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lot of changes for muslims in Germany in the future...?

A very, very minute part of Shari'ah is for criminal law. The rest of it applies to various aspect of your life, and hence its so effective and almost unbeatable code of conduct.....even in hedonistic secular societies where all other religions got destroyed and humiliated (Hinduism, Christianity etc)----but Islam thrived.

Here's a hint: How many of us in our lives will have to deal with *criminal* justice system? Very, very few. But how many of us have to deal with major aspects of our civil life like inheritance, clothing choices, sexuality, religious practice, social relationships, education, travel, and hell even etiquettes of using bathrooms? ALL of us, right?

Guess which religious code deals with all of the above explicitly? Yes....Shari'ah :)

Best of luck "stopping" it :lol:

You non-Muslims make us laugh with your rants against Islam. You don't even know what you are up against, and you think you'd somehow "destroy" it or "control" it or hell, "reform" it?!!!! Best of luck :cheers:

Islam is by no means thriving. It is in a crisis where most Muslim majority societies are falling behind.
given a chance most Muslims are running to non-Muslim secular societies

civil law deals with inheritance. governments has major control over education system

you are confusing culture with religion

Sharia doesn't exist anywhere. Those countries pick and choose which aspects of it they want to follow.
I couldn't have put it better
So many mistakes in that first post/Article...that I wonder if they check it before releasing it... It's shameful...
Let alone some post in this thread...

1.Fantasy 101... How to be stupid before Christmas... "Muslims should respect German Law"... Don't they feel ashamed by writing this stupidity... as if Millions of Muslims in Germany got their own state...That statement is belittling the lambda German by associating him to a brain of a fish...
Those guy can't even understand what Sharia laws are... take the next door Imam/Scholar ont his matter for God Sake... and stop ridiculing yourself...

2.Already the case... Hate speech is fought in Germany... as for Criticizing German Law..;it's what we call "Free speech"... or maybe we should judge every German soul when he criticize X or Y law...

3."Muslim Religion"... he said... Well... Islam courses are "ALREADY" in German... And in Arabic.

4.The only interesting thing...

What's the percentage of Muslims in Germany?
6.1% as of 2016.

@george does German govt fund churches ?
Yes, for renovation of certain churchs
But the majority of funds come from the "Kirchensteuer tax". A tax for every member of the "Church"...

Are the majority native Germans or foreigners
The great great Majority are Germans... most are of Second/Third Gen.
Foreigners are mostly from recent refugee waves.
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1. in Germany is only ONE law active that is the German law...
if you belive in Sharia law u already have a problem in Germany because German officle give a damn **** about Sharia law...as does 95% of the population living in Germany. Every muslim is free to leave to a country were Sharia law is the law... here it is not and will never be..
2. They are not monitoring the holy book...they are monitoring hate speach... if hate speach represent islam.. LEAVE...
3. Who gives a **** what language the Koran is... the Bible is translated into any language... in several German stats this law is already ACTIVE... In German schools is only one language and that is German...the only other lanugages are teached in class as second or third language...
4. No one in Germany gives a **** if someone there is upset about it, our nation our rules..... you still buy our Mercedes BMW Porsche Audi adidas Puma MP3 VW so no one cares about if someone feels butthurt..

You need to learn and understand what Sharia Law is first of all, you clearly have a fundamental misunderstanding of the concept

Also please explain what is wrong with Quran being taught in Arabic.
False. Nobody even knows what it is. Its mostly thoughts and ideas. If you compiled it all together it would be over 10,000 pages long of ideas over the 1,400 years.

It mostly exists in the internet.

What a retarted comment :lol:

Islam is by no means thriving. It is in a crisis where most Muslim majority societies are falling behind.

civil law deals with inheritance. governments has major control over education system

you are confusing culture with religion


Hey "nathanbob".....why don't you put your real flags first before putting idiotic comments on PDF??

Your writing competency is a bigger give away than your ridiculous name my indian "nathanbob" friend.

Secondly what a dumb argument. Religions are measured by their influence in social lives of their followers and shaping the culture of their respective societies. Sweden is a very wealthy and happy society----you think Christianity is "thriving" in Sweden? No, its pretty much a dead religion---much like rest of the Western world and beyond.

Secondly, Muslims aren't hindus---who are backward, powerless, and concentrated in just one country with extreme poverty.

Muslims are a global people----with hundreds of millions residing in very advanced, industrialized, and rich societies---with hundreds of millions residing in middle-income developing societies, and yet another hundred of millions residing in low-income societies. So I don't what does "falling behind" mantra even means?

Please, before your next post----change your flags or don't bother quoting me with your fake account and persona.
You need to learn and understand what Sharia Law is first of all, you clearly have a fundamental misunderstanding of the concept

Also please explain what is wrong with Quran being taught in Arabic.

Sry but the Youth in Germany, Austria nowdays can't even speak proper German.

You think our new retarded Generation is able to learn Arabic?
1. all muslims have to accept german laws, in the future zero tollerance for Sharia laws...
2. Quran schools gets under strict state control, no more hate speach allowed, or speach against German laws....
3. if muslim religion is offered in school the teacher has to teach it in german language.
4. foundings to building up new mosque, has to come from German muslims and not form a other country... in return the first big mosque build with founds from Germany get opend by the german president as a sign of tollerance and acceptance, Germany does not accept anymore that the president of a other nation comes to Germany to open a building for whoreship a religion.


I don't see anything wrong in these 4 points. Muslims all over the world must follow these rules.
What a retarted comment :lol:

Secondly what a dumb argument. Religions are measured by their influence in social lives of their followers and shaping the culture of their respective societies. Sweden is a very wealthy and happy society----you think Christianity is "thriving" in Sweden? No, its pretty much a dead religion---much like rest of the Western world and beyond.

If you want to measure religion by influence on the social lives of followers you should restrict yourself to social aspects of life.
Refrain from political and economic crap
My friend, I am not making this up. You might need to debate with your brethren before telling me whether it is true or false.

Its moslty derived from the internet. There is no such thing as consensus on Shariah. Its interpretation... Thausands interpretations based on different areas, difference areas, different cultures . Its never been static.

Shariah is something the west never even heard of a few decades ago
If you want to measure religion by influence on the social lives of followers you should restrict yourself to social aspects of life.
Refrain from political and economic crap

Ummm religions do tend to exert influence on political life as well. Islam does it far more than may be all other religions combined in today's world.

I am not sure what do you mean by refraining from "economic crap"??

Economics wealth is a purely irreligious-secular measure. Religions are not economic systems but rather social-cultural-spiritual systems that exert influence on society in myriads of ways.

You are definitely not well-read enough to have this conversation. Thank you....next

Its moslty derived from the internet. There is no such thing as consensus on Shariah. Its interpretation... Thausands interpretations based on different areas, difference areas, different cultures . Its never been static.

Shariah is something the west never even heard of a few decades ago

Lol, again wrong.

An overwhelming majority of Shari'ah is agreed upon. For example, there is no different "interpretation" of Shari'ah when it comes to the impermissibility of premarital sex or alcohol consumption. There exists ijma (consensus) of scholars in this regard.

On some other issues, there are multiple interpretations and scholarly debates

This goes on for any legal code. Some things are agreed upon universally, others are debated and interpreted. U.S constitutional legal framework is exactly the same. So is every other complex legal code to have ever existed on planet Earth

As I stated in my previous posts, you folks aren't qualified to talk about Shari'ah. Stop winging it like a headless chicken :lol:

1. in Germany is only ONE law active that is the German law...
if you belive in Sharia law u already have a problem in Germany because German officle give a damn **** about Sharia law...as does 95% of the population living in Germany. Every muslim is free to leave to a country were Sharia law is the law... here it is not and will never be..
2. They are not monitoring the holy book...they are monitoring hate speach... if hate speach represent islam.. LEAVE...
3. Who gives a **** what language the Koran is... the Bible is translated into any language... in several German stats this law is already ACTIVE... In German schools is only one language and that is German...the only other lanugages are teached in class as second or third language...
4. No one in Germany gives a **** if someone there is upset about it, our nation our rules..... you still buy our Mercedes BMW Porsche Audi adidas Puma MP3 VW so no one cares about if someone feels butthurt..

there are next to no native German muslims..

55% of muslims in Germany are foreigner
45% of muslims in Germany have a German passport
of this 45% group with German passport are 63% with turkisch background, the other 33% have a other migration background like romania albania.

99% of the muslims in Germany have no german background...


Only one butthurt here seems to be you.

Qur'an is in Arabic and is read in Arabic everywhere, including Germany. German translations offcourse should be taught so people can understand the Arabic. Just like it happens in Pakistan, Turkey, and Iran etc. Arabic original is kept and then translations of the text is added beneath it. Same goes for Germany. You can't change that :lol:

Secondly, Muslims in Germany follow Shari'ah law to their own personal extent. You can't stop that either. Nobody gives a sh!t about getting any "permission" from Germany to follow Shari'ah code of conduct in their personal lives.

Muslims born and raised in Germany are Germans----regardless of their parents background. Stop getting butthurt and mentally masturbating online. Germany is a secular society with secular laws, and Muslims in Germany like to keep it that way (while practicing their faith in their own personal lives.....which you can't dictate).

Now take a hike, you desperate German incel
I am not sure what do you mean by refraining from "economic crap"??

Economics wealth is a purely irreligious-secular measure. Religions are not economic systems but rather social-cultural-spiritual systems that exert influence on society in myriads of ways.

yet most of the Muslims flock to economically wealthy states. Maybe religion does not count.
yet most of the Muslims flock to economically wealthy states. Maybe religion does not count.

Lmfaoo, dumbass, humans migrate for economic reasons regardless of what they believe in.

Hindus migrate towards Saudi Arabia and UAE. Christians do the same.

What does this fact has to do with religion, role of religion in society, Shari'ah, and so on?

If I get a better job opportunity in a foreign country, and I take it, do you think I automatically become less of a Muslim or that Shari'ah does not matter to me anymore or whatever? Stop pulling out irrelevant stuff out your arse
Lmfaoo, dumbass, humans migrate for economic reasons regardless of what they believe in.

Hindus migrate towards Saudi Arabia and UAE. Christians do the same.

What does this fact has to do with religion, role of religion in society, Shari'ah, and so on?

If I get a better job opportunity in a foreign country, and I take it, do you think I automatically become less of a Muslim or that Shari'ah does not matter to me anymore or whatever? Stop pulling out irrelevant stuff out your arse

Going to work for a living is one thing. settling there in an alien setting where your social and religious values don't count

you cannot punish or kill anyone for blasphemy
your daughters can marry non-Muslims
your children can renounce Islam without being subject to death threats
you cannot practice polygamy

maybe all these things don't matter to ordinary Muslims. you wouldn't know reading the newspapers of some Muslim countries
Its moslty derived from the internet. There is no such thing as consensus on Shariah. Its interpretation... Thausands interpretations based on different areas, difference areas, different cultures . Its never been static.

Shariah is something the west never even heard of a few decades ago


Just like any school of thought.

But it mostly creates trouble for non-Muslims; at least whatever the interpretation that has come out in all these years.

Almost every interpretation involves in lessening of the status of anything related to non-Muslims, including legal compliance, sensitivities, rights etc. Saudi, Afghanistan, Maldives, Aceh of Indonesia, Kuwait etc can be some examples.

So, the most common interpretations need to be compliant with non-muslim civil laws in non-muslim lands. Simple.
Some observations please:

Then you will be courting civil war inside your country. What you are recommending will be facing stiff resistance. Given your past guilt since WW2, your politicians are not strong enough to bring this change, though I completely agree with your points.

  1. Sharia supersedes all national laws for them: They are ready to go against their countries if Sharia is compromised. This mostly affects countries with significant Muslim minorities such as your country, my country etc. WRONG!!
  2. You cannot edit their holy book as that will only trigger them and make them angry. They may accept government monitoring but definitely not editing their holy book. Yes, that is true and any sensible person will see why
  3. Teaching Koran in German language? Their standard language is Arabic and nothing else is accepted except for an introductory course in the native language. WRONG AGAIN!
  4. The fourth point could be something applicable - but most Islamic countries such as Saudi, UAE, Kuwait, Pakistan, Brunei etc could be upset with this law. Building of mosques is considered a duty and they feel obliged to donate.
Are you ready to face all these challenges? Believe me, you will have to.

Wow! You actually agree with it? What if the German federal law conflicts with Sharia law? Do you think the people there will accept national laws then?

Shows your complete lack of knowledge on topic you are posting on and that's not the worst part. This also exposed pretty badly the hatred and misinformation you are tying to spread.

Post deleted marked as inappropriate
Most retarded westerners and indians have no idea what the definition of sharia law is. It's pretty cringey to read their fears, when they don't even know what they are talking about. :lol:

I do not know what is worse: misunderstanding by Westerners and Indians

or abuse of the Shariah to settle political scores, abuse the weak, prevent political/social progress

The great great Majority are Germans... most are of Second/Third Gen.
Foreigners are mostly from recent refugee waves.

what is definition of great great majority ? there is substantial number of german refugees who have to be recent immigrants. i would assume larger percentage of 2nd/3rd generation Germans would not show up at mosques

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