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Like UPA, PM Modi on wrong track with Pak: It's not about Kashmir at all

LOL we dont give a shit about your overpopulated territory what is it Bihari madras whatever India is not some Switzerland in terms of standard of living niether it is some oil rich land it is just another third world sh!t hole, its not like world is craving for its land.
Yeah this third world hole has got the attention of all countries around the world.
When PM modi addressed on independence day 150 nations Emissaries out of 153 came to hear his speech.That shows what kind of importance they give to India now.
wait another 5 yrears and see how world comes running to invest in India.

i DONT EVEN need to say about the pakistani situation,nobody comes to invest nor even play sports that is your ground reality.
Modi isnt a fool.

Stalling serves the following purposes:

Puts pressure on the Pakistani government to show some goodwill.

Gives Modi time to reform the bureaucracy, reform the economy, build infrastructure, and build defensive capabilities, all areas in which the Congress underachieved by a great deal.

When the time is right Modi will speak to Pakistan from a stronger position. The strategy is similar to that of the PRC.

So--in that sense---the trouble maker European jews should also go back to their European homelands----.
that land belongs to jews only..... get reality checked..... muslims should go back to arab land.

great :tup:
than we will have proper reason to Bomb the Sh!t out you :butcher:
and then wiped out and become man made desert ....
Dont worry about ISI they are doing their job just fine. The question still remains what can Modi do?

are they? History has shown every attempt to thwart India ended in their bloody nose. Keep praising the terrorists infiltrated government agency if it does you any good.
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Well after 1999 successive govt made some efforts to revamp it and MMS govt increase that only for info not for actions.
But now we have a PM and a NSA that supports covert operation we can see some new trends in there.

Well after 1999 successive govt made some efforts to revamp it and MMS govt increase that only for info not for actions.
But now we have a PM and a NSA that supports covert operation we can see some new trends in there.

Covert operations capability should be increased besides it's not like Pakistanis are not doing it here
You're the one living in delusions. Jinnah wanted a state where a majority Muslim population could live in peace and practice Islam freely, that is where his "Islamic ideals" comments come from, nothing more. His ideas of democracy, and the way he lived his life pretty much show that he was a secular man with a secular vision of Pakistan, if not his words, then his actions show at least that much.

It doesn't matter if Liaquat knew or not, I've said it before, they were two different people with two different ideas. You're an idiotic troll.

You can deny history and reality all you want, but facts don't change because you're arguing otherwise.

Actually it is you who are denying history. Pakistan is nothing but a culmination of all the little steps all its leaders and its people took starting from its founding father, Jinnah. He was not a secular person at all. His making of Pakistan was a communal act. His disavowal of his daughter on her marrying a non-Muslim was a non-secular act. Oh sure, he drank whiskey and ate pork (so called), but that were his only acts of straying from his deen and not because of his being secular but because of his adoption of Western culture.
One cannot judge Modi based on one or 2 incident and compare that with UPA. Give Modi time and then come up with an analysis.... Till then sit back and relaxe.....
i guess all those foriegn nationals who are thinking that modi fumbelled or was way too much haphazard in this latest episode with pakistan dont know how modi works and they "i think" have no idea behind all this posturing done by modi govt regarding pakistan , pakistani envoys latest anticks and over zelous hurriat

well as they say to control fire yu always need water and that to in pricise and in a well managed usage to get the best results withowt spending too much energy over it ... and i guess till now both indian & international social , print & mainstream electronikc media + social media and of course both pakistanies , kashmiries and indian pasifists are behaving just as modi wanted and judging buy the growing turmoil in pakistan and in mid east & even eukrain i guess things are after all falling in the right slots ...... Picture abhi baaki hai mere dost :D
Pls don't tell me that you have become a strawberry fan. :unsure:
Meh, I l always preferred blueberries.

Actually it is you who are denying history. Pakistan is nothing but a culmination of all the little steps all its leaders and its people took starting from its founding father, Jinnah. He was not a secular person at all. His making of Pakistan was a communal act. His disavowal of his daughter on her marrying a non-Muslim was a non-secular act. Oh sure, he drank whiskey and ate pork (so called), but that were his only acts of straying from his deen and not because of his being secular but because of his adoption of Western culture.

I've already addressed these points in the past, I will not repeat myself. If you have a problem with my views, I'm okay with that.
ISI is creating much more problem for Pakistan than India or Afghanistan. Its a state with in a state.
Well dude me as Pakistani disagree and therefore cant take your comment seriously. But i do know India and Karzai have wet pants already. Once western border is settled then its a payback time for everyone who took advantage and wreaked havoc in Baluchistan and other areas. And payback is a B****h and meeting hurriyat leaders is a start.
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