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Let's start an online campaign to get Sylhet to breakaway from Bangladesh

You don't like anyone, do you seriously think sylhet will survive on its own. Do you know how small it is? Stop opening dumb threads. It makes you look stupid
He doesn't need anything to make him "look" stupid!

I don't think it would be so easy in this day and age. Taking over one sovereign nation by another is not easy in the modern era where nations states have the UN as a protectorate. If we didn't have the international council of nations then Russia would already probably have swallowed up the Ukraine and other neighbouring states.
You don't think it would be easy for India to swallow you up because of the UN....but you think the UN is going to support your separation based on an online campaign.....nobody needs to swallow you up my frnd...India wont go into the hassle of swallowing you up and in turn ruining its relation with Bangladesh...Sylhet is landlocked....Sylhet will be sanctioned until all of the idiots in there starve to death...then we will go in fill it up with Noakhaillas and Barishailas and plant some tea and live happily ever after...while half of you are dead and the other half is cleaning restaurants in the UK or joining ultra cool Mullah gang in jackets to fight in Syria!
I do not mean any offense to any Sylhetis out there....but my offense towards idiots...is quite intended!
Remember what ever is going on in you tiny little Brain was already given a shot by Chakmas backed by India AND Burma....they failed....and nobody is coming forward to help you here....Tommy Miah isn't rich enough to raise an army!
Yes I am Muslim. And no, I do not support an East Pakistan, just Sylhet. Most Sylheties might have opted for the creation of Pakistan because that was the only option to breakaway from India. But now it's different. To be honest, I don't mind staying a part of Bangladesh as long as some of those morons in Dhaka do not support India. They betray their own nation. All the pro-India Bangladeshis on this board I imagine are from Dhaka. There also seems to be an atheistic movement among the Dhaka population.

Piss on India, piss on Assam. Any Bangladeshis that move to India should never be allowed back, or face death by hanging.

Were you dropped on your head as a child or are you simply ignorant.

The left leaning movement you have identified is an idiotic phenomenon that effects every part of the country not Dhaka only...

As to independent sylhet you should speak to other sylheties and sound them out.... I suspect you will get a slap.... Who knows it might lodge your brain back into place.
Salafists wont take over sylhet ever. Salafists taken over Rajshahi but to take sylhet they have to destroy all the shrines. Sylhetys are lesser Muslim in salafi eyes. Sylhet is a mysterious place full of gaddar and patriots. It was sylhetis who worked for BD independence eg MAG Osmani. There isnt any difference between sylhet and BD. In the past many of the prominent figures came from that place. Still are in the top positions in BD. If you cant get together with other Bangladeshis as you are living in a foreign place now, what the fck we can do for you?
List of people from Sylhet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lets approve your dream just in one condition, you cant set foot in remaining BD territory ever after separation. Is it ok?

That is ireport not credible.
Sylhetis are patriotic people who worked for the independence of United Pakistan of 1947.

these people know more about it than i do
@Al-zakir @Md Akmal @Saiful Islam
Sylhetis are patriotic people who worked for the independence of United Pakistan of 1947.

these people know more about it than i do
@Al-zakir @Md Akmal @Saiful Islam

Since 71, I don't think there has ever been talk or independence movement about breaking away from the rest of they country...Sylhet is just as Bangladeshi as Khulna Rajshahi CTG Dhaka or any other place.
Yes I am Muslim. And no, I do not support an East Pakistan, just Sylhet. Most Sylheties might have opted for the creation of Pakistan because that was the only option to breakaway from India. But now it's different. To be honest, I don't mind staying a part of Bangladesh as long as some of those morons in Dhaka do not support India. They betray their own nation. All the pro-India Bangladeshis on this board I imagine are from Dhaka. There also seems to be an atheistic movement among the Dhaka population.

Piss on India, piss on Assam. Any Bangladeshis that move to India should never be allowed back, or face death by hanging.

And is this your way of fighting the traitors who look after the interest if india at the expense of BD? They are everywhere, even your beloved Sylhet is not immune to this disease. Traitors like shuranjit sen comes from your Sylhet, don't forget it.
Yes I am Muslim. And no, I do not support an East Pakistan, just Sylhet. Most Sylheties might have opted for the creation of Pakistan because that was the only option to breakaway from India. But now it's different. To be honest, I don't mind staying a part of Bangladesh as long as some of those morons in Dhaka do not support India. They betray their own nation. All the pro-India Bangladeshis on this board I imagine are from Dhaka. There also seems to be an atheistic movement among the Dhaka population.

Piss on India, piss on Assam. Any Bangladeshis that move to India should never be allowed back, or face death by hanging.

@ Accept it, that is the reality. Wait for the time ---- but to tell you frankly we were never never organized. Reason being of a different blood ???????
we have many issues in hand no time to wast on this unnecessary issue thread close .
Sylhetis are patriotic people who worked for the independence of United Pakistan of 1947.

these people know more about it than i do
@Al-zakir @Md Akmal @Saiful Islam

@ Sylheti people are not that bad
Actually this is incorrect around 45 percent voted to stay with india and 55 percent voted pakistan. I read this somewhere. Let me try find a source.

@ Yes, you are right. The 97% was for the muslim voters among the muslim voted for Pakistan. The correct figure was 83.6 % Muslim Leaque, 5.3 Krishak Proja Party and remaining % got by Jamiat-ul Ulema and Nationalist Muslims. The later two political parties wee being supported by Congress.

@ About referendum of Sylhet, Total votes caste 5,46,815. For united Pakistan 2,39,619 43.8%. For Assam 1,84,041 33.6%. Sorry for giving the wrong information. But Karimganj was supposed to come towards Pakistan as the election result was, for Pakistan 41,262 and for Assam 33,471.
Since 71, I don't think there has ever been talk or independence movement about breaking away from the rest of they country...Sylhet is just as Bangladeshi as Khulna Rajshahi CTG Dhaka or any other place.
are you sure?? :what:


too silly a topic to even exist on the forum
I would like Sylhet to breakaway. I don't like people from Dhaka all that much. They are not very Islamic minded (not saying all but many) and some are traitors, supporting India on various issues. They also have a quasi-intellectual superiority complex. To me, a Dhaka-ite is just as much a foreigner as a Pakistani, Brit, a Chinese. I get along better with whites or even Pakistanis than I do with people from Dhaka here in the UK.

U love shutki mach???? UK te paoya jay??
You don't like anyone, do you seriously think sylhet will survive on its own. Do you know how small it is? Stop opening dumb threads. It makes you look stupid
same argument was used against East Pakistan but it worked out fine thanks to India

all @tahsin needs to do is find a liberator who will help with the insurgency maybe try seeking alliance with BSF? it hates Bangladeshis and hangs their corpses on the wires and poles
same argument was used against East Pakistan but it worked out fine thanks to India

all @tahsin needs to do is find a liberator who will help with the insurgency maybe try seeking alliance with BSF? it hates Bangladeshis and hangs their corpses on the wires and poles

Not an appropriate comparison . Bangladeshi muslim identity, polity and sense of a nation existed well before even the idea of Pakistan. It might not have been called a BD identity as such but it was there.

There is no such thing as a sylheti identity which is materially different to any other regional identity in BD. It is not even even comparable to say the identity of a Punjabi vs baloch. Sylheties are not marginalised or face any kind of discrimination in bangladesh. They are fully fledged members of the nation. The idea is preposterous dreamt up by an isolated quasi Bangladeshi or just by a straight up indian troll

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