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London riots: Violence erupts for third day

Ignore this dikhxxd he was banned yesterday.

Everybody ignore the fungus


Thats right how dare those sliXXy eyed chiXks tell us civilised brits off. Just cos they got money and we are a broke and bankrupt country whats it got to do with them that we have no social cohesion and we have to rough afew people up. Only we are allowed to tell people how to live. Its about "our way of life"
China should officially express her concerns over those protesters' human rights issue with U.K.

even prisoner in europe has better human right than average chinese. since chinese do not know human right and think human right is nothing. once they taste it there will be revolution in china. you can not even browse web freely in china.so sad
not what muslims are killing since ages. you kill other reigion your own religion and your own women

Just realised your on about page 20 and was called Rudemen yesterday. You are such a numpty adolf. Please try to be a bit sharper you daft onion. This a thread about London riots etc so dont go off topic you pudding. Lets see how long it takes for you to get banned.
agreed just like the CCP does help the Hans in Tibet to kill monks

Like how nationwide Welsh, Scousers, Mancunians, Brummies etc are coming in to help the Southern fairies fight against the fail democratic dictators and its anti social policies?

Yeah its sad. So much for unemployed and uneducated angry mob. Opportunistic thugs, thats what these people are.

Damage: Byron Cawley and his friend Shourov Choudhury:hitwall:, both 19, pleaded guilty to looting this Iceland store in Croydon. Brothers Samuel and Michael Caillaux denied ransacking the shop

Student David Attoh, 18, from Hackney, was caught on August 8 in Hackney, with two Burberry t-shirts. Attoh, who the court heard has completed an ICT B-Tech at Hackney Community College and was due to have an interview for an apprenticeship on Tuesday, admitted theft by finding.
The student, who was fined £150, had been receiving Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) while completing his B-Tech but over the summer was supported by his mother, the court heard.

Read more: London riots: Offenders caught rioting fast-tracked through courts | Mail Online

I think the concept of free stuff there for the taking, just short circuited people's minds. The potential gain of some shirt and maybe iPod is just not worth it.
Thats right how dare those sliXXy eyed chiXks tell us civilised brits off. Just cos they got money and we are a broke and bankrupt country whats it got to do with them that we have no social cohesion and we have to rough afew people up. Only we are allowed to tell people how to live. Its about "our way of life"

please i cant stop laughing :rofl:
And you would have nuked a country that did not even have them (Argentina). You call that fair ?

Varigeo i totally agree but brother lets get back to the situation in England. I am scared at the moment as i want to go to the shop to get some fruit to open my roza can you help??
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