our rules..... you still buy our Mercedes BMW Porsche Audi adidas Puma MP3 VW so no one cares about if someone feels butthurt..

Are the majority native Germans or foreigners

there are next to no native German muslims..

55% of muslims in Germany are foreigner
45% of muslims in Germany have a German passport
of this 45% group with German passport are 63% with turkisch background, the other 33% have a other migration background like romania albania.

99% of the muslims in Germany have no german background...

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