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lot of changes for muslims in Germany in the future...?

yet most of the Muslims flock to economically wealthy states. Maybe religion does not count.
Most? Ah yes, the majority of some 1.8 billion people are flocking to a continent with under 800 million people.
Most? Ah yes, the majority of some 1.8 billion people are flocking to a continent with under 800 million people.

do you want to predict given the chance how many would emigrate ? most of them do not have a chance.
what is definition of great great majority ? there is substantial number of german refugees who have to be recent immigrants. i would assume larger percentage of 2nd/3rd generation Germans would not show up at mosques

Recent immigration put the influx around 800K-1M ppl.
Muslim Population in Germany is around 6.1% (Pewcenter) , Before recent influx... Meaning 5M+ of Germans are Muslims (Whatever converts or from Islamic background).

Majority of Refugees are of "Islamic faith"... Refugees aren't significantly more "Religious" than German Muslim... or vice versa.
2nd/3rd Gen do show up in Mosques...But yes it's less frequent (Daily) than their parents/G-Parents. (You don't need to pray in Mosques to be a Muslim)
You need to learn and understand what Sharia Law is first of all, you clearly have a fundamental misunderstanding of the concept

Also please explain what is wrong with Quran being taught in Arabic.

if being a Muslim is about being a good person why wouldn't you teach the Quran in a language people understand ? that is your mother tongue

Recent immigration put the influx around 800K-1M ppl.
Muslim Population in Germany is around 6.1% (Pewcenter) , Before recent influx... Meaning 5M+ of Germans are Muslims (Whatever converts or from Islamic background).

Majority of Refugees are of "Islamic faith"... Refugees aren't significantly more "Religious" than German Muslim... or vice versa.
2nd/3rd Gen do show up in Mosques...But yes it's less frequent (Daily) than their parents/G-Parents. (You don't need to pray in Mosques to be a Muslim)

In North America the 1st generation care more about religion or culture. by the time you hit 3rd generation it is like a novelty
if being a Muslim is about being a good person why wouldn't you teach the Quran in a language people understand ? that is your mother tongue

My opinion. Quran is "also" taught in English or any other languages. But memorization/Recitation have to be in Arabic, since it's the Language God used to transmit his words. Like Jews do with Hebrew...
And if if you wish, let's say, increase your knowledge in the profound meaning of the Quran, then Arabic is the only way... The Arabic language as a Semitic language is very special.

In North America the 1st generation care more about religion or culture. by the time you hit 3rd generation it is like a novelty

If you are speaking about Christianity or Judaism I do agree. But not that much for Islam.
At least it isn't why I see around me. Newest generation tend to be more "Religious" than their parents (in those last 20-25years) While keeping their "Western culture" alongside it.

Another fact... Those "Western Muslims" are more Religiously driven... than their cousins/Brother in their parents original countries... The lack of religiously spirit is proportionally higher in "Muslim countries" among the newest gen than in the West...
The three candidates from the CDU to replace chancelor Merkel as leader of the CDU, Merz, Kramp-Karenbauer and Spahn talked on a podiums discussion in front of their Party in Düsseldorf Germany.
All three made notes to muslims in Germany and things that will change after Merkel step down.... one of the three will most likely become the new CDU chief and with this postion most likely the next candidat of the CDU for chancelor... even if currently weak the CDU is still by far the strongest party in Germany and without CDU no new government... and the party with the most votes gets the position of the chancelor..a old democratic rule... so most likely one of the three has a good chance to replace also Merkel as chancelor... so their note adressed to muslims have some weight.

1. all muslims have to accept german laws, in the future zero tollerance for Sharia laws...
2. Quran schools gets under strict state control, no more hate speach allowed, or speach against German laws....
3. if muslim religion is offered in school the teacher has to teach it in german language.
4. foundings to building up new mosque, has to come from German muslims and not form a other country... in return the first big mosque build with founds from Germany get opend by the german president as a sign of tollerance and acceptance, Germany does not accept anymore that the president of a other nation comes to Germany to open a building for whoreship a religion.

oh and at the end they had a bad news for the Germans too... the retirement age in Germany will continue to increase... from 67 now (if you are born after 1964) to an open age... in some nations they retire with 50 and we have to work almost 20years longer... nice...not


This is no change. These rules already exist.

However what Germany need to fix is racism and state sponsored terrorism against Muslim populace... even the teachers in school mistreat Muslim children.
Hijab women are mistreated in streets and even attacked criminally, which is sponsored by state of Germany lead by Merkel.
Police beat Muslims the after their identification.
Muslims are being killed in streets and even courts, while police and judges watch the show.
Another fact... Those "Western Muslims" are more Religiously driven... than their cousins/Brother in their parents original countries... The lack of religiously spirit is proportionally higher in "Muslim countries" among the newest gen than in the West...

It is true for the 1st generation immigrants. The 2nd or 3rd generation could care less. They often inter-marry with non-Muslims (their spouse is not converting to Islam)

This is no change. These rules already exist.

However what Germany need to fix is racism and state sponsored terrorism against Muslim populace... even the teachers in school mistreat Muslim children.
Hijab women are mistreated in streets and even attacked criminally, which is sponsored by state of Germany lead by Merkel.
Police beat Muslims the after their identification.
Muslims are being killed in streets and even courts, while police and judges watch the show.

Do you have stats for how many Muslims are being killed in the streets ? people do not migrate to places where they are being killed

to the degree the police is targetting Muslims they are the ones killing, raping the population that gave them the migrant status. talk about ingratitude.
It is true for the 1st generation immigrants. The 2nd or 3rd generation could care less. They often inter-marry with non-Muslims (their spouse is not converting to Islam)

Do you have stats for how many Muslims are being killed in the streets ? people do not migrate to places where they are being killed

to the degree the police is targetting Muslims they are the ones killing, raping the population that gave them the migrant status. talk about ingratitude.

Often? Show me a source which shows immigrant Muslims marrying non-Muslims. Even here in the UK the amount of Pakistani 2nd generation immigrants marrying non-Pakistanis is really low (1-4%)
if being a Muslim is about being a good person why wouldn't you teach the Quran in a language people understand ? that is your mother tongue

Languages dont directly translate, the Quran is poetic and its meaning cannot be captured if its verses are warped or misinterpreted by translations.

This is why famous poems that are renowned in one country are unheard of in others
Often? Show me a source which shows immigrant Muslims marrying non-Muslims. Even here in the UK the amount of Pakistani 2nd generation immigrants marrying non-Pakistanis is really low (1-4%)
look at the stats in USA

Languages dont directly translate, the Quran is poetic and its meaning cannot be captured if its verses are warped or misinterpreted by translations.

This is why famous poems that are renowned in one country are unheard of in others

Keep in mind spoken Arabic is not a monolith

you are telling me I can misinterpret a translation. but I cannot misinterpret the original when Arabic is my 2nd or 3rd language

Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism have evolved past the languages
The three candidates from the CDU to replace chancelor Merkel as leader of the CDU, Merz, Kramp-Karenbauer and Spahn talked on a podiums discussion in front of their Party in Düsseldorf Germany.
All three made notes to muslims in Germany and things that will change after Merkel step down.... one of the three will most likely become the new CDU chief and with this postion most likely the next candidat of the CDU for chancelor... even if currently weak the CDU is still by far the strongest party in Germany and without CDU no new government... and the party with the most votes gets the position of the chancelor..a old democratic rule... so most likely one of the three has a good chance to replace also Merkel as chancelor... so their note adressed to muslims have some weight.

1. all muslims have to accept german laws, in the future zero tollerance for Sharia laws...
2. Quran schools gets under strict state control, no more hate speach allowed, or speach against German laws....
3. if muslim religion is offered in school the teacher has to teach it in german language.
4. foundings to building up new mosque, has to come from German muslims and not form a other country... in return the first big mosque build with founds from Germany get opend by the german president as a sign of tollerance and acceptance, Germany does not accept anymore that the president of a other nation comes to Germany to open a building for whoreship a religion.

oh and at the end they had a bad news for the Germans too... the retirement age in Germany will continue to increase... from 67 now (if you are born after 1964) to an open age... in some nations they retire with 50 and we have to work almost 20years longer... nice...not

Nice. I support that.
Next step should be: accept Islam as a recognized religion, and control(and ofcourse fund) mosques.

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