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Libyan armed forces pictures and videos

It is hard to get those weapons I agree. LNA got Mohajer-2 drones from Sudan so they could rig those with weapons probably.

Attach a string to the grenade under the wing and pull the pin.:laugh::laugh:


T-72 being transported to front lines

Technical with EE-9 turret mounted.

Badly damaged T-55 captured by LNA forces from GNA.



LNA has killed terrorist responsible for 2012 Benghazi attacks that killed US ambassador to Libya.


LNA fighter intercepts civilian aircraft violating no-fly zone over Libya with MIG-23.

Mi-24/Mi-35 patrol over Libya.

They have hard way to capture big cities and that take time but winner always is who have bigger resources. I love that they don't throw away anything and find usages for them
They have hard way to capture big cities and that take time but winner always is who have bigger resources. I love that they don't throw away anything and find usages for them
They have most big cities except Tripoli, and Misrata, and Sirte(?)
ok which side are u posting for the forces of the internatiannly recognized gov aka The forces of the fortified structure or the haftar forces
Haftar. GNA is just a bunch of militia while LNA is actually organized.
LNA technicians working on Mig-23 received from Russia. @Wilhelm II notice the Red Star. I hope Russia can give more aircraft to LNA soon.

They do Russia want influence in Libya like before haftar is playing with both sides west and east Russia knows that majority of Arab countries don't want ikhwani government in Libya mb government mean more extremists groups and more problems to political investments in there.
you know gna have it's air force and naval too
Its pretty trash by now. Only one paltry supplier for parts. GNA has no Migs and just light-attack trainer aircraft.
GNA has pretty much no navy excluding some small patrol boats. Frigate got trapped in Malta and US blocked ability to return it to GNA at UNSC.
@Wilhelm II
@The SC
As you have probably heard LNA has delivered Egypt's most wanted terrorist to GIS. He is responsible for the deaths of 20 Egyptian soldiers among other crimes. Do you think Egypt will support LNA even more now? Huge political victory for Sisi right now.
@Wilhelm II
@The SC
As you have probably heard LNA has delivered Egypt's most wanted terrorist to GIS. He is responsible for the deaths of 20 Egyptian soldiers among other crimes. Do you think Egypt will support LNA even more now? Huge political victory for Sisi right now.
They do cooperate a lot on the intelligence level already..
@Wilhelm II
@The SC
As you have probably heard LNA has delivered Egypt's most wanted terrorist to GIS. He is responsible for the deaths of 20 Egyptian soldiers among other crimes. Do you think Egypt will support LNA even more now? Huge political victory for Sisi right now.
The sc said what i want and your wallpaper is beautiful:cheers:
@Wilhelm II
2K12 Kub/SA-6 reportedly engaged L-39 in early May. Unsure how true the story is but I'm sure the Kub has the capabilities.
I know you can't watch videos so I will just post this down here.
@Wilhelm II
2K12 Kub/SA-6 reportedly engaged L-39 in early May. Unsure how true the story is but I'm sure the Kub has the capabilities.
I know you can't watch videos so I will just post this down here.
@Wilhelm II
2K12 Kub/SA-6 reportedly engaged L-39 in early May. Unsure how true the story is but I'm sure the Kub has the capabilities.
I know you can't watch videos so I will just post this down here.
Some times I don't receive alert of mention in my profile! Old anti aircraft old aircraft at all old systems old war and also old mind is typing and old old old .....:D
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