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If all this is for real, why are the Media outlets on BOTH SIDES, maintaining a "Pin Drop Silence" ?
Seems like a Virtual LOC on Twitter ( so far ).

Waiting fr real sources with confirmed news.

It has always been this way.
IF ANYONE OF YOU THINKS THAT SHARING THE LIVE INFORMATION OF MOVEMENT OF OUR MILITARY ASSETS BRINGS YOU APPLAUSE, PLEASE REFRAIN FROM SUCH APPLAUSES. Do Respect Your Armed Forces By Doing your part in staying Silent about these movements. One small detail you give, and a whole lot of hard thinking hours of our strategic teams go in vain !!

AVOID !!!!
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So.. anymore updates on the situation? Still hot or cooling off?
Air Defence Guns were seen passing through Islamabad most likely towards LOC Via Muzafarabad
I made a video of a long convoy
However I'll crop & post just a small bit of it to not disclose the complete details of the assets being moved
@The Eagle @Irfan Baloch Kindly give warnings over these sort of posts

I love the audacity of Indians to even mention Pulwama. el o el.
Sharam to aani nai hai inhen phir bhi :p:
I love the audacity of Indians to even mention Pulwama. el o el.
Amazing.... but why?

What is this..... artillery ?
You sure those are mot going into Islamabad for JS parade?
Air Defence Guns were seen passing through Islamabad most likely towards LOC Via Muzafarabad
I made a video of a long convoy
However I'll crop & post just a small bit of it to not disclose the complete details of the assets being moved
All fake news.
No where on any news channel.
I've made a phone call to family that live on LOC. All quite no more than the usual exchange of fire.
You PDF fan boys are nothing but keyboard military intelligence expert's
If I know about it I can assure you the enemy knows about it too
Do you seriously believe that's how secret military movements take place?
Is this what? 1941?
Rolling down the streets is a show of force to deter the enemy from any misadventures
It's like sending a warning across to the other side
Infact if I remember correctly you guys regularly share pictures of PAF CAPs & their loadouts
You must be pretty dumb to think IAF doesn't know anything about these assets
How do you think they came all the way to balakot without a single shot being fired from our side?
I know what to share & what not to share
So kindly don't get your panties in a twist
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