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London riots: Violence erupts for third day

write it in here as i cant go back to read several pages, but the thing is, i can accuse of you being brainwashed by another media, lets dont do this. initially when there was a protest about the killing of Mark Duggen, i do agree that the protesters were having a point to make and they were right to demand answers for their questions, but anything which happend after that is purely criminality, i cant understand how we can justify that. what is the motive of 11-15 years for all these damages and crimes?

I accept that there may be an oppurtunistic criminal and or hooligan element involved. But politics has played a part in bringing UK to where its today in the level of unrest.

I find it sad when in muslim countries we have unrest British media immediatly jump up and down and are critical of our countries but unrest in the case of england is just down to a few crimianls and hooligans and some of our brothers support them in this, Anyway I am not copying posts here its no big deal you believe whatever makes you happy
i don't think so they hide it its happen in Landon not in tora bora sir

I doubt if they hide things like this here, it will be a death sentence to the gov if it comes out, and i am pretty sure it will come out if there is such a thing.
I accept that there may be an oppurtunistic criminal and or hooligan element involved. But politics has played a part in bringing UK to where its today in the level of unrest.

I find it sad when in muslim countries we have unrest British media immediatly jump up and down and are critical of our countries but unrest in the case of england is just down to a few crimianls and hooligans and some of our brothers support them in this, Anyway I am not copying posts here its no big deal you believe whatever makes you happy

No,i believe what i believe is right. secondly, i cant understand how we should compare the situation in syria with the one in london? they are totally differnt, asad is killing his own people because they want change and a better system, they want an end to dictorship, but here in london the loothers are looting your and my home, how do you feel if they burn down your property and shop? how do you feel then?
Many of the British youths, English, Scottish, etc are vile degenerate scum these riots are evidence of that. Had Asians been involved in these riots these British people and media would perpetuate the most racist and hateful things one can imagine, their typical Islam bashing, bashing on immigrants, etc. They pontificate and try to portray themselves as good, innocent, and better we see here how many of them behave.

I'm sure there are still some decent English people, though examining the way UK society is many of them are just low quality people...
many of these criminal youths are black with a small number of white with them.
This law and order situation must be controlled otherwise UNSC has all the right to send UN peace keeping troops to London. Àmid serious attackes on public and terrorists activities in England's capital, I have serious concerns over England's nuclear arsenal as they can easily go into the un-safe hands.

many of these criminal youths are black with a small number of white with them.

Initially I thought it could be work of UK terrorists trained in camps at fata but then I changed my mind after seeing that the crimes are bit civilised as no one has been killed..
Unlike arab countries, police in the places like the UK actually care about human beings and won't shoot large groups of people.

it is now time for the police to defend innocent and hard working citizens, and it is now for them to differentiate bewteen human rights and criminals. these thugs must be stopped.
If it happens in China or Russia, those people are called "peaceful protesters" but if it happens in the UK, those same people will be called "rioters and hooligans" and police can do whatever it wishes and be justified. I wonder what happens to "human rights" here, when more than 160 people are brutally arrested and beaten up by the local authority during their massive crackdown on the "protesters".

If it had been Russia or China, the Headlines would be 1000 spies shot dead.

First see how you Police Tibet before pontificating to us.

Well than stop standing in a line to get a British Visa. There was nothing racial about this riot. Just good simple loot.
You are Insulting your best friend Pakistan and Bangladesh also. Do you know that ? you are on PDF. Pakistan was also under British Col. Even US, Europe, Africa, Latin America, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, 50% Asia was also ?? What's point ??

We have much more national pride than you. Do you know the word "Japanese" and 40's era now you feel proud of being big trade with Japanese. Stop making Racist comment since no one gives any importance to Chinese. This is almost 10th time, You said such things with 0 Knowledge. Ironically, Mods have still not taken any action.

If japan had not attacked Pearl harbor most Chinese in this forum would be speaking Japanese. Poor guys, I actually sympathise with them.
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