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Level of IAF fighter pilots training is very high: Russian Air Force Colonel

And Putin has called GanguModi to beg that Russian pilots be trained by IAF!

However, this humble request by the Russian President is rejected by the FacistRegime because the super secrets of IAF cann't be shared with anyone...

After the rejection of Tejas for the RussianAirforce, this blunt rejection for training is a big blow the survival of RussianAirforce.


They certainly are the best in the world..... at ejecting.....being polite pow's.....tea drinking.

Best for both: Early Ejection as well as Ejaculation.:lol:
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And Putin has called GanguModi to beg that Russian pilots be trained by IAF!

However, this humble request by the Russian President is rejected by the FacistRegime because the super secrets of IAF cann't be shared with anyone...

After the rejection of Tejas for the RussianAirforce, this blunt rejection for training is a big blow the survival of RussianAirforce.

@SIPRA @StormBreaker @fitpOsitive @DESERT FIGHTER
Indeed, God is with Russia and God saved Russia once more.

Btw, Egypt also can do the same..
And Putin has called GanguModi to beg that Russian pilots be trained by IAF!

However, this humble request by the Russian President is rejected by the FacistRegime because the super secrets of IAF cann't be shared with anyone...

After the rejection of Tejas for the RussianAirforce, this blunt rejection for training is a big blow the survival of RussianAirforce.

@SIPRA @StormBreaker @fitpOsitive @DESERT FIGHTER
Attn: Col Bargin Sergey

You're absolutely right. "Level of IAF fighter pilots training is very high"

List of IAF Crashes 2019

28 January: Jaguar crashed shortly after takeoff in Uttar Pradesh.

01 February: A Mirage 2000 crashed while on an acceptance sortie after being upgraded by state-owned Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) killing both Pilots.

12 February: A MiG-27 crashed at the Pokhran firing range.

19 February: Two Hawk aircraft of Surya Kiran aerobatic team crashed after hitting each other mid-air during a rehearsal for the AeroIndia Show. One of the pilots was killed in the accident.

27 February: Pakistan shot down one MiG-21 Bison during an aerial fight after India violated the airspace.

27 February: a Mi-17 chopper was also downed in Budgam District in Indian Occupied Kashmir killing all six on board.

08 March: A MiG-21 (Bison) crashed near Bikaner, western Rajasthan, due to a Bird strike, the pilot ejected safely.

31 March: A MiG-27 (UPG) crashed in Sirohi, Rajasthan, the pilot ejected safely.

03 June: An-32 crashed in Arunachal Pradesh. All 13 declared dead.

08 August: Su-30Mki crash in Tezpur. Both pilots ejected safely.

16 November: MiG-29K crashed in Goa soon after it took off for a training mission. Both the pilots managed to eject safely from the aircraft.

I get it. India is important to a lot of Nations because of their Economy. But the lies some have to spit out just to please them is...atrocious.


Attn: Col Bargin Sergey

You're absolutely right. "Level of IAF fighter pilots training is very high"

List of IAF Crashes 2019

28 January: Jaguar crashed shortly after takeoff in Uttar Pradesh.

01 February: A Mirage 2000 crashed while on an acceptance sortie after being upgraded by state-owned Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) killing both Pilots.

12 February: A MiG-27 crashed at the Pokhran firing range.

19 February: Two Hawk aircraft of Surya Kiran aerobatic team crashed after hitting each other mid-air during a rehearsal for the AeroIndia Show. One of the pilots was killed in the accident.

27 February: Pakistan shot down one MiG-21 Bison during an aerial fight after India violated the airspace.

27 February: a Mi-17 chopper was also downed in Budgam District in Indian Occupied Kashmir killing all six on board.

08 March: A MiG-21 (Bison) crashed near Bikaner, western Rajasthan, due to a Bird strike, the pilot ejected safely.

31 March: A MiG-27 (UPG) crashed in Sirohi, Rajasthan, the pilot ejected safely.

03 June: An-32 crashed in Arunachal Pradesh. All 13 declared dead.

08 August: Su-30Mki crash in Tezpur. Both pilots ejected safely.

16 November: MiG-29K crashed in Goa soon after it took off for a training mission. Both the pilots managed to eject safely from the aircraft.

I get it. India is important to a lot of Nations because of their Economy. But the lies some have to spit out just to please them is...atrocious.


Only two IAF fighter jets crashed since April.
Pretty good.

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