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London riots: Violence erupts for third day

Pakistan and Bangladesh are unlike India because,

1. They are not proud of their country being colonized, while Indians show off their English skills and praise the British political system and dream about being just like the British.

2. They do not try to intimate their colonizers like Indians (Bollywood films try their best to make Indians look as Caucasian as possible and almost all Indians love Bollywood)

Indians having a slave mindset is not unclear for the world to see, but please do not drag in your neighbors Pakistan and Bangladesh for they do not think like you -- in fact, they don't even like India.

Tell that to Gen. M, Mr. Altaf and Future ruler of Pakistan Mr. B Bhutto and the 100000 illegal immigrants from china.
i am sure asian scums have also joined them, yes. they are all scum no matter what ethnicity they have.

I think you're right. Most of the scum are black, with a considerable share of white and mixed (black/white) degenerates, along with a few other scoundrels of other races.
Initially I thought it could be work of UK terrorists trained in camps at fata but then I changed my mind after seeing that the crimes are bit civilised as no one has been killed..

Initially I thought they are ugly black Indians who have been deprived of food and are forced to eat rats but then after seeing that the crimes are bit civilised and no rat has been killed, I changed mu mind.
Ive been watching you jumping from thread to thread. You dont talk about the thread. You just keep going off topic.If you want to talk about opium wars start a thread about it. Now back to London riots. Hopefully this will encourage british troops to come back home to sort out domestic affairs.

It would be better if we stop illegal immigration from Africa, China and Asia. Only people who have something to contribute, are happy to speak English and who believe Country matters more than their religion should be allowed in.
Initially I thought it could be work of UK terrorists trained in camps at fata but then I changed my mind after seeing that the crimes are bit civilised as no one has been killed..

What are your views now ? The situation has changed a bit
Reports that three Pakistani people killed after a car rammed into them, while they were saving their shop from being robbed. BBC reports from birmingham.
most crimes here are also committed by dark pakistanis. get a life u racist.

I didn't know you were one of those ugly ones :lol:

P.S I was merely commenting on that famous troll's post. Why did you take it so seriously?
What are your views now ? The situation has changed a bit

In a way this has been an awakening for our society. I hope it generates a balanced debate on our immigration policy vs human rights.

40 % of the shop owners are very hard working Asian origin people and its sad that they may loose their livelihood.
Initially I thought it could be work of UK terrorists trained in camps at fata but then I changed my mind after seeing that the crimes are bit civilised as no one has been killed..

then you must be sitting in some hole where you are not getting updates about deaths in these riots.
then you must be sitting in some hole where you are not getting updates about deaths in these riots.

What deaths are you talking about. The Police has shown amazing restraint. One gangster killed and one person killed by the scum looters.
Tell that to Gen. M, Mr. Altaf and Future ruler of Pakistan Mr. B Bhutto and the 100000 illegal immigrants from china.

UK should ban immigration. and also should stop harbouring criminals and terrorists from other countries in the name of political asylum.

UK Is pershaps the only country that welcomes all kinds of spratists and political terrorists from other countries
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