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London riots: Violence erupts for third day

We are gathering information now that:-

From a blog following the riots:

1) nobody should go out of the building for lunch unless they absolutely have to.
2) crowds of yobbos are gathering in different areas.
3) Some government offices are closing at 4.00 as information of rioting may take place then.
4) Some law firms are closing early.

- Email from the CEO where I work, just above the jessops that was looted in Birmingham.

A LOT of people work in Birmingham's City Centre, and they are following these measures, it's complete anarchy.
Rumours/Reports are also coming in there will be another night of looting, looters are using Black Berry Messenger to communicate/organize; lets see where they'll hit next and if it'll go off the high streets and into the urban streets, if it does, then there's going to be a problem here.

Complete and utter bullshit. They want to go out and have their "fun" by robbing, setting fires and throwing 'missiles'; I think they should really think what it says about them as person's before breaking into lowly shops and robbing stuff. Did you hear them? "Conservatives or whatever", don't know what they're talking about in the first place; I guess the parents are sitting at home watching it all on the news too.
I guess no one is thinking about Prince William's & Kate Middleton's wedding any more...

Only a small percentage even cared about that, Royals don't really hold any sway and I doubt a bunch of yobs that don't even know the basics of the current Govt. and the financial crisis will have the slightest care.
It's what happens when you cut back on police funding and allow immigrants into the country who from countries where people behave like animals.
If it happens in China or Russia, those people are called "peaceful protesters" but if it happens in the UK, those same people will be called "rioters and hooligans" and police can do whatever it wishes and be justified. I wonder what happens to "human rights" here, when more than 160 people are brutally arrested and beaten up by the local authority during their massive crackdown on the "protesters".

Again the Western media and government are blaming the negative use of blackberry, and social networking facebook and twitter by rioters who are using twitter and blackberry to coordinate looting and protest. However the same western media and governmnet are praising the good use of the same blackberry and facebook in Egypt, China etc when rioters are using them to spread protests, killing and rioting. The UK goverment is envisaging to trace out all the blackberry and twitter users in view of arresting and imprisoning the rioters but if the same methods are used by the Syrian, Chinese or any other non western nations or when twitter and facebook are blocked, the western media and governments called these as human rights violation and anti-democratic measures taken by dictatorship regimes. But how must we called the Cameron government and the methods being used. In the light of these rioting, it is clear that the western countries and media have double language and hidden agenda whereby democracy and human rights are used in their own interest and used as pretext to bully and bash other countries.
The UK and all western nations are calling these protests as rioting and looting while similar protests in North African countries are called as Jasmin revolution. China must considers filing a UN resolution against the UK government for cracking this democratic protest and even considering economic sanctions and bombarding the 10th Downing street for killing innocent civilians and imprisoning pacific democratic protesters.
It's what happens when you cut back on police funding and allow immigrants into the country who from countries where people behave like animals.

Untrue pathetic xenophobic comment. Some of the areas involved are exclusivly wasp.
Have you got a better idiea on how to control these thugs and stop them damaging people's properties and shops?

I wasnt saying they shouldnt but if they do it doesnt give france the right etc to invade england as they have done in other countries.
It's what happens when you cut back on police funding and allow immigrants into the country who from countries where people behave like animals.

You can add to that 'tripling' of university tuition fees. Increase the population of the less educated means more criminality means more rubber bullets or even army.
This is relevant to the topic of this thread:

What Are the Causes of Violent Behavior in Children/teenagers?

Read more: What Are The Causes Of Violent Behavior In Children? | LIVESTRONG.COM

"The Media

There is debate over the role of the media---especially violence on television, in movies and in video games---in causing violence in children and teens. Some research has found a correlation between media violence and real-world violence. For example, a 2010 study led by researchers from Columbia University and Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York found that adolescents who viewed more than one hour of television a day were more likely to commit violent acts as adults."

Read more: What Are The Causes Of Violent Behavior In Children? | LIVESTRONG.COM

Colorado Police Link Rise in Violence to Music

"The club is part of a thriving hip-hop community that has grown as Colorado Springs, known for its military installations and evangelical groups, has grown. But not everyone is happy that hip-hop has taken root here.

After a spate of shootings, and with a rising murder rate, the police here are saying gangsta rap is contributing to the violence, luring gang members and criminal activity to nightclubs. The police publicly condemned the music in a news release after a killing in July and are warning nightclub owners that their places might not be safe if they play gangsta rap.

“We don’t want to broad-brush hip-hop music altogether,” said Lt. Skip Arms, a police spokesman, “but we’re looking at a subcomponent that typically glorifies, promotes criminal behavior and demeans women.”

Read more here:Colorado Police Link Rise in Violence to Music - New York Times

Does Rap Music Put Teens at Risk?

"By Sid Kirchheimer
WebMD Health News

March 3, 2003 -- Teens who spend more time watching the sex and violence depicted in the "reel" life of "gangsta" rap music videos are more likely to practice these behaviors in real life, suggests one of the first studies to specifically explore how rap videos influence emotional and physical health.

After studying 522 black girls between the ages of 14 and 18 from non-urban, lower socioeconomic neighborhoods, researchers found that compared to those who never or rarely watched these videos, the girls who viewed these gangsta videos for at least 14 hours per week were far more likely to practice numerous destructive behaviors. Over the course of the one-year study, they were:

* Three times more likely to hit a teacher
* Over 2.5 times more likely to get arrested
* Twice as likely to have multiple sexual partners
* 1.5 times more likely to get a sexually transmitted disease, use drugs, or drink alcohol.
Read more here: Does Rap Music Put Teens at Risk?

Another attack was stopped due RAMADAN, where Muslims said that donot come near East London Mosque and also due to Ramadan, ppl were not that hungry.

In East London ppl have dared the rioters to stay away from there some areas or face reaction, so muslims want to have a peace. hurrraahhhhhhh!!!
Have you got a better idiea on how to control these thugs and stop them damaging people's properties and shops?

These violent thugs can't be stopped. I've noticed that the police in UK and rest of Europe are a bunch of sissies, but hey i can't blame them because if they try to teach these thugs a lesson they will be labeled "Racist" and could lose their job.

The only way to stop such behavior is to prevent it from developing in the first place.
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