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LOL: India has told China to cease activities in Pakistan's Kashmir and Indian Ocean.

Chinese CCP overestimates itself.

Chinese economic march was slowed about an year ago. They cannot take on all the countries around them.

Who the are these chinese to lurk in disputed areas of India?
Go and tell this to china, they will surely kick on your balls without saying a single word.
China is already very much in this whole region , doesnt matter india like it or not. They really care a damn.
India has asked China to cease activities in Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir: Parrikar
Parrikar also said the government has taken note of reports indicating increased Chinese ships and submarine forays into the Indian Ocean Region.

Fake Soup-o-Powa pride!!! Right here, prime time news! I would be VERY impressed if this guy instead told the Chinese to let's sit down between India, Pakistan and China and broker a peace deal where further militarization of this most dangerous neighborhood should stop. Trade should commence through a significant border control mechanism and hundreds of million of poor people can get a better lifestyle, education, access to healthcare and live peacefully above all.
India is most stupis country in world what activities they are talking about if china coperation with pak what pain in *** india has did we even single time showed any stupidity as india when us sell weapons to india

China not care a bit because it now how cruel and dark you are from inside
Ihave to say something, i have noticed u even before ,u quote ppl u write half ur point or maybe u have no point in the first place , then when ppl respond accordingly u go around shouting abt lack of comprehension.

Btw isnt it ironic the person who complains the most abt others' comprehension on this site is you.

If afghanistan was on ur mind u shud have given the example in earlier post ,idont have some psychic powres to guess stuff.

Secondly, did u read what india had complained abt ? India was asking china to stay out of Pakistani territory ,who the hell on earth india is to interfere? The region is willingly staying with pakistan.

If india calls pakistani kashmir disputed than she is accepting the international stance , UNO stance on Kashmir which declares it disputed. By that definition india and pakistan both shud head for uno mandated plebiscite .

Now the pansy who runs away from plebiscite is known by everyone.
Dear Madam,

I do apologize about my comprehension comment, because it is now clear that lack of comprehension and ignorance is so intertwined in this narrative, that where one begins and the other ends quite difficult to discern
So lets see what the complain is, dispute from Indian term is illegal occupation by pakistan of part of jammu and kashmir state which is declared part of India ; and China's proposal to make developmental work in the area.

From the plebiscite, perspective, I don;t think it is appropriate of you to refer to your nation as a Pansy as it is quite offensive to other pakistani members. For further clarifications please refer to pre-requisites of the UNSC on Kashmir.

Kashmir, Plebiscite and UN security council Resolution

When Pakistan complains abt Indian sponsored terrorism thru afghanistan (firstly in candid or non candid any statements Pakistan conducts herself classily and uses formal , decent lingo in making statements, unlike bazaru language ppl who arent worth wiping floors but are appointed as heads of institutions but then their nation deserves that), Pakistan is complaining abt india exporting terrorism,she isnt telling afghanistan to throw india out of certain territory cuz pakistan has any claim onit.

Now do u see the difference between the nature of two statements or not. Too much to expect from an indian to see the differnce.

And if still sticking to ur logic that it is bilateral communication and it shows due diligence by india then the same due diligence expression should be used for Pakistan when she highlights Indian exported terrorism

Make up your mind, is the content or articulation that you have the problem with? I agree 100% with you that statement's made to press in India were poorly articulated. i did not care much about the content as to me it was fluff for local consumption. Much like your famous Niazi Corridor, and 1000 cuts nonsense.

For you Due Diligence:
You have all the rights to show similar due diligence. We have no issues with you raising such issues. I just pointed out you are obfuscating bilateral communiqué into something it's not out of sheer lack of comprehension (which may or may not be ignorance, as it seems).

After salalah whther apology came or not we blocked nato for seven months.

True raymond davis is a blot but we never screamed to be champions of diplomacy unlike u, who despite touting to be one always forget the main reason why i mentioned devyani.
The woman enjoyed full diplomatic immunity at the time of arrest. I think u know what diplomatic immunity entails.

If u have good diplomatic relations this is never what u get. Dont ever recall any Pakistani diplomat getting treated this way.

Again I am confused if you have any understanding of the issue, a little light reading might help, there is a stark difference between consular staff and diplomatic staff and the vienna convention they subscribe to. (incidentally davis had neither).
As far as Salala is concerned, you might be surprised it was not the first such occasion between US and Pakistani forces.
As far your inability to recall any such incidents involving pakistani diplomats may be the following links might help:

Pakistan protests against arrest of diplomat in Kandahar | Abb Takk News
Pakistani diplomat expelled from Dhaka - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
Arrest of Pakistani diplomat in Toronto, Pakistan’s denial of visa extension to 2 Canadians hit relations - Bollywood news, wallpapers, vidoes, Canadian immigration, Indian diaspora news I News East West
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Last thing chinese want is india poking their nose in SCS. Chinese would have already got the message. Its not some body is going to war or winning it. Its nuisance that we will give and entrainment value that we will have that matters.
All these years india tiptoed as to not increase the tension, but now it seems we have the attitude come whatever may be we will face it.

The days of inaction are gone, we are no longer reactive but pro active. Soon tibet will come into question and we will do what pakistan is doing.

1) In case of india vs pakistan, india is growing but pakistan is bankrupt failed state nothing to lose as such war will lead to wastefull expenditure on india. There by dragging india down

2) In case of india vs china ,china is trying to pull ahead of US and india can act like morons pakistani style and can make it a stretch. Pakistan will benefit but china and india will lose.(all three will lose but pakistan as usual a special case counts only as nuisance)

As such I believe chinese will only instigate pakistan and wont get their hands dirty. India needs to fight a short war with china and put chinese doubts at ease:butcher:. There will be damages on either side but indian intentions will be clearly conveyed.
Even their defense minister George Fernandas was treated at American air port very bad way.They ask him to remove shoes & he obeyed the order.He should have left America at same flight back to India but you know Indians. They don have self respect dough.:coffee:
Please don't embarrass yourself...
It is the only oscen named after a country so naturally it is ours and rest of oceans have equal rights. Whosoever try to interfere in India ocean will have to face the wrath of India .

Really? USA is in control of India ocean and you guys never had a complain. Also,
Indian Ocean was named after a geographical expression, like Arabian Sea Is named after Arabian Peninsula.
Good to see an assertive India.

As i said chinese didnt say any thing they just showed the middle finger

They will saying when India starts exploring oil in South China Sea. It is simple stop CPEC or India is going to be South China Sea.
this is very good. Indian oscean and Pakistan OK is also ours. We conveyed it very clearly.
China is conducting activities in Pakistan,what does that have to do with india's business?dymn,like a helpless moron,india is still wishing to poke its nose into affairs conducted in foreign region while it is domestically choatic and screwed-up enough:lol:
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