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Light weight tanks for Pakistan Army

We are already buying VT4 to replace AZs. Also Why should we procure another new system especially the one which has reached the limit of its life and can't be upgraded further. Even the Russians are hesitant to upgrade their already existing t72s because the costs would be too high while it will become outdated at the same time especially when seen according to the European theatre.
I just like that tank...lel
Over a period, little more than couple of years, through our ATGM fire.

Is this the one?
Indonesia just inducted the first batch of Kaplan light tanks into their amry.
It's a jv between Turkey and Indonesia, also I was listening to the presser of the Turkish rep of the company that was basically saying that any allies who want to induct these tanks can do so with tot.

How feasible would it be for Pakistan army to look at them, and may be induct them for Kashmir theater.
Indonesia just inducted the first batch of Kaplan light tanks into their amry.
It's a jv between Turkey and Indonesia, also I was listening to the presser of the Turkish rep of the company that was basically saying that any allies who want to induct these tanks can do so with tot.

How feasible would it be for Pakistan army to look at them, and may be induct them for Kashmir theater.

Its more expensive than Chinese ones since PT Pindad doesnt have large manufacturing line for medium tanks, the order will be made in small batch like 18 tanks, it makes the tank more expensive than Chinese made medium tanks.

The engine is Germany or American and transmission is American made.

How about this Pindad made ? Much cheaper


Indonesia just inducted the first batch of Kaplan light tanks into their amry.
It's a jv between Turkey and Indonesia, also I was listening to the presser of the Turkish rep of the company that was basically saying that any allies who want to induct these tanks can do so with tot.

How feasible would it be for Pakistan army to look at them, and may be induct them for Kashmir theater.
Not very feasible due to production rate and costs. However, what we need are IFVs coupled with tank hunters. The latter is usually based on wheeled APCs 8×8 mostly, with up-gunned turrets from 90mm to 105mm in calibre.

Its more expensive than Chinese ones since PT Pindad doesnt have large manufacturing line for medium tanks, the order will be made in small batch like 18 tanks, it makes the tank more expensive than Chinese made medium tanks.

The engine is Germany or American and transmission is American made.

How about this Pindad made ? Much cheaper


Badak is a very nice anti-tank platform its cheap to produce and shares its chassis with Vanoa Apc this will help in terms of spare parts etc.
Indonesia just inducted the first batch of Kaplan light tanks into their amry.
It's a jv between Turkey and Indonesia, also I was listening to the presser of the Turkish rep of the company that was basically saying that any allies who want to induct these tanks can do so with tot.

How feasible would it be for Pakistan army to look at them, and may be induct them for Kashmir theater.
KAPLAN MT is a system shaped according to the requirements of the Indonesian Ministry of Defense. The Turkish Ministry of Defense has not yet started a program for this type of system. Therefore, project's system design has combined FNSS's tracked vehicles experience with many international sub-suppliers according to Indonesian unique needs. In other words, the project represents the scale of technical support for the needs of the Indonesian army by FNSS, rather than a Turkish Indonesian joint venture.

The revealed system is also marketed to third party countries by FNSS.

FNSS summarizes the product as follows:

Its unique design provides the lowest silhouette and highest power to weight ratio in its class. Its platform is designed for optimum weight and high mobility performance. The latest technology power pack of the vehicle is combined with advanced electronic controlled systems, Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) and a heavy-duty suspension, which enables the vehicle to ensure the freedom of high, reliable and continuous power during expeditionary manoeuvres on the battlefield for day and night operations.,

KAPLAN MT’s design architecture provides a superior level of battlefield survivability which comprises of advanced ballistic, best-in-class mine protection systems and adequate firepower against battlefield threats with great speed of response within a short period of time.

KAPLAN MT is equipped with day and thermal cameras for the driver, a multi-functional digital driver dashboard and a 3rd generation high performance sight system for the gunner and commander. In addition, Battlefield Management System (BMS) and Laser Warning System (LWS) are also available to provide tactical and situational awareness for the crew.

Unique Anti-Armoured Punch for KAPLAN MT is fitted with the latest generation CMI Defence Cockerill® 3105 turret equipped with high-pressure 105 mm Cockerill® gun. The Cockerill® C3105 is the most advanced and capable light 105 mm turret in its class. It is ideal for infantry support and medium weight tank roles. The C3105 has a unique indirect firing capability that permits engagement in urban and multi-complex terrains.

IMHO, even though domestically produced powerpack solutions are now ready for KAPLAN MT, it must make up for two shortcomings for it to take place in more advanced land armies such as Pakistan and Turkish armies: First, a 120mm turret solution should be created and it should have ability for a Laser guided tank projectile like Roketsan TANOK. Second, situational awarenesssystems, and espcally hardkill APS solutions should be increased. A third issue might be the reactive armor option. It is very difficult to pack all these under 40 tons. The biggest advantage of Medium Tanks is that they can carry with heavy transport aircrafts, so a third factor, maximum combat weight, is included as the main criterion in the firepower/survival balance.

In short, it is not easy for armies like Pakistan and Turkey to give up heavy tank units and try to meet MBT needs with Medium Tanks. Instead of 3 x 30 ton MTs, 2 x 55/65 ton MBTs and 1 x 35-57mm tracked IFV can provide a better balance in my opinion.
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India is considering to induct 350 light tanks after China india conflict of last years, as they have seen the chines type 15 light tank effectively and advantages.

Problem is that these will not only placed with Chinese border they will also be placed on Kashmir LoC, thats way indian are induction them on then in heavy numbers.

Its time Pakistan army should consider induction of some light weight tank for future. These can be inducted even in limited numbers as 90 to 100 tanks to cover kashmir.

Chinese VT5 export variant of Type 15 is good option or even Type 15 as it will good option. Or any other new or used option in light weight can be considered.

Three Tiers
Generally speaking, there are three types of tanks: heavy, medium, and light. All evolved to fulfill a certain role. Heavy tanks were useful against bunkers and fortifications, as well as dominating smaller tanks on the battlefield. Medium tanks are the mainstay of any tank force, a middleweight compromise between firepower, protection, and mobility. Light tanks were meant for scouting and exploiting breakthroughs, and handling infantry and light armored vehicles.

India is going to induct 350 light weight tasks
On the LOC?

Other than north of Gurez, where?

Generally speaking, there are three types of tanks: heavy, medium, and light. All evolved to fulfill a certain role. Heavy tanks were useful against bunkers and fortifications, as well as dominating smaller tanks on the battlefield. Medium tanks are the mainstay of any tank force, a middleweight compromise between firepower, protection, and mobility. Light tanks were meant for scouting and exploiting breakthroughs, and handling infantry and light armored vehicles.
Generally speaking, that war lasted from 1914 to 1918. A lot of lives were lost. Cannons were fired. Barbed wire was used, Poison gas was used. Aeroplanes were introduced into combat.
KAPLAN MT is a system shaped according to the requirements of the Indonesian Ministry of Defense. The Turkish Ministry of Defense has not yet started a program for this type of system. Therefore, project's system design has combined FNSS's tracked vehicles experience with many international sub-suppliers according to Indonesian unique needs. In other words, the project represents the scale of technical support for the needs of the Indonesian army by FNSS, rather than a Turkish Indonesian joint venture.

The revealed system is also marketed to third party countries by FNSS.

FNSS summarizes the product as follows:

IMHO, even though domestically produced powerpack solutions are now ready for KAPLAN MT, it must make up for two shortcomings for it to take place in more advanced land armies such as Pakistan and Turkish armies: First, a 120mm turret solution should be created and it should have ability for a Laser guided tank projectile like Roketsan TANOK. Second, situational awarenesssystems, and espcally hardkill APS solutions should be increased. A third issue might be the reactive armor option. It is very difficult to pack all these under 40 tons. The biggest advantage of Medium Tanks is that they can carry with heavy transport aircrafts, so a third factor,
KAPLAN MT is a system shaped according to the requirements of the Indonesian Ministry of Defense. The Turkish Ministry of Defense has not yet started a program for this type of system. Therefore, project's system design has combined FNSS's tracked vehicles experience with many international sub-suppliers according to Indonesian unique needs. In other words, the project represents the scale of technical support for the needs of the Indonesian army by FNSS, rather than a Turkish Indonesian joint venture.

The revealed system is also marketed to third party countries by FNSS.

FNSS summarizes the product as follows:

IMHO, even though domestically produced powerpack solutions are now ready for KAPLAN MT, it must make up for two shortcomings for it to take place in more advanced land armies such as Pakistan and Turkish armies: First, a 120mm turret solution should be created and it should have ability for a Laser guided tank projectile like Roketsan TANOK. Second, situational awarenesssystems, and espcally hardkill APS solutions should be increased. A third issue might be the reactive armor option. It is very difficult to pack all these under 40 tons. The biggest advantage of Medium Tanks is that they can carry with heavy transport aircrafts, so a third factor, maximum combat weight, is included as the main criterion in the firepower/survival balance.

In short, it is not easy for armies like Pakistan and Turkey to give up heavy tank units and try to meet MBT needs with Medium Tanks. Instead of 3 x 30 ton MTs, 2 x 55/65 ton MBTs and 1 x 35-57mm tracked IFV can provide a better balance in my opinion.

maximum combat weight, is included as the main criterion in the firepower/survival balance.

In short, it is not easy for armies like Pakistan and Turkey to give up heavy tank units and try to meet MBT needs with Medium Tanks. Instead of 3 x 30 ton MTs, 2 x 55/65 ton MBTs and 1 x 35-57mm tracked IFV can provide a better balance in my opinion.
I would love to see these MWT from Turkey BUT American strings can be a major problems...
Indonesia just inducted the first batch of Kaplan light tanks into their amry.
It's a jv between Turkey and Indonesia, also I was listening to the presser of the Turkish rep of the company that was basically saying that any allies who want to induct these tanks can do so with tot.

How feasible would it be for Pakistan army to look at them, and may be induct them for Kashmir theater.
How much each tank cost apx

Its more expensive than Chinese ones since PT Pindad doesnt have large manufacturing line for medium tanks, the order will be made in small batch like 18 tanks, it makes the tank more expensive than Chinese made medium tanks.

The engine is Germany or American and transmission is American made.

How about this Pindad made ? Much cheaper


Whats the weight ?

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