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London riots: Violence erupts for third day

Police in UK cannot just shoot rioters. Surprisingly civilized. They should use tear gas or water canon or something "stronger".

They can't mate.. too many 'rights' to watch.. besides Police here doesn't put themselves in harms way.. that's how they are trained.. i mean come on.. British Army personnel went on strike in Iraq for not getting 'chocolates'.. do you expect Police to tackle angry mob?
Police in UK cannot just shoot rioters. Surprisingly civilized. They should use tear gas or water canon or something "stronger".
Tell me how this riot started in the first place, one rookie police constable got scared and shot a guy and ignited the situation by beaten up a 16 years old girl in front the agitated crowd. I guess people were not pleased with the police before and now they are really pissed. Unfortunately, innocent bystanders got caught in the middle and suffered the consequences as well.
Tell me how this riot started in the first place, one rookie police constable got scared and shot a guy and ignited the situation by beaten up a 16 years old girl in front the agitated crowd. I guess people were not pleased with the police before and now they are really pissed. Unfortunately, innocent bystanders got caught in the middle and suffered the consequences as well.

People saw an opportunity to loot, they grabbed it.
^ Hi Attish, do you think the situation will improve now that the David Cameron is back and perhaps the police will deal with the situation more forcefully? Is the situation getting better on the ground?? Thanks.
riots reported in liverpool and birmingham too.
video footage shows youths breaking into high street shops and looting...
police says they are unable to protect shops.people are now calling friends and family to.keep a watch on their shops to protect from looting mobs.
^ Hi Attish, do you think the situation will improve now that the David Cameron is back and perhaps the police will deal with the situation more forcefully? Is the situation getting better on the ground?? Thanks.

Return of David Cameron will result in emergency meeting being held to look into the matter and to find a way to calm it down.. Police will just wait for the riots to calm down by itself.. they will not try to force anything.. if they tried it, it will escalate the situation more..

Situation at the moment is getting worst as more and more areas are being hit as the time passes.. i think during the day it will calm down a bit and then in the evening it might rise again.. there have been a further deployment of 1700 troops in london that means other areas are low on policing right now.. if those areas are hit then the problems will increase..

Scotland Yard has already arrested 339 people till now but that hasn't calmed down the situation.. lets see how the events turn..

As far as another poster's post is concerned.. its not education which keeps this country safe.. its the camera culture and penalty tickets.. take the cameras off and you'll see this kind of thing every day..
The UK is seriously going through a downward spiral and has been for quite some time now: horrible economy, race rioting occurring frequently, extremism, these recent riots, racial integration failure, etc.

The fact that people are questioning if England can safely host the london olympics shows how bad things really are!
These so-called civilised nations just need few jolts to stoop down to 6th-world-countries ... remember power-outage in New York.!!! & u must have seen these junglees fighting over soccer games :).
A double decker burning...

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serious lack of understanding of these riots...

a 'thug' was shot dead here, the protests were peaceful, until part of the town of Brixton went out in force to cause hell.
Now opportunistic riots are springing up that had nothing to do with them.

Please do not make the mistake of sympathising with these bastards! they have burned down people livelihoods, shops and homes.

Where is Chuck Norris when you need him??
Few more such incidences & west will run-out of police ...
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serious lack of understanding of these riots...

a 'thug' was shot dead here, the protests were peaceful, until part of the town of Brixton went out in force to cause hell.
Now opportunistic riots are springing up that had nothing to do with them.

Please do not make the mistake of sympathising with these bastards! they have burned down people livelihoods, shops and homes.

Where is Chuck Norris when you need him??

It reminds me of the Rodney King beating. We knew what happened afterwards.
police says they are unable to protect shops.people are now calling friends and family to.keep a watch on their shops to protect from looting mobs.

There was a large group of Sikhs protecting a Sikh Gudwara in Birmingham, few roads off, local mosque was ransacked.
Return of David Cameron will result in emergency meeting being held to look into the matter and to find a way to calm it down.. Police will just wait for the riots to calm down by itself.. they will not try to force anything.. if they tried it, it will escalate the situation more..

Situation at the moment is getting worst as more and more areas are being hit as the time passes.. i think during the day it will calm down a bit and then in the evening it might rise again.. there have been a further deployment of 1700 troops in london that means other areas are low on policing right now.. if those areas are hit then the problems will increase..

Scotland Yard has already arrested 339 people till now but that hasn't calmed down the situation.. lets see how the events turn..

As far as another poster's post is concerned.. its not education which keeps this country safe.. its the camera culture and penalty tickets.. take the cameras off and you'll see this kind of thing every day..

100 arrested in Birmingham, Handsworth and parts of City Centre destroyed -- looters were NOT locals.
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