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'(lips)Kiss of love' protest outside RSS office in Delhi, 70 detained

do you think women support this kiss of love kind of thing?

Depends on an individual. I happen to know someone who grew up in a sex liberated society, is very much integrated into it but decided to remain a virgin refusing free sex on regular basis.

Just because something is normalized doesn't mean it will become part of the social fabric.

Personally, i'd rather have to see someone kissing his girl in public than killing her in the name of honor.


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Khajuraho temples anyone?

Looks, its basic human instinct.. and while public affection has been taboo in the Indian society recently.. perhaps it was not so before.

We live in a world where kids are blatently burned alive in public and in broad day light while kisses must be shared in private.

Welcome to the highly "moral" India, where kissing in public is haram, but pissing in public is halal. Where a public display of affection is dishonorable, but killing one's own daughter or sister for loving someone is "honorable".

As if a few people consentingly kissing each other is the threat to India or her society. Bunch of sanctimonious fricking losers.

Bravo to these boys and girls and men and women for making a point of this.
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