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London riots: Violence erupts for third day

Question is: what are they rebelling against??
These are just 13/14 - 18/19 year old kids.. what are they revolting against? and these are not only blacks.. there are white kids involved also..

Exactly!!! Lack of job, cuts, tuition fees blah blah is merely an excuse that everybody seem to be saying in front of the camera to justify their criminality. Those youth, many many of them under the age 15 are not required to work anyway according to british laws!! If you look at those so called kids on the streets on daily basis, they are the only ones who are not interested in doing any work and love gov benefit and cauzing problems. If you look at their behaviour, body language, and the way they enjoy themselves by loothig and destroying ordinary peoole's houses and shops, they are nothing but a bunch of criminals, they must be stopped before burn down your house, my house and other citizens' houses. Gov and its laws are way too soft against criminals, the criminals get away with very light sentences, or some of them are SO CALLED KIDS so they cant be punished, this is disgusting, law need to be toughened big time, although the police is not respected by many nowadays, but it is the law to be blamed not them.
I dont think they are in it just for fun. There is relative poverty here. Peoples salaries have not gone up in real terms for about 7 years. Inflation has oscillitated between 3 and 5 percent. I know there is a welfare system here but there have been cutbacks across the board at the sametime taxation has gone up. Goras are softies they cant handle these problems cos they are not used to it. they have been bought up to have ipads as of birthright

But they are not goras, they are mostly blacks. secondly, what is the motives of 12-16 year olds for these rioting? do you think it is the gov cuts? When i see these so called kids on the streets, to me it doesnt look as if they care about anything in this world, how come out of the blue and suddenly they became consious and try to raise their voice against the gov cuts? I will most likely to lose my job in next April because of gov cuts as i am gov employee, but if i do lose my job, i wont go and terrorize people and looth them, instead i will try to find another job, and i am pretty sure i can find another job, it might not be as good and decent as this one, but at least i wont be jobless, what they do is nothing but criminality.
Thank you for saying the same reasons what i was explaining in my other posts.. The sudden cutbacks are having their effects.. you cannot make a lazy nation active within one month.. so the cutback should have been gradual.. Conservatives have screw*d up everything which this country referred to..

In short.. they don't care about how civilians suffer.. hence the hit back..

Although i agree with you on savage gov cuts as some people say, but Labour must also be blamed big time, they bloody poured the lazy people and jobless with money all over the place and punishing those who work and pay tax, if it wasnt for their big deficet, present gov wouldnt have had much excuse for deep cuts.
Hyporcryt bastar.ds in UK media.

Not three men but Three Pakistanis were killed for protecting residences and their business

They didn't even report the names of the three British Pakistani victims. Shameless BBC reporting!
and another city falls into rioters hands..
MANCHESTER....thats where i live.

how bad it is in manchaster? i had been following it on bbc24 and it didnt look as bad as london, and london is much calm today and was calm last night.
Same happening in Birmingham, the groups of looters didn't bother when they saw shop keepers and others out with weapons.

As long as the laws are soft like sponge, the police wont be able to do anytying, some of these arrested criminals have been charged, but you know what, they will probably get away with couple of weeks in jail, and that jail will have all facitlities, after all it wont be jail, it will be fun, remeber that these rioters were kids?
But they are not goras, they are mostly blacks. secondly, what is the motives of 12-16 year olds for these rioting? do you think it is the gov cuts? When i see these so called kids on the streets, to me it doesnt look as if they care about anything in this world, how come out of the blue and suddenly they became consious and try to raise their voice against the gov cuts? I will most likely to lose my job in next April because of gov cuts as i am gov employee, but if i do lose my job, i wont go and terrorize people and looth them, instead i will try to find another job, and i am pretty sure i can find another job, it might not be as good and decent as this one, but at least i wont be jobless, what they do is nothing but criminality.

You are been sublimenally being brainwashed by british media into thinking all rioters are just bad eggs. Thats what they want you to believe. I have written earlier posts where I expand on this I suggest that you read them and then come here and discuss with me.
well last month UK prime minister showed deep concerns and was very vocal against tension in Karachi-Pakistan and asked government of immediate efforts for restoration of peace.
i guess no is the time to send a few words back . . . .

I am sure you cant compare london riots with karachi situation. all the hu and cries is to the UK standard, otherwise many of my friends who live in london dont seem to know much about the riots.
Amid London riots, baseball bat sales soar 6,500% on Amazon

Baseball bat sales soared in the last 24 hours on Amazon.co.uk, as the London riots stretched into a third day and spilled outside the city.

The movers and shakers list for the "sports and leisure" category notes that sales of the "Rucanor Aluminium Baseball Bat" climbed 6,541 percent from yesterday.

It skipped up the item sales ranking from number 6,974 to 105 on the online retail giant's British site.

The sales patterns appear to be a disturbing barometer of the national mood, as looting, vandalism and arson spread throughout London and beyond on Monday.

(We can only assume that most people are opting for overnight shipping.)

Also selling briskly on the site -- and suggesting more than the start of Little League is at work -- is the Military Police Telescopic Tonfa.

Sales of the familiar T-shaped club favored by law enforcement are up 4,291 percent. See more disturbingly hot selling items here.


These numbers have moved around a lot throughout the day. The Rucanor is still on top, but it's now up more than 52,000 percent.

Read more: Amid London riots, baseball bat sales soar 6,500% on Amazon : The Technology Chronicles

Riot Gear Hits Amazon UK's Best-Seller List

Riot Gear Hits Amazon UK's Best-Seller List | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

Amazon.co.uk Movers and Shakers: The biggest gainers in Sports & Leisure sales rank over the past 24 hours
You are been sublimenally being brainwashed by british media into thinking all rioters are just bad eggs. Thats what they want you to believe. I have written earlier posts where I expand on this I suggest that you read them and then come here and discuss with me.

Forced to strip naked in the street: Shocking scenes as rioters steal clothes and rifle through bags as people make their way home
Last updated at 1:51 AM on 10th August 2011

Read more: UK riots 2011: London and Birmingham people forced to strip naked in the street | Mail Online


Humiliation: A young man is forced to strip to his underpants in the street, having apparently already handed his T-shirt and trainers to a looter. There were unconfirmed reports last night of victims being made to strip in Deptford, south London, and in Birmingham

What kind of political statement did the lad on the right make according to you?
You are been sublimenally being brainwashed by british media into thinking all rioters are just bad eggs. Thats what they want you to believe. I have written earlier posts where I expand on this I suggest that you read them and then come here and discuss with me.

write it in here as i cant go back to read several pages, but the thing is, i can accuse of you being brainwashed by another media, lets dont do this. initially when there was a protest about the killing of Mark Duggen, i do agree that the protesters were having a point to make and they were right to demand answers for their questions, but anything which happend after that is purely criminality, i cant understand how we can justify that. what is the motive of 11-15 years for all these damages and crimes?
Forced to strip naked in the street: Shocking scenes as rioters steal clothes and rifle through bags as people make their way home
Last updated at 1:51 AM on 10th August 2011

Read more: UK riots 2011: London and Birmingham people forced to strip naked in the street | Mail Online


Humiliation: A young man is forced to strip to his underpants in the street, having apparently already handed his T-shirt and trainers to a looter. There were unconfirmed reports last night of victims being made to strip in Deptford, south London, and in Birmingham

What kind of political statement did the lad on the right make according to you?

Exactly .
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